Torchlight Infinite New Skills List Active

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Torchlight Infinite Season 5 New Skills

Active Skills

[Thunderstorm Beam]

Casting this skill unleashes a beam forward, striking enemies within its area. Every 5 casts of this skill generates a Thunder Orb around the character, which follows the character and automatically casts the skill on enemies within a certain area.

Thunder Orbs last for 6 seconds, with a base upper limit of 3. The number of beams cast by this skill is not affected by quantity bonuses, but for every +1 to the number of beams, the upper limit of Thunder Orbs generated by this skill is increased by +1.

[Whirlwind Blade]

Casting this skill fires a permanently penetrating projectile in the designated direction, dealing damage every 0.25 seconds, with this interval benefiting from cast speed bonuses. Multiple projectiles can hit the same target, and the shotgun effect's decay coefficient for this skill is 75%.

The projectile's flight distance is fixed, but it will stop in place upon hitting an elite enemy.

After persisting for 3 seconds or upon recasting this skill, the projectiles are retracted, and new projectiles can only be fired once all existing ones have been retracted.

[Star Stalker]

Casting this skill fires a projectile forward, creating a moving area centered around it. The character gains Euphoria while within the area: an additional +50% (at level 20) damage over time.

The projectile continuously tracks elite enemies and attaches to them upon reaching their location. When the host unit is defeated, the projectile will track a new elite enemy.

The projectile's base flight speed is 100% of the character's own movement speed.

[Harmonious Field]

This skill requires channeling to cast.

After channeling ends, sentries within a certain area around the caster gain Euphoria: an additional +20% (at level 20) damage, lasting for 3 seconds. For every channeled stack, this skill gains an additional +33% to its Empower effect.

If the channeling stacks reach the upper limit when channeling ends, the affected sentries also gain +3 seconds to their duration.

Support Skills

[Added Physical Damage]

Supports skills that hit enemies.

Supported skills gain 200-333 (at level 20) physical damage.

Supported skills gain 249% (at level 20) of skill damage as base bleed damage.


Supports mobility skills.

After using the supported skill, the next warcry skill gains +118% (at level 20) warcry cast speed.

[Limber Stretch]

Supports restoration skills.

Supported skills gain +20% to restoration duration.

After using the supported skill, gain +34.5% (at level 20) movement speed for 3 seconds.

[Gladiator's Roar]

Supports warcry skills.

Supported skills gain +59% (at level 20) to skill area.

When using the supported skill, it knocks back nearby enemies in the opposite direction, with the area affected by skill area bonuses; knockback distance is 2 meters.

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

Torchlight Infinite SS2 Season 4 New Skills

Name Level Category Description
Archery Bond 20 Active

Activate this skill to randomly place a Persistent Sentry within a certain area around the player, lasting for 6 seconds. Allies within 4 meters of the Sentry will gain Euphoria.

Projectile Quantity is not affected by Bonus.

Additional +30% Projectile Damage

Additional +10% Attack Speed for Attack Skills

Additional +10% Cast Speed for Spell Skills

Speed Phantom 20 Active

Move in the specified direction, leaving a residual image at the beginning and end, and apply a slow and reverse knockback to nearby enemies within a certain distance.

The afterimage explodes after 0.65 seconds, dealing damage to enemies and granting Euphoria to the character based on the number of enemies hit.

For each stack of this Euphoria, gain an additional +5.5% Spell Damage, up to a maximum of 8 stacks, lasting for 3 seconds.

Nourishment of Life 20 Active Activate this skill to gain Euphoria: Spirit Magus within the area gains +100 (at level 20) Growth, and when the Spirit Magus is at least Rank 4, it gains +30% (at level 20) Skill Radius and has a 50% chance to add +2 Projectile Quantity when casting the skill.
Dazzling Bloom 20 Active

Using this skill will teleport all Spirit Magus to the designated location and cause them to switch their target to the highest rarity enemy nearby.

After teleporting, the Spirit Magus gains a buff: depending on the rarity of the enemy, the damage dealt to them is additionally increased, up to a maximum of an extra +60%.

Rhythm 20 Support

Support Empower, Defensive, and Restoration skills

Every 6.3 seconds, trigger the linked Active Skill once.

