Diablo 4 Item Quality

D4 Item Qualities

Item Qualities are a mix out of those from previous Diablo titles, consisting of Normal, Magic, Rare, Legendary, Set, and Unique items.

Name Properties
Normal - No affixes
Magic - Can have the highest individual affixes
Rare - Usually better than Magic items
Legendary - Random affixes and 1 Legendary affix, with the latter also rolling randomly
- Legendary affixes have fixed item types they can appear on (e.g. a specific affix might only appear on One-Handed Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Gloves, Amulets, and Rings)
- Legendary affixes have increased power on specific item types (e.g. a specific affix might have 33% increased power on an Amulet)
- They modify skills in a similar way as seen in Diablo 3
- Hundreds of new Legendaries (different types: generic (good for every build), category-specific and skill-specific)
- Class skills crossing over through Legendaries is being explored, but very limited and only on endgame items to keep class identity intact
- Legendaries will not "rain from the sky" like in Diablo 3
Set - Sets will not be available at launch, instead they will be included in a post-launch update
- Less powerful or equal to Legendaries (more introductory to the class or to live out a certain fantasy), which means that you will eventually graduate out of them
Unique - Build-around items with completely fixed affixes
- Heavily thematic and usually with class-specific powers

Item Quality D4

We’re increasing the potential power of individual affixes on Magic items. We’re increasing the maximum number of affixes on Rare and better items in the endgame. Legendary affixes now roll randomly (Yes, really!) on Legendary Items. And Unique items will replace Mythics.

Diablo 4 Item Qualities

Magic items can now have the most powerful regular affixes, while Rare items get up to five, and Legendary items have four regular affixes and one legendary affix.

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