Double Swipe - Diablo 4

D4 Double Swipe

Double Swipe Carves the ground in a 360 degree sweep, then carves again right after in a 180 degree sweep. Wide attack, massive damage. When you see this start up animation, run! Remember, there are 2 attacks, so do not jump back in too early.

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Double Swipe Carves the ground in a 360 degree sweep, then carves again right after in a 180 degree sweep. Wide attack, massive damage. When you see this start up animation, run! Remember, there are 2 attacks, so do not jump back in too early.
Leap Jumps and tackles you, which can knock you down. She dips into a pouncing stance before leaping. Use evade to move anywhere but in front of her.
Ground Pound Pounds the ground, then swipes behind shortly afterwards, hitting front and back. Pull effect and massive damage. The pound itself is no threat. Use this animation to evade out the way.
Acid spit Vomits 3 blobs of Poison on the battlefield. Stays for 20 seconds.
Bite Melee range. Bites 4 times consecutively, with the last bite having a bigger animation and dealing more damage.

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