Bountiful Harvest Time 20 Support

When the supported Spirit Magus is at least Rank 2, there is a +15% chance to trigger Enhanced Skill.

When the supported Spirit Magus is at least Rank 3, gain an additional +15% Empower Skill Persistent Duration.

When the supported Spirit Magus is at least Rank 3, while in Empower state, it gains an additional +25% (at Level 20) Damage.

Savage Growth 20 Support

For every 1 point of Growth, the supported Spirit Magus gains an additional +0.029% (at level 20) Damage.

The Spirit Magus, when supported, gains a persistent buff for 5 seconds after using their skills 8 times: +150 initial Growth, which decreases to +60 within 5 seconds. The buff count is paused while the buff is active.

Season 3 New skills

  • Thunder Core - Place Lightning Sentry. Sentry makes thunderstrikes fall around the target, dealing damage to enemies within a small area. Thunderstrikes can jump.
  • Thunder Spike - It is a Shadow Strike Skill. When the true body deals critical strikes, the shock will spread to enemies in a wide area. When the shadow strikes, it will deal an additional shock to the enemies hit.
  • Frost Core - Place Ice Sentry. Sentries shoot Projectiles that can jump at the specified enemies and deal additional damage by consuming their Frostbite Rating.
  • Ghost Blade Einherjar - Place Ghost Blade Einherjar. Sentries shoot Projectiles at the specified enemies and can Multistrike. After Multistrike ends, Projectiles that hit enemies create an explosion that deals lots of damage to enemies.
  • Arrow Einherjar - Place Arrow Einherjar Sentries shoot 3 Falling Arrows at specified enemies, dealing Area Damage around them. The longer Sentries exist, the more damage they do.
  • Summon Grim Phantom - Automatically summons a Grim Phantom that can use high-energy beams next to you. Grim Phantom's damage and Skill Area increase with the player's Command. Actively use the summoning skill to teleport the Grim Phantom under your control to the target location, then use Destructive Light Cannon there to deal even higher Area Damage.
  • Magic Dash - +1 Supported Skills Charge. Increases Movement Speed when casting a Mobility Support Skill.
  • Psychic Surge - After casting a Mobility Support Skill, additionally increases the Spell Skill Damage dealt the next time Spell Energy is used.
  • Psychic Burst - Additionally increases the Spell Damage dealt when a supported skill casts Spell Burst. Reduces the supported skill's Cast Speed.

