Diablo 4 Rathma

D4 Rathma

Rathma possibly appears in Diablo IV; the game’s reveal cinematic shows an individual summoning Lilith into Sanctuary. Cinematic files label the summoner as being Rathma.

Rathma, whose birth name was Linarian, is a first-generation nephalem and tutor to the first Necromancer of his namesake’s order, the Priests of Rathma. Rathma’s parents were the ringleaders of Sanctuary’s creation, Lilith and Inarius; he balked against their different yet equally domineering ways from an early age.

Rathma was a key participant in the Sin War, acting in the shadows alongside the mystical being Trag’Oul to sabotage both his parent’s causes and preserve the Balance by ensuring that neither his parents nor their respective races could dominate the future of the world. Subsequently, he was one of the few residents of Sanctuary able to recall the events of the war, which was assumed to be an allowance for the original nephalem due to their highly advanced ages by that time. He then established the Priests of Rathma along with founding necromancer Kalan, ensuring the Balance would forevermore have its protectors even if the world could not remember the events that nearly destroyed it.

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Personality and Traits

Rathma is said to have inherited his father’s stoicism, and Bul-Kathos regarded him as being without humor (not entirely true, as Rathma showed himself to be capable of dry humor at times), though the two had respect for each other. By his own admission, Rathma is a “stubborn fool.” He was a brooding and solitary individual, speaking in a “bland” tone most of the time, and valued the Balance of light and dark above any other consideration, believing it to be the best and only choice for Sanctuary. He resents both his parents, believing that Lilith sought to save the nephalem not out of any love, but to make them her own. He likewise considered his father to be capable of actions just as heinous.

Rathma is tall and has very pale skin. His face resembled that of a normal human, but Mendeln noted that his features were angular and “far too perfect.” Uldyssian further noted the “great age” that he could see within Rathma’s eyes. During the Sin War, he wore a dark cloak, and carried a dagger made out of bone. His hair was exceptionally dark, though after Uldyssian’s sacrifice, streaks of gray appeared upon it.

Rathma is capable of shifting between Sanctuary and Trag’Oul’s realm at will, and can teleport within Sanctuary. He can also pass through solid objects. He has demonstrated an ability akin to telepathy, but it is not reading thoughts, but rather, the sensations behind them. In Rathma’s view, this is far more accurate, as thoughts can be filled with lies.

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