Diablo 4 Unique VS Legendary

Diablo 4 Unique VS Legendary

Diablo 4 Unique VS Legendary

Rarity: Legendary < Unique. Uniques are the most rarest items. Both Legendary items and Unique items are untradeable.


While Legendaries have randomized types of affixes, Unique gear has static ones that will always appear on the item whenever it drops. Also, even though the potency of these affixes is randomized, the power of affixes on Uniques is typically higher than what you’ll usually get with Legendaries.

The special effects provided by Uniques are also considerably stronger than most Legendary Aspect buffs, which is saying a lot considering how valuable Legendaries can be. 

Extract Affixes

Legendary Aspects can be imprinted on Rare and Legendary items at the Occultist. After imprinting:

  • Rare items turn into Legendaries with the affixes that were previously on that item, plus the newly added Legendary Power.
  • Legendaries have their existing Legendary Power overwritten with the new one.

You can’t extract Unique effects and imprint them on other pieces of gear at the Occultist.

Drop Rate

Unique items in Diablo 4 have an incredibly low drop rate compared to other types of loot because of how much they’ll level up the power of your builds. 


Legendary items are more common and can easily get them.

In World Tier 3: Nightmare, You’ll need to kill boss monsters and open Tortured Gifts in Helltide locations while playing on World Tier 3 and hope you get a Unique to drop. Notably, some Uniques will only start dropping in World Tier 4: Torment, which you can’t access until you beat the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon on World Tier 3

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