Diablo 4 Growing Reminders

D4 Growing Reminders

Reward: Stolen Idol, Marsh Snake Venom, Timue's Salve
key name
WorldSanctuary: Estuar
LevelAreaImmurement of Thorns
NameGrowing Reminders
ToastKres seeks to right a wrong from his past.
Phase0DescriptionKres wants to return an object he stole, but he is having trouble remembering who it belonged to. If we talk, maybe I can help him remember.
Callback5HeaderHelp Kres remember who "the woman" is
Phase10DescriptionKres wants to return an object he stole, but he is having trouble remembering who it belonged to. If we talk, maybe I can help him remember.
Callback99HeaderHelp Kres remember who "the woman" is
Phase15DescriptionKres remembered "the woman" he stole from was Timue. I should return the item to her.
Callback14HeaderDeliver the Stolen Idol to Timue
Phase18DescriptionHaving returned the item, Timue offered to create a salve to help Kres. I need to collect the venom of marsh snakes.
Callback17HeaderCollect {ITEM} from Nangari Spitters: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
Phase21DescriptionWith Timue's salve, I should return to Kres. He will want to know about Timue's reaction.
Callback20HeaderGive Kres Timue's salve
Callback23HeaderGive Timue the Marsh Snake Venom
Phase37DescriptionKres asked that I apply Timue's salve to him, given that he can't do it himself.
Callback36HeaderApply the salve to Kres
Callback59HeaderAcquire {ITEM}

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