Pillars - Diablo 4

D4 Pillars

Name Description
Pillars Summons pillars that can obstruct movement and block attacks. Pillars are often used as a setup for Mallet Slam, which triggers them to explode for massive damage.

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Name Description
Chest Swing Thrusts the treasure chest forward, then swings it around in a 360 area of effect attack. The chest thrust itself is a minor threat, but the swing deals massive damage. You can avoid the swing by standing in between the chain and the chest, or by standing at a great distance.
Mallet Slam Raises mallet, then slams the ground, causing a huge shockwave throughout the area. This by itself is a minor threat, but when there are pillars around (see below), the shockwave causes them to explode, dealing large amounts of damage. Pillars activated by the Mallet Slam explode after 3 seconds, enough time to get out of the way. The destroyed pillars leave a puddle of gold dust on the ground, dealing damage over time if stood in.
Mallet Thrust Sends a rocky shockwave through the ground in a cone. Deals massive damage and has a wide range. There is a wind up period before he does this. Use this brief period to evade anywhere but in front of him.
Portal Charge Summons a portal that he jumps into, then reappears after a few seconds charging out of a different portal randomly on the battlefield. When charging into the portal, he deals minor damage if you are in the way. Charging out of the next portal hits you for massive damage and can knockdown.
Cleave Swings mallet around him 180 degrees from the starting point. Deals moderate damage.
Gold Vomit Vomits gold beneath him in a large area. Standing in the gold deals damage over time.
Ground Stomp Pulls you in with a wind up and deals minor damage.
Pillars Summons pillars that can obstruct movement and block attacks. Pillars are often used as a setup for Mallet Slam, which triggers them to explode for massive damage.

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