Diablo 4 See Other Players

I think it’s an interesting juxtaposition: having that claustrophobia but also seeing other players. It’s almost at odds with the tone and narrative Diablo 4 is going for.

Joe Piepiora: You won’t ever run into players in our dungeon spaces, because those are private. And when you’re going through the campaign narrative itself, you also won’t see other players during those experiences either.

It isn’t until after you’ve finished the campaign in a region that those areas become public, so you might see other players who aren’t members of your party in those spaces.

So particularly through the campaign we really preserve the feeling when you’re interacting with those characters, and you’re completing those objectives and unveiling the story for yourself. And then when you are going back out into the continuous world of Sanctuary, then you will see more players wondering about, you get to go and try to find loot with them, try kill elites, go hunt in more dungeon spaces. It makes it more of a light social experience in those moments without intruding too much upon the feel we’re trying to get as players progress.

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