Diablo 4 Texture Quality Settings

How to change Texture Quality settings?

Change options settings: Options -> Graphics -> Texture Quality.

Determines the clarity and size of textures used thoughout the game. Higher texture quality will result in more detail, but it requires more system memory(RAM) and video memory(VRAM).

Name Description
Low Suitable for playing up to 720p resolution.
Medium Suitable for playing up to 1080p resolution.
High Suitable for playing up to 4k resolution.
Ultra Recommended for playing at 4k resolution. Requires 32 GB of RAM for a smooth play expericence.

Diablo 4 Texture Quality

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Optimizing Settings to Your Experience

The texture quality option is one of the settings with the biggest impact on memory usage and seamless gameplay. There are four quality options to choose from in total, but we’ll focus on two: Ultra and High. Ultra, the highest quality, requires the High-Resolution Assets to be selected via the install options menu within Battle.net and requires at least 32GB of memory installed in the system. The Ultra quality is best used when playing on a 4k monitor, but the game will use more memory to do so. The High option is suitable for 1440p and 1080p resolution displays. Decreasing texture quality makes the game load lower resolution textures and increases performance, while reducing the memory used by the game at the cost of softer looking textures.

Diablo 4 Texture Quality

The shadow quality also has a big impact on memory usage. Reducing this setting will decrease memory usage while increasing performance, but the shadows will look less sharp for both sun and local lights shadows.

If memory is a concern, we recommend decreasing both texture quality and shadow quality. Some of the other settings have relevant memory impact (like Geometry Complexity), but most have little to no impact. For more information on each individual option, visit the settings menu.

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