Diablo 4 No Deed Unpunished

D4 No Deed Unpunished

key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
RegionDry Steppes
LevelAreaAbahru Canyon
NameNo Deed Unpunished
ToastPrevent the Triune from recruiting bandits near Onyx Watchtower.
Phase0DescriptionI found a letter detailing the Triune's efforts to recruit followers amongst the bandits of the Onyx Watchtower. I should find these cultists and put a stop to their plans.
Callback2HeaderStop the cultists' recruiting efforts
Phase8DescriptionThe bodies indicate they were killed by the bandits they tried to convert. A blood trail leading away may indicate a survivor.
Callback7HeaderLook for survivors
Phase9DescriptionI found the cultists dead in the bandit camp. I should check the bodies to see what happened.
Callback11HeaderExamine the corpses

key name
NameNo Deed Unpunished
Callback2HeaderFree the Caged Cultist
Callback6HeaderKill the cultist
Callback10HeaderFree the Caged Cultist

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