Diablo 4 More Value Than Gold

D4 More Value Than Gold

Reward: Cultist TrinketReward: Cultist Trinket
key name
NameMore Value Than Gold
ToastThe Iron Wolves' water supply has been poisoned.
Phase0DescriptionAsa and I chased a bandit into caverns beneath the oasis. We must put a stop to whatever it is they are doing here.
Callback2HeaderEnter the trap door
Callback4HeaderSearch the Tunnels Beneath the Oasis
Phase14DescriptionThe way cleared, we must now discover the bandits' plans.
Callback13HeaderFind what's poisoning the water
Phase17DescriptionThe bandits are using plague demons to create a poison. This must be what they're using to pollute the water.
Callback16HeaderKill the caged plague demons{DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
Phase20DescriptionThe plague demons are dead, but Asa believes there is more going on here. We should continue exploring.
Callback19HeaderContinue searching the Tunnels Beneath the Oasis
Phase23DescriptionA Triune cultist was summoning plague demons. It seems they are behind these acts.
Callback22HeaderSlay the Dahlgur Putrifier
Callback25HeaderSpeak with Asa
Phase44DescriptionThe bandits collapsed the tunnel, halting our progress forward. We must destroy the rubble.
Callback52HeaderBreak through the collapsed tunnel
Phase84DescriptionThe Triune cultist was carrying a medallion. Perhaps it can tell us more about the cultists' plans.
Callback83HeaderAcquire the {ITEM}

key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
LevelAreaDahlgur Oasis
NameMore Value Than Gold
ToastThe Iron Wolves' water supply has been poisoned.
Phase0DescriptionSomething is polluting the Iron Wolves' water supplies. Haddad asked that I meet up with Asa to determine the cause.
Callback27HeaderSpeak with Asa at the oasis' shore
Phase18DescriptionAsa and I chased a bandit into caverns beneath the oasis. We must put a stop to whatever it is they are doing here.
Callback17HeaderEnter the Tunnels Beneath the Oasis
Callback29HeaderInvestigate the oasis' shore

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