Diablo 4 Gate Tiles

D4 Gate Tiles

The Paragon Board unlocks for each class at character level 50 and is a distillation of this focus. When opened, the character starts at the central tile of the board, and from there, the player can make selections, radiating outward. Once the hero reaches a gate tile, the player chooses which new paragon board they want to attach at that location.

Gate Tiles: A single Gate Tile lies at each edge of the Paragon Board. As the player progress through the Paragon Board, they will eventually reach a Gate Tile, which upon unlocking will allow you to select a new Paragon Board to attach to the existing Board. Each of these boards has unique Tile layouts, new Magic and Rare Tiles, and a new Legendary Tile at the center. The Paragon Board is extended from these Gate Tiles. Upon selecting from the Paragon Board list, the player will be able to place the board down, connecting it to the newly unlocked Gate Tile. The player may also optionally rotate that newly placed board.


  • Normal Tiles: These tiles are straightforward, providing a small but meaningful stat boost. Normal Tiles are connective tissues that can be found throughout the board and are quite common.
  • Magic Tiles: These in clusters throughout the board and provide a potent, more diverse set of benefits. They are less common than Normal Tiles, but are still plentiful.
  • Rare Tiles: Offer significant boosts in power. Upon entering the Paragon Board for the first time, these represent great goals for players to chase, particularly once you’ve narrowed builds down towards highly specific goals. Rare Tiles also have additional powers that unlock once the hero has raised an attribute to a sufficient level, requiring some choices to be made when plotting one’s path through the board.
  • Legendary Tiles: After the first Paragon Board, each new board has a single Legendary Tile that can be found at its center. Legendary Tiles impart a new Legendary Power to the character that earns it.
  • Sockets: These are pecial tiles that can contain a Glyph.
  • Gate Tiles: A single Gate Tile lies at each edge of the Paragon Board. As the player progress through the Paragon Board, they will eventually reach a Gate Tile, which upon unlocking will allow you to select a new Paragon Board to attach to the existing Board. Each of these boards has unique Tile layouts, new Magic and Rare Tiles, and a new Legendary Tile at the center. The Paragon Board is extended from these Gate Tiles. Upon selecting from the Paragon Board list, the player will be able to place the board down, connecting it to the newly unlocked Gate Tile. The player may also optionally rotate that newly placed board.

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