List of Torchlight Infinite Active Skill

Icon Name Description
Torchlight Infinite Arrow Einherjar Arrow Einherjar
Attack, Persistent, Sentry, Projectile, Vertical, Ranged, Area
Casts the skill and places 1 Arrow Sentry at the target spot, who will shoot three arrows into the air. The arrows deal 133% Weapon Attack Damage to enemies within their range.
The Sentry placed by the skill deals additional damage every second.
Arrows shot by the Arrow Sentry are not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.
Torchlight Infinite Summon Grim Phantom Summon Grim Phantom
Spell, Persistent, Summon, Synthetic Troop
Summoner skills: High Energy Beam, Destructive Light Cannon
The skill automatically summons 1 Grim Phantom to the caster every 1s, up to the upper limit.
Casting the skill will teleport all Grim Phantoms to the target spot and cast Destructive Light Cannon.
All Physical Damage by Grim Phantoms will be converted to Lightning Damage.
Torchlight Infinite Ghost Blade Einherjar Ghost Blade Einherjar
Attack, Ranged, Erosion, Persistent, Sentry, Projectile, Horizontal, Area
Casts the skill and places 1 Ghost Blade Sentry, who will throw a Ghost Blade at 1 enemy within its range, dealing 82% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
The Sentry can Multistrike. Upon the last strike of the Multistrike, causes an explosion and deals 165% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.Multistrike chance grants additional explosion damage.
The number of Sentries placed grants Multistrike damage.
Part of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Erosion Damage.
Torchlight Infinite Thunder Core Thunder Core
Spell, Lightning, Persistent, Sentry, Chain, Area
Casts the skill and places 1 Lightning Sentry at the target spot, who will channel down a lightning strike at an enemy within the range at intervals and deal 1-14 SpellLightning Damage.
If the Lightning Sentry is within a certain area around the character, the lightning strike can Jump at the same enemy repetitively.
Torchlight Infinite Frost Core Frost Core
Spell, Cold, Persistent, Projectile, Horizontal, Sentry
Casts the skill to place 1 Ice Sentry at the target spot, who will throw Frost at enemies periodically, dealing 9-13 SpellCold Damage.
Frost consumes enemies' Frostbite Rating and increases damage on hit. When the Icy Sentry is within a certain area around the character, 16% additional damage.
The Icy Sentry cannot cause Frostbite and is not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.
Torchlight Infinite Thunder Spike Thunder Spike
Attack, Lightning, Area, Melee, Shadow Strike
Casts the skill and thrusts forward, dealing 85% Weapon Attack Damage.
When the skill launches a Critical Strike, inflict Shock on enemies within a certain area. The effect's interval is 0.01s.
When the skill's Shadows cause a Critical Strike, settles Shock on enemies hit one additional time.
Part of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Lightning Damage.
Thunder Slash
Attack, Lightning, Area, Melee, Slash-Strike.
Attack enemies in front in Slash Strike form, dealing Lightning Damage. During Multistrike, each strike of the skill will increase the skill's Attack Speed.
Blazing Bullet
Attack, Fire, Area, Ranged, Projectile, Horizontal
This attack fires a Fire Projectile that Penetrates enemies in front and creates Fire explosions when it Penetrates enemies. The skill gains damage and effective area based on the Penetrations done by the Projectiles.
Howling Gale
Spell, Channeled, Physical, Area, Persistent
While channeling, this Spell creates a Gale that attacks enemies within a certain area. The more channeled stacks, the faster the Gale strikes. Bonus and additional bonus to Cast Speed also applies to Strike frequency.
Moon Strike
Attack, Area, Persistent, Physical, Melee, Slash-Strike
Attack enemies in front in Slash Strike form. The skill deals additional Physical Damage based on the Mana Cost. Spell Damage bonus and additional bonus also apply to the skill's damage
Haunting Abomination
Spell, Erosion, Area, Persistent, Terra
This Spell deals Erosion Damage to the targeted enemy and creates a Terra effect that follows this enemy, dealing Secondary Damage to enemies within a certain Terra Area for a period of time. The value of the Secondary Damage equals a certain percentage of the first damage.
Leap Attack
Mobility, Attack, Melee, Demolisher, Area
Leaps toward the target and slams the ground upon landing.
If the skill has Demolisher Charge , it will be consumed and converted into a buff. During the duration of the buff, every enemy hit by the skill will increase its Damage and Skill Radius.
Ice Shot
Cold, Projectile, Attack, Ranged, Area, Horizontal
Launches a Projectile that travels forward, causing a cone-shaped explosion behind enemy on hit.
Hammer of Ember
Area, Fire, Attack, Projectile, Melee, Demolisher, Horizontal
Slams the ground, generating several auto-tracing Projectiles.
Consume the skill’s Demolisher Charge , causing Projectiles to explode when they hit or disappear. The Projectiles regenerate into several secondary Projectiles that always Pierce and don’t explode. Slam and explosion Damage can stack.
