Diablo 4 Hunger for a New Life

D4 Hunger for a New Life

Reward: Empty Tea Infuser, Filled Tea Infuser
key name
NameHunger for a New Life
Phase31DescriptionI've found Zolaya's hideout. All that's left to do now is fill the tea infuser with the medicinal herbs she mentioned.
Callback30HeaderFill the tea infuser with herbs

key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
RegionDry Steppes
NameHunger for a New Life
ToastHelp Zolaya and Oyuun move forward with their new life in Farobru
Phase8DescriptionI found Zolaya and Oyuun attempting to settle down in Farobru, but Oyuun seems to be having a traumatic flashback. Zolaya has sent me to an old hideout out of hers with a tea infuser to fill with herbs, in the hopes the tea will help calm Oyuun down.
Callback7HeaderEnter Zolaya's Hideout
Phase11DescriptionI've retrieved the herbs Zolaya mentioned from her hideout. I should return to her in Farobru, so she can make the tea for Oyuun. I hope it helps.
Callback10HeaderReturn to Zolaya and Oyuun
Phase34DescriptionI found Zolaya and Oyuun attempting to settle down in Farobru, but Oyuun seems to be having a traumatic flashback. Zolaya has sent me to an old hideout out of hers with a tea infuser to fill with herbs, in the hopes the tea will help calm Oyuun down.
Callback40HeaderTake Empty Tea Infuser from Zolaya

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