Diablo 4 Chieftain of the Rotting Halls

D4 Chieftain of the Rotting Halls

Chieftain of the Rotting Halls

Location: Hawezar. Bounty Tier: 1.

One who violates their pact with the Tree of Whispers will always pay the inevitable price.


  1. Find the corpse
  2. Defeat the Chieftain of the Rotting Halls

Id: Quest_Bounty_Assassinate_Tier1_Hawe_FallenCaster_Refactor

Rotting Halls Diablo 4 Location

The Ruins of Eridu Dungeon is at the Tonix fens in Hawezar. This is near the bottom of the map. Its entrance resembles a cave mouth. And has the typical reddish-orange glow of a Diablo IV dungeon.

Rotting Halls Diablo 4 Location

When you enter the Ruins of Eridu Dungeon, you’ll find yourself in the Rotting Halls. This is where you’ll get your first task. Which is to kill all the enemies in this part of the dungeon.

Follow the main path of the dungeon till you come across some enemies. Then start killing. Continue deeper inside the dungeon, killing enemies as you go. If you encounter large hordes of enemies, use AoE attacks to damage multiple foes at once.

Once you kill a specific number of enemies, the game shows you the number of enemies left. You’ll see this in green on the right side of the screen. Keep killing until this number reaches zero and disappears.

Update: In multiple control runs, we were able to confirm that Ruins of Eridu now spawns a lot fewer Elite monsters In general and also doesn't spawn them on top of players if enough monsters were killed. It could also be that Blizzard decided to roll back the "Slay All Enemies" interaction as a whole which would affect a lot more dungeons in Diablo 4!

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Kill Two Banes of Eridu

Once you slay all the enemies in the Rotting Halls, your next task is to travel to the Fallen Chambers. Move forward and reference the map for where to go. You’ll eventually come across the Fallen Chambers. Enter it.

After you enter the Fallen Chambers, your objective changes to slaying two Banes of Eridu. This chamber also has multiple enemies and a Cursed Chest. If you interact with the Chest, it will trigger a wave of enemies. You must survive this enemy assault for the set time visible on the right side of the screen. 

Once that’s done, return to your primary objective. Killing two Banes of Eridu. You’ll find these marked on the map. Make your way to them and defeat them to move to the next step.

Defeat Spiritcaller of Flames

Your next task after defeating the two Banes of Eridu is to make your way to the Lair of the Riser. Once there, you must defeat the Spiritcaller of Flames. This is a large ghoulish shaman boss. He wields a staff and has great power over fire and the undead. 

Defeating him completes the dungeon and rewards you with the Legendary Sacrificial Aspect. This is an offensive Necromancer aspect that increases your Sacrifice bonuses by 15%. You also get Gold and 1-2 Rare gear items.


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