Diablo 4 Trag’Oul

D4 Trag’Oul

Trag’Oul (lit. The One Who is Forever, among other translations of the name) is an ancient and mysterious dragon-like being who guards Sanctuary and maintains the Balance between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, intent on keeping Sanctuary free from angelic and demonic influences. His fate is tied to that of Sanctuary.

The Priests of Rathma use a five-sided pattern to represent Trag’Oul, the five points each holding a symbol representing one of the five elements they believe Trag’Oul to be linked to—earth, air, fire, water, and time. As the fulcrum of the Balance, they believe that the elements of Creation are tied to him.

On page adjacent to page 236 in The Art of Diablo Book, where Lilith can be seen holding Diablo’s skull, at the bottom of the picture is displayed a serpent-like creature that is very reminiscent of Trag’Oul as he was depicted in the Book of Cain, hinting at his possible appearance in Diablo IV.

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