Diablo 4 Dungeons Entrance

Diablo 4 Dungeons Entrance

There may be multiple ways to find and enter dungeons. Some Diablo 4 Dungeon entrance are locked behind Strongholds or the main quest line.

Strongholds are areas in the open world that have been overrun by monsters, and, once cleared, offer the player rewards, like vendors and dungeon entrances.

Diablo 4 Dungeons Entrance

A dungeon entrance in Diablo 4

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Dungeons remain randomized, similar to previous titles. New features have been implemented, such as seamless floor transitions, as well as transition scenes. These are scenes that allow the developers to connect two different tile-sets together in the same dungeon, while keeping it randomized. Dungeons are designed to feel congruent with the world, that these are structures that exist for a reason. Their aesthetics reflect the zone they’re found in (sand-filled dungeons in Kehjistan for instance).

Over 150 dungeons will feature in the game. Some dungeons are tied to the game’s main storyline, others to side quests. However, the majority of dungeons are self-contained in terms of plot. Some “mini dungeons” exist that are only one room. Completing a dungeon grants the player renown.

Some strongholds become dungeons after being cleared out the first time. After completing the game’s main quest, players will gain access to “Nightmare Dungeons.” These are remixed versions of dungeons, filled with stronger monsters, new objectives, and other afflictions. Upon completion, each dungeon grants the player an aspect; each aspect is unique to the dungeon it is found in.

Dungeons are solitary experiences, though may be completed as part of a party.

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