Diablo 4 Sorceress Legendary Node

List of D4 Sorceress Legendary Node

Legendary Node Paragon Boards Description Class
Searing Heat Casting Fireball or Meteor increases the Critical Strike Chance of further casts of that Skill by 5% for 5 seconds, up to 15%. Additional stacks do not refresh this timer. Sorcerer
Frigid Fate Dealing Cold Damage to Vulnerable enemies increases your Lucky Hit Chance by 1% for 5 seconds, up to 15%. Sorcerer
Static Surge Stunning Close enemies restores 10 Mana. Sorcerer
Elemental Summoner Your Conjuration Skills have a 10 reduced Cooldown or Mana cost per Conjuration Skill you have equipped. Sorcerer
Burning Instinct Your Burning damage is increased by 40% of your Critical Strike Damage, further increased by 5% for every 20 Intelligence you have. (Current Bonus: [Crit_Damage_Percent * 0.4 + (floor(Intelligence_Total / 20) * 0.05)]) Sorcerer
Icefall Killing a Frozen enemy grants you 15% of your Maximum Life as a Barrier ({shield:BARRIER}) for 5 seconds. Sorcerer
Ceaseless Conduit Crackling Energy has a 25% chance to not consume a Charge when triggered. Crackling Energy’s damage is increased by 2% per 20 total Intelligence you have. (Current Bonus: [floor(Intelligence_Total / 20) * 0.02 ]) Sorcerer
Enchantment Master Your Enchantments are 20% stronger. Sorcerer

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