Diablo 4 Controller Support on PC

Can you play on PC and use a controller? Absolutely, controllers are also supported on PC.

PC controller support

Diablo 4 supports PC controller.

Then a PC controller support. Can you play uh on PC and use a controller? Absolutely, that's the main way that I do it, and fun fact. It's a really great way.

We also know how to use a mouse. Yeah, it's a great way of grabbing shops too. If you're like using a camera or something like that, it gives you a stable hand for sure.

Controller Support on PC D4

This is the first time a Diablo game is being developed simultaneously for both PC and consoles, but the decision to support controller input on PC is what caused the greater paradigm shift for us. We wanted to give players the ability to switch between the two options freely, so our UI needed to be unified enough that swapping hardware inputs on the fly wouldn’t throw people completely off kilter. A unified UI means our layouts are more grid-based for ease of navigation, but it doesn’t necessarily mean an identical interaction flow.

Diablo 4 Controller Support

We try to maintain this sort of approach, of keeping established keyboard and mouse conventions while creating controller-friendly shortcuts or alternate flows, throughout the game. Controller support shouldn’t be a limiter on how complex our game can be; it just means we have more paths that we need to consider. It’s not a simple undertaking, but we’re really striving for a native feel for both types of inputs.

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