Diablo 4 Payment Past Due

D4 Payment Past Due

Reward: Miners' Lockbox
key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
NamePayment Past Due
ToastA destitute miner seeks a lost lockbox.
Phase105DescriptionA man named Nageed asked me to retrieve a lockbox from the mines. Inside are the wages of workers like him, stolen by bandits who now plague the south. I hope there is something left to give back.
Callback104HeaderSearch for the Miner's Lockbox in Rezam's Excavation
Phase115DescriptionI found the lockbox in the mines, thankfully still intact. I should return it to Nageed, as promised.
Callback114HeaderReturn to Nageed
Callback117HeaderReturn to Nageed
Callback163HeaderTake the Miner's Lockbox

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