Diablo 4 SSF Solo Self-Found

Solo Self-Found (SSF) D4

Solo Self-Found (SSF) — a popular way to play ARPGs which disables features like trading and grouping with other players to make the game more of a challenge — is currently not planned for Diablo IV, but is being considered.

Game Modes: Normal, Hardcore, Solo Self-Found, and Offline Play

The game will feature Normal and Hardcore as its game modes. Hardcore remains the same as seen in previous Diablo installments, meaning that the character will be lost forever upon death. There are no plans for characters being converted to Normal after dying, like in Path of Exile for example.

Offline Play will not be supported, thus requiring an internet connection to play.

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Grouping vs. Solo Play

You will be able to form groups of up to four players. Sticking close together will grant players a buff which grants 5%, 8%, or 11% bonus XP, depending on the number of players nearby. Once a group is formed, the party leader’s state of the campaign and world will be used. Players can communicate with each other through the use of in-game party voice chat.

The developers are aiming for solo play to be as rewarding as group play. If that can’t be achieved they want to err on the side of group play to avoid that everyone only plays solo. All content progression and items will be available to everyone, regardless of solo or group play.

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