Diablo 4 Gear Audio Cues

D4 In-Game Gear Audio Cues

An audio cue will play when you hover your cursor over an item to help you locate it. Additionally, we now allow you to control which rarity of items play their audio cue upon being dropped. So, if you wanted to only hear when Legendary Items drop to increase your farming efficiency, you can make that happen.

We wanted to give players an additional channel of communication with which to intake gameplay-specific information. When gear drops from enemies, by default you’ll see the animation and a color signifying the rarity. This feature introduces the addition of sounds to ensure players of all abilities can locate their loot while simultaneously culling demons.

Accessibility Blog – Ambient Audio Cues

Gear that is on the ground also has ambient audio cues to alert players that not only are there items for them to collect, but also the rarity of item. Like above, players can decide which types of items and rarities play their cues.

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