Diablo 4 Menestad Coffers

D4 Menestad Coffers

Reward: Tithing Demands
key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
RegionFractured Peaks
LevelAreaCrags of Ill Wind
NameMenestad Coffers
ToastA tithe collector is growing impatient with an overdue collection.
Phase0DescriptionA Cathedral tithe collector seems concerned about a monk she sent to Menestand. She has asked that I search the roads leading to Menestad for a missing monk named Bozan.
Callback2HeaderInvestigate the road to Menestad for Monk Bozan
Callback8HeaderSearch the cliffs for signs of Monk Bozan
Callback11HeaderSearch the ravine for Monk Bozan
Phase15DescriptionI found Monk Bozan amid the wreckage of his wagon. He is injured, but alive. I should check on him.
Callback14HeaderSpeak with Monk Bozan
Phase20DescriptionMonk Bozan has asked me to carry the Tithing Demands the rest of the way to Menestad for him. They are stored in a Strongbox near his wrecked wagon.
Callback31HeaderCollect the {ITEM}
Phase29DescriptionI have the Tithing Demands. Now to bring them to Merchant Lord Talgun at the Menestad marketplace.
Callback28HeaderDeliver the Tithing Demands to Talgun the Merchant Lord

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