Chromatic Shot
Spell, Projectile, Cold, Erosion, Fire, Lightning, Physical, Horizontal
Launches multiple Projectiles that auto-trace target.
Resurrection Warcry
Warcry, Area, Persistent, Restoration
Lets out a warcry to Weaken nearby enemies. Reduces additional damage taken based on the number of enemies affected and restores Life persistently.
Attack, Melee, Area, Channeled, Slash-Strike
Channel this skill to build up channeled stacks and attack enemies. When the maximum number of channeled stacks are gained, all stacks will be consumed to form a rapidly expanding hurricane that releases blades of wind in a large area around you. Wind blades are considered as Steep Strike .
Focused Slash
Attack, Melee, Area, Slash-Strike
Attacks enemy units ahead in the Sweep Slash form and has a chance to turn the strikes into Steep Strike .
Every stack of Focus grants increased Attack Speed to the skill. Every point of Fervor Rating will increase the effects of Focus on the skill. Every stack of Focus will reduce the Duration of Fervor .
Sweep Slash: Gains 1 stack of Focus on hit.
Steep Strike : Each stack of Focus increases Steep Strike Damage.
Persistent, Defensive, Spell
Absorbs a portion of damage taken while the skill is active (Damage absorption has a capacity). Shares cooldown with a part of Defensive skills.
Spell, Persistent, Lightning, Channeled, Area, Chain
Create a Thundercloud over the head while channeling to attack enemies within a certain area and gain channeled stacks. The Thundercloud lasts longer with more channeled stacks. The channeled stacks decreases over time as the channeling ends
Mobility, Spell
Blinks a distance to the target location. Shares cooldown with a part of Mobility skills.
Attack, Projectile, Area, Fire, Ranged, Parabolic
Fires several Projectiles that auto-target random enemies. Projectiles cause small explosions when they hit the ground.
Shadow Shot
Spell, Erosion, Area, Projectile, Horizontal
Fires a Projectile that travels forward and detonates on hit, with a chance to reverse knock back enemies. Moves the existing Shadow Swamp to the target hit. Each move refreshes the Shadow Swamp Duration and increases its Damage and Radius.
Shadow Swamp
Spell, Erosion, Area, Persistent, Terra
Conjures a Shadow Swamp at the target location to deal damage over time and Weaken enemies. Shadow Swamp can be moved with Shadow Shot , increasing its Damage and Radius each time it is moved.
Shadow Swamps will cause an explosion when used or moved.
If Terra Charge is present when it’s used, it will be consumed to increase the upper limit of bonuses of the skill.
Marked Rain of Arrows
Attack, Fire, Area, Persistent, Ranged, Projectile, Horizontal, Vertical, Barrage
Fires a Marked Round that travels forward and has a chance to Mark the enemy on hit. If the Marked Round marks an enemy on hit or hits an enemy that has already been Marked , summon several waves of explosive Rain of Arrows centered on the enemy.
Bull’s Rage
Persistent, Spell, Activation
While the skill is active, increases Melee skill Attack Speed and Skill Radius.
Shadow Dash
Spell, Mobility, Persistent, Erosion
Blinks a distance to the target location, inflicting 1 stack of Slow on enemy units along its path. Shares cooldown with a part of Mobility skills.
Frost Shield
Spell, Persistent, Cold, Defensive
Conjures multiple frost shields that circle around you. Frost shields deal damage to enemies on contact and have a higher chance to Frostbite enemies. While the skill is active, you take less Physical and Fire Damage.
Rocket Jump
Mobility, Attack, Area, Fire
Bombards at the ground under your feet to leap backward. This skill has a higher chance to Ignite enemies.
Split Firebolt
Spell, Projectile, Fire, Area, Horizontal
Launches a projectile that travels forward and explodes as it disappears, splitting into several smaller projectiles, which cause explosions in a smaller area when hitting enemies.
Spell, Cold, Area, Barrage
Calls down multiple waves of Blizzard that reduce enemy’s Cold and Lightning Resistance on hit.
Persistent, Defensive, Spell
Increases Blur Rating and Blur Duration. In the skill duration, each dodge and damage avoidance increases the Blur Rating and Blur Duration
Mana Boil
Spell, Activation
When activated, the skill consumes a large amount of Mana over time to increase Spell Damage. Automatically deactivates when Mana reaches 0.
Frost Impact
Attack, Melee, Area, Cold, Demolisher
Slams the ground to unleash a wave of ice spikes.
If the skill has Demolisher Charge , it will be consumed to release 3 additional waves of ice spikes. The Damage and radius of the ice spikes increases with every wave, and all ice spike damage can be stacked.
Path of Flames
Spell, Fire, Channeled, Persistent, Area, Mobility
Channel to conjure blazing fire, leaving a trail of flames along the path while moving and enabling you to pass through enemies, building channeled stacks as you move. If the maximum channeled stacks are reached at the end of channeling, you charge forward to deal damage to enemies. Each stack of channeled stacks additionally increases the damage dealt.
Berserking Blade
Attack, Melee, Area, Slash-