Diablo 4 Weapon Types

List of Diablo 4 Weapon Types

  • 1-Handed
  • 2-Handed
  • Offhands

How to change Weapon Drop Sounds?

Change options settings: Options -> Sound -> Weapon.

Apply this effect to all weapon items.

  • 1-Handed
  • 2-Handed
  • Offhands

Diablo 4 Weapon Drop Sounds

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We’ll start by looking at the many different weapons available to classes in Diablo IV. Our weapon types look visually distinct and have meaningful effects on gameplay through features like the Barbarian’s Arsenal. We’ve also done a lot of work in the game engine to make weapons feel more real and physical, like the Barbarian carving a trough through the ground with their mace during Upheaval.

Diablo 4 Weapon Types

Characters in Diablo IV use their weapons to perform skills and channel magical power.

But something was still missing. Wands should be faster than quarterstaves, and swords and maces should do different things. To see what that feels like in action, we’ve added weapon speeds and inherent characteristics to all weapons in our latest internal test environment.

Diablo 4 Weapon Types

Two different weapon choices for a level 20 Sorceress.

In general, one-handed weapons excel at letting you attack and reposition quickly, while slower two-handed weapons deal more damage. You can really feel the differences between them.

Diablo 4 Weapon Types

You can opt for a Staff to cast more damaging Frost bolts, or a Wand to channel them more quickly.

In addition to speed, each type of weapon has an inherent physical characteristic. For shields this is block value, meaning that any shield you find in Sanctuary is going to have block, in addition to any magical affixes it may have. As physical properties, these traits are consistent across all weapons of the same type and cannot be modified.

Diablo 4 Weapon Types

The physical characteristics of a weapon are shown above the separator in item tooltips. Here we see examples of a shield, wand, and axe.

You might notice another thing about these items: they’re high-resolution renders of the actual equipment. In a game like Diablo, icons are important. They often contribute as much to the identity of a cool piece of loot as the in-game representation on your character. Items that don’t appear on your character, like rings, are defined by their icons. We’ve upgraded all of them.

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