Diablo 4 Chalk Writing Over Ancient Symbols

D4 Chalk Writing Over Ancient Symbols

Name Description
Chalk Writing Over Ancient Symbols
"The Eternal Conflict"
Lilith showed me the ugly truth of our cosmos. The Eternal Conflict. Angels and demons have battled over control of all creation for all time. To what end? I asked, and she simply laughed.
Chalk Writing Over Ancient Symbols
"Forbidden Love"
Lilith saw a way to escape the Eternal Conflict. She tells me it started with the seduction of the angel Inarius. All this time, he was just as fallible as any man.
Chalk Writing Over Ancient Symbols
Lilith is Sanctuary’s mother. Somehow, I felt the truth of it the moment she said it to those Knights. Now I know how. She used Inarius to craft this world, a refuge from the Eternal Conflict.
Chalk Writing Over Ancient Symbols
"The Firstborn"
All my life, I’ve sought the origin of humankind. It was always her. From the union of angels and demons came the first generation of humanity. They were powerful. Movers of mountains, shakers of seas.
Chalk Writing Over Ancient Symbols
She was so proud in the telling of this part. Lilith and Inarius bore a son together: Rathma. He is wise beyond years, the first to untangle the power of necromancy. She says his lair lies deeper in...

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