Diablo 4 Strange Remedies

D4 Strange Remedies

Reward: Digested Gutweed
key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
LevelAreaIron Wolves Encampment
NameStrange Remedies
ToastThe Iron Wolves are deficient in an unsavory medicinal ingredient.
Phase6DescriptionAsyfa of the Iron Wolves is in need of an oceanic plant that has been digested by the Drowned. It’s a foul task, but she claims this gutweed has medicinal properties. Drowned roam along the Jagged Coast and Blistering Strand.
Callback5HeaderCollect {ITEM}: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
Phase9DescriptionI have collected gutweed from the Drowned. I should return to Asyfa in the Iron Wolf encampment.
Callback8HeaderReturn to Asyfa

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