Diablo 4 Servers

Will Diablo 4 Have Servers?

While Diablo IV has MMO-esque features, it is not divided into server regions. The game’s regions are all their own separate instances with varying numbers of players in each, meaning that players will gracefully transition from one densely populated area to a more sparsely populated one without realizing it. For instance, towns have high population caps, and players will generally see each other here. Overworld zones have lower caps, so player encounters will be less frequent. The cap soars for World Bosses, in order to allow players to team up to defeat them.

For all intents and purposes, there will still be Diablo 4 servers situated in different regions. This is to minimize latency, of course, so technically, there have to be regional servers in Diablo 4.

However, you will not have to change servers and characters. That’s where the great news about no regional locking comes into play. To put it simply, players across the globe will be able to play together on all platforms. 

Unlike its predecessors, Diablo 4 will NOT be region-locked and will feature full cross-play support between all platforms the game is available on. Essentially, a Diablo 4 player or Xbox One from North America will be able to party with a player on PS5 from Asia, and a PC gamer from the UK, for example. 

After receiving feedback from the Diablo IV Beta, do you have a specific focus on what you want to change before launch?

The server infrastructure being ready for launch is the most important. They also want to focus on class balance and difficulty balance.

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