Diablo 4 Crush & Crushing Blows

D4 Crush

The Barbarian takes pride in their physical capabilities. Their arsenal of weaponry makes them deadly in close combat. With the power of their ancient bloodline, Barbarians crush foes into piles of gore or send them flying across the battlefield. Their brute strength is equally matched by their speed and ferocity as they unleash fury on the battlefield, dismembering limbs from all that stand in their way.

Some examples of death types that Barbarians can trigger:

  • Crush – Flatten a monster under the weight of a heavy object
  • Decapitate - Remove a monster’s head from its body
  • Cut In Half - Sweet :)
  • Break Lower Limbs- The monster’s lower body is shattered, splitting several of their joints

Diablo 4 Crushing Blows

Crushing Blow is a special magic property in Diablo II and Diablo IV that allows delivering a devastating blow for massive damage equal to a percentage of the enemy Life.

A unique class mechanic of the Druid is the chance to deal Crushing Blows with any Earth skills, reducing the enemy Life by a flat percentage of their total (not current!) health, although its effect against Bosses and other players is reduced.

Crushing Blows return as a class mechanic for Druids, triggered by their Earth skills.

Unlike Diablo II, this incarnation deals damage based on maximum Life, making it much dealier.

It still deals reduced damage to Bosses and other players.

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Related: Diablo 2 Crushing Blows

added to certain Set, Crafted or Unique Items, but not to Magic or Rare Items. When striking, a crushing blow will reduce an enemy’s current life by a certain percentage as follows:

Type of Weapon Used vs. Normal Enemies vs. Players or Hirelings vs. Champions, Uniques, Bosses
Melee Weapons 25% 10% 12.5%
Missile Weapons 12.5% 5% 6.25%
  • Because Crushing Blow items can stack, it is possible to get up to 100% chance for Crushing Blow.
  • Physical resistance does apply to Crushing Blow damage, as long as the enemy has a positive physical resistance.
  • Crushing Blow removes a portion of the enemy’s current life, not its maximum life; so, for example, hitting Hell Diablo when he has 40,000 hit points left will remove 5,000 hit points (12.5% x 40,000), not 12.5% of his original total.
    • That being said, because Crushing Blow removes a % of the monster’s current Life, it is equally useful in large Multiplayer games or when the /players x command is in effect, allowing you to down enemies within an efficient timeframe.
  • Since 1.10, Crushing Blow is calculated before any other damage is applied.

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