Diablo 4 How to Join a Party?

Joining a party will transfer you to the party leader's world, the state of which is determined by the leader's progress through the Campaign.

How to join a Party?

You can directly group up with your Battle.net friends by hovering their name and either inviting them to your party or requesting to join their party. If you meet a player in the vast Open World, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the player with your mouse or get close to them when playing Diablo 4 on console.
  2. Hit the action wheel and click “Invite to Party”.
  3. Your trade partner receives a request to group up. When they accept the request they are now a part of your party.

Base Mechanics

Generally, it is an advantage to group up as party with friends on characters with similar power levels. The life and damage done by monsters in the Open World does not scale with the amount of players. However the life and damage done by Monsters in Dungeons (instances with a maximum of 4 players) scales up with the number of party members.

  • There can only be up to 4 party members in the same party.
  • There is one party leader that can add or remove other players.
  • The State of your Open World State & quest progression depends on the party leader.
  • Once you join a party your World State is set to the party leaders and you might lose any unfinished quest progression, so make sure you do not accept a party invitation when you are about to finish a quest.
  • There is a separate in-game party chat to communicate.
  • Buffs from skills like War Cry benefit party members as well as non allied players nearby in the Open World.

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