Diablo 4 Shattered Tribute

D4 Shattered Tribute

Reward: Ice Clan Bones
key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
RegionFractured Peaks
LevelAreaOlyam Tundra
NameShattered Tribute
ToastPay tribute to the Bear Tribe with a show of strength.
Phase0DescriptionSena of the Bear Tribe has asked me to slay Ice Clan khazra and return their bones to her as tribute. The Ice Clan are known to stalk the slopes of Fields of Judgment and the tunnels of Hoarfrost Demise.
Callback39HeaderCollect {ITEM}: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
Phase5DescriptionThe bones of countless Ice Clan khazra clatter within my bags. I should return to the Bear Tribe Refuge and present the Chieftain with my collection.
Callback4HeaderReturn to Sena

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