Diablo 4 Legacy Unmade

D4 Legacy Unmade

Reward: The Woodsman's AxeReward: The Woodsman's Axe
key name
NameLegacy Unmade
Callback67HeaderFollow Parin into the Sanctified Study
Callback29HeaderPlace the Woodsman's Axe in the holy water
Callback20HeaderProtect Parin
Callback22HeaderSlay the Demon
Callback31HeaderSpeak with Parin
Callback37HeaderDestroy the Woodsman's Axe
Callback53HeaderPick up the Woodsman's Axe

key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
RegionFractured Peaks
NameLegacy Unmade
ToastFind Parin near the Sanctified Study to sunder the cursed axe.
Phase0DescriptionA priest named Parin has asked me to meet him at his study where we can sunder the Woodsman's Axe.
Callback8HeaderMeet the Parin in the Crags of Ill Wind
Phase14DescriptionA priest named Parin has asked me to meet him at his study where we can sunder the Woodsman's Axe.
Callback20HeaderEnter the Sanctified Study
Phase28DescriptionA priest named Parin has asked me to meet him at his study where we can sunder the Woodsman's Axe.
Callback30HeaderMeet the Parin in the Crags of Ill Wind

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