Diablo 4 Monster Parts

List of Diablo 4 Monster Parts

  1. Demon’s Heart
  2. Paletongue
  3. Grave Dust
  4. Crushed Beast Bones

Demon’s Heart

Demon’s Heart is a magic crafting material. Found in the bodies of demons.

Each Demon still carries a withered, beating heart that propels it forward. Rarely they are left in fine enough condition after the Demon is slain to use for other means.

Diablo 4 Demon’s Heart


Paletongue is a Magic Crafting Material. Found in the mouths of evil humans.

The lies spouted by particularly black-hearted humans rarely manifest in turning their tongues a milky white.

Diablo 4 Paletongue

Grave Dust

Grave Dust is a Magic Crafting Material. Found in the bodies, bones, or cerements of the undead.

Long exposure to the walking dead imbues this dust with their inverse vitality, used in necromatic alchemies.

Diablo 4 Grave Dust

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Crushed Beast Bones

Crushed Beast Bones is a Magic Crafting Material. Found by killing beasts and animals, as well as werecreatures.

Within the bones of wild creatures dwells a raw potency used by alchemists to enhance physical properties.

Diablo 4 Crushed Beast Bones

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