Diablo 4 Group Content

One discussion point I’ve seen among players is about the potential for having unique rewards gated behind group content, when you’ve got world bosses that require up to 12 players. Do you have anything where there is a shiny new thing and effectively I’ll have to group up to get it? There’s no way I can do it solo? I know there are a couple of players in the world who can solo Ashava!

Joe Piepiora: Yeah, for Diablo 4, we don’t want there to be a hard requirement for you to be in a party to do any of this content to get these rewards.

You talk about Ashava, and that does require that there would be other players around, but we haven’t put things together in such a way that it requires such an intense level of coordination, for example to beat the Ashava encounter, that it necessitates voice chat, or being in a party at all.

We like the idea of playing near each other when you’re trying to attack Ashava particularly, but that really comes down to our world boss encounters and those world events that are out there. Beyond that, basically everything else is extremely solo friendly.

Playing with other players will get you an experience point bonus. There’s incentives to do so. It does make content easier if you’re in a group of four. But you absolutely don’t need to do that.

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