Diablo 4 Cannibals

D4 Cannibals Families

The Cannibals are a band of humans who engage in cannibalism. Race: Human. Affiliation: Themselves. Headquarters: Dry Steppes. Type: Cannibal tribe. Standing: Active.

Diablo 4 Cannibals Families

The Cannibals bear resemblance to the Unclean—both are (supposed) former Barbarian tribesmen, and both engage in cannibalism.

Lore has it that the Cannibals were a former tribe of Barbarians that were banished from Arreat. No one knows why they were exiled, but they are now known for their cannibalism. They like to hang out in the Dry Steppes, often chomping on a corpse as you're adventuring by.

Since they were previously Barbarians, you can assume they're very dangerous. In this family, there are 4 members, 2 of which are the more typical melee types. One wields a two-handed greatsword which delivers a slow, sweeping frontal attack; and the other uses a lightweight halberd and likes to leap at players from a far distance. The Gorger is the biggest of them all, wielding a 2 spiked clubs that can knock you off your feet, while the swarmers (The Maniac and The Cleaver) are the little guys dual wielding axes that run at you swiftly in hoards looking to make quick work of you.

They do not have a ranged archetype. None of them decided to spec into weapon throw, which is a good thing.

Common Item Drops: Helms, Axes

List of Cannibals Challenges

Cannibal SlayerSlay 1000 Cannibals.Hungry, Brute(Player Titles)
Cannibal DestroyerSlay 5000 Cannibals.Ravenous, Glutton(Player Titles)
Cannibal MassacreSlay 10000 Cannibals.Insatiable, Butcher(Player Titles)


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Related Elixir

Name RequiresDescription
Elixir of Man-Slaying Level 36 Increases damage against Cannibals, Bandits, Knights Penitent, and Cultists by 20% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Demon-Slaying Level 36 Increases damage against Goatmen, Fallen, Flies, and Demons by 20% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Beast-Slaying Level 36 Increases damage against Spiders, Wildlife, Maggots, Snakes, and Werewolves by 20% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.
Elixir of Undead-Slaying Level 36 Increases damage against Vampires, Skeletons, Zombies, Ghosts, and Drowned by 20% and Experience gained by 5% for 30 minutes.

You may only have one Elixir active at a time.

Cannibals D4

Diablo 4 Cannibals

Cannibal Family Lineup in Diablo IV

Corpses riddled with bite marks. Splintered bones scraped clean of marrow. Tongues sawed off and eyes gouged out of their skulls. These are the bloody fingerprints the Cannibals leave behind—if they leave behind anything at all. No one is certain where they come from, but some legends claim they are a former tribe of barbarians, banished from Arreat years ago. Whether their cannibalism led to their exile or developed out of desperation afterward is unknown. The outcasts brought their endless hunger to the Dry Steppes, and from there spread to the far corners of the world to prey on lonesome caravans and unsuspecting villages.

The few who have survived encounters with these butchers share the same stories. They tell of the mad fire that burns in the eyes of all Cannibals, of how eating the flesh of their victims in battle only fuels their hunger for more. They whisper of the unlucky souls spared in the attacks, hauled off like livestock for the raiders to pick clean until their next hunt. And then, they say no more. The silence speaks for them: sometimes it is better to die than to live and remember.

A Battle for Survival

Diablo 4 Cannibals

Now that we’ve introduced some new lore about this family, we can dive into how we try to use them to give a cohesive experience narratively, while also providing the peaks-and-valleys of combat expected in a hack-n-slash ARPG. So what does this mean for Cannibal combat design? How do we convey their story through combat? We took a couple of approaches:


The Cannibal family has four members. They each have their own unique weapon and a significantly different silhouette or stance to help differentiate them from one another. There are two standard melee combatants: one wielding a two-handed greatsword cleaver, which delivers a slow, sweeping frontal attack; and the other using a lightweight halberd which allows them to leap at players from a great distance and crash down with a devastating attack.

Diablo 4 Cannibals

The bruiser uses a spiked club in each hand to deliver intense blows that will stun players if they aren’t paying attention. By contrast, the dual-axe-wielding swarmers can unleash a flurry of frontal attacks that will quickly kill if left unchecked. However, this is a less binary pass/fail than the bruiser’s stun attack. If the player finds themselves surrounded by flurrying swarmers, getting hit by the bruiser’s dazing blow would remove all possibility of escape. It’s combinations of attacks like these that make this family so deadly.


Earlier, we explained how different monster archetypes play different roles in an encounter. For example, players who want to efficiently kill ranged monsters will need to learn how to reposition their accompanying melee attackers so that a cleverly dropped area of effect ability will target both clusters of enemies. This makes for interesting on-the-fly decision-making, and skilled players will be able to spot the optimal positions for these attacks very quickly.

By design, the Cannibal family has no ranged units. Instead, they spring at the player with supernatural swiftness. Some may close the gap by leaping over obstacles and would-be competitors, while others will swiftly and deftly maneuver through other monsters to get first blood. This provides a very different experience and gives the player less time to make thoughtful positioning decisions, thus making combat with these flesh-eaters feel frenetic.


No-one is certain where the Cannibals came from but some legends claim they are a former tribe of Barbarians, banished from Mount Arreat years ago. Whether their cannibalism led to their exile or developed out of desperation afterward is unknown. The outcasts brought their endless hunger to the Dry Steppes, and from there spread to the far corners of the world to prey on lonesome caravans and unsuspecting villages.

The few who have survived encounters with these butchers share the same stories. They tell of the mad fire that burns in the eyes of all Cannibals, of how eating the flesh of their victims in battle only fuels their hunger for more. They whisper of the unlucky souls spared in the attacks, hauled off like livestock for the raiders to pick clean until their next hunt. And then, they say no more.

The lore for the Cannibals was developed by Matt Burns.

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