Diablo 4 Swarmer

Swarmer D4

Swarmers strike in groups, making AoE attacks feel satisfying.

Drowned family

Drowned family has five members in various archetypes: bruiser, ranged combat, melee combat, swarmer, and dungeon boss. Each archetype plays a different role in combat.

  • Swarmers strike in groups, making AoE attacks feel satisfying.
  • Bruisers are larger monsters with high health values, which will make damage over time abilities feel good.
  • Melee combat units act as shields by standing in the way of projectiles for their ranged counterparts.

Situations like this provide the player with interesting positional dilemmas if they want to focus fire on ranged units. When adding all of this together, each encounter with the Drowned will be slightly different with regards to player positioning and choice of attack. These rich and varied combat experiences are the power of a monster family.

Cannibal Weaponry

The Cannibal family has four members. They each have their own unique weapon and a significantly different silhouette or stance to help differentiate them from one another. There are two standard melee combatants: one wielding a two-handed greatsword cleaver, which delivers a slow, sweeping frontal attack; and the other using a lightweight halberd which allows them to leap at players from a great distance and crash down with a devastating attack.

The bruiser uses a spiked club in each hand to deliver intense blows that will stun players if they aren’t paying attention. By contrast, the dual-axe-wielding swarmers can unleash a flurry of frontal attacks that will quickly kill if left unchecked. However, this is a less binary pass/fail than the bruiser’s stun attack. If the player finds themselves surrounded by flurrying swarmers, getting hit by the bruiser’s dazing blow would remove all possibility of escape. It’s combinations of attacks like these that make this family so deadly.

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