Diablo 4 Proc Coefficient

D4 Proc Coefficient

Proc Coefficient (a.k.a. PC, or Proc Rate) refers to the probability to trigger an effect, such as stun or critical hit. The word proc means an effect has been activated.

Proc Coefficient has range between 0 to 1. For example, Glacial Spike’s freezing effect has a proc coefficient of 1, meaning it has a 100% chance to freeze a monster when it hits.

The current state of Proc Coefficient is unknown in Diablo IV. Before it was removed, the Ancestral Power stat increases the chances of all ‘on hit’ effects. Although not above 100%, it effectively boosted the Proc Coefficient and the probabilities of all possible procs.

Ancestral Power increases the chance of on-hit effects (aka increased proc chance / Proc Coefficient)

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