Diablo 4 Scroll of Escape Drop Chance

D4 Scroll of Escape

Scroll of Escape: Teleports you to a random place in the world. — The developers also mentioned that disconnecting in a dungeon will automatically use a Scroll of Escape if available.

The Scroll of Escape, a new, rare consumable item announced for Diablo 4, will allow a player to escape dangerous situations: “This is a challenging problem from an engineering point of view. We don’t want to solve it by making hardcore not matter. There’s an expectation of what hardcore means. In Diablo 4, we have a consumable that’s rare and limited. If you’re in a dangerous situation, you can use the item to escape. The Scroll of Escape.”

  • The drop chance of Scroll of Escape has been reduced from 0.1% to 0.025%.

Teleported to a random location

The biggest downfall of the Scroll of Escape is that, once used, the character is teleported to a random location. It’s not clear if this location is constrained to the current region the character is in or anywhere in the world of Sanctuary: “Where you are teleported to is hard to say. You have no control of where you will be teleported.”

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Auto-use Upon Disconnecting

If a character (even a Hardcore mode one) has one of these rare Scroll of Escape consumables, the character will automatically use it if a disconnect is detected while in a dungeon: “You’re not going to have a lot of these. We don’t want to obviate the danger of hardcore. You asked about disconnects. If you disconnect in a dungeon and have a scroll, you will automatically use it.”

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