Diablo 4 Dungeon Layouts

D4 Dungeon Layouts

One of the most common pieces of feedback we received is that players felt they were doing a lot of backtracking within certain dungeons. We have optimized multiple dungeons across all zones to minimize the need for backtracking. Here is a list of dungeons specifically in the Fractured Peaks zone which received layout updates:

  • Caldera Gate
  • Defiled Catacombs
  • Derelict Lodge
  • Forbidden City
  • Hoarfrost Demise
  • Immortal Emanation
  • Kor Dragan Barracks
  • Maulwood
  • Rimescar Caverns

Developer’s Note

Our primary goal with the Layout changes was to reduce certain kinds of backtracking which detract from a player’s experience. An example of this change is that players previously needed to enter side rooms to interact with Structure Objectives, causing them to retread the same path. Now, many of our Structure Objectives have been repositioned along main dungeon pathways, making them easier for players to reach and allowing them to readily explore the dungeon after defeating the Structure.

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