Diablo 4 Enchanting

D4 Enchanting

NPC: Occultist. Enchanting your gear replaces a single affix with other affixes that share a similar pool of stats. Once you enchant an affix you can only reroll that stat moving forward.

Enchanting allows you to reroll undesirable affixes on your gear, for a chance at better stats. Once a stat has been enchanted the item becomes account bound if it wasn’t already and you can only attempt to reroll that specific stat in the future. This is a great way to turn a sub-par Legendary item into a GG gear piece because you may have 3/4 great Affixes but with enough materials and gold you can eventually have 4/4!

It’s important to understand that certain affixes cannot roll together on the same item. Learning which stats can co-exist is crucial to not waste your materials wanting for a stat you cannot get. While enchanting, you are always given the option of two new stats and to not change anything if you don’t like the new outcome. In the latter option, the cost is still applied and the affix is considered enchanted, but you can continue to roll until you find a good option.

Rare items require Veiled Crystals (gained from salvaging other rare items) and legendary items also require Fiend Rose.

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