Diablo 4 Wardrobe Location

The Wardrobe returns in Diablo IV. It allows players to mix and match hundreds of armor components unique to their class, alongside custom color palettes to create the class fantasy that best represents one's character.

D4 Wardrobe Location

The Wardrobe can be found and accessed in major towns next to your stash. It lets you mix and match armor components as well as select custom color palettes. You are also able to hide appearances of specific item slots. Once you have assembled your desired transmog, you can save it for future use.

Diablo 4 Wardrobe Location

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Wardrobe system

The new Wardrobe system will let you mix and match armor components, alongside custom color palettes.

We call this the Lair scene. Players can customize their character’s look here in our exciting Wardrobe system, which allows you to mix and match hundreds of armor pieces unique to your class, along with custom color palettes to create a class fantasy that represents your character.

We think modified items display a “This look is available at the Wardrobe” message on their item detail screens. A dye drop icon is shown beside the messasge:

Diablo 4 Wardrobe system

Message indicating an item has been modified in the Wardrobe.

Transmog / Wardrobe

As you acquire more and more gear, you may notice that certain weapons and armor pieces having cooler aesthetics than others. For some people, looking cool is more important than getting an upgrade. If you want to keep the awesome look of an epic sword, but also want to upgrade to a better base, just go salvage your old gear!

Salvaging a piece of gear permanently captures its visual appearance for you to use in the Wardrobe to transmog your new gear. Transmogging your gear only changes the look of the gear piece. It does not transfer any of the item's stats or powers. While this may seem unimportant to some, no one likes putting down their cool early-level flaming sword from an epic quest reward, to use a strictly better, but lame looking weapon.

Related: Diablo 3 Wardrobe

The Wardrobe was added to Diablo III in patch 2.2.0. It only appears in the PC version.

It is found in the Campaign and Adventure Modes, in every town of any act, close to the waypoint and the Mystic. Its only purpose is easy access to all of the character's cosmetic functions:

  • Wings and their equivalents
  • Portraits (allows changing them at will; highest Paragon portrait is displayed by default)
  • Non-combat pets
  • Pennants

Alternatively, one may access the Cosmetic menu via the respective mirror button in the lower right corner.

The rewards are shared among all characters on the account.

Only one pair of Wings and only one Pennant (or both) can be equipped per character, but they will be visible both in game and on the character selection screen, as well as persist through death and game sessions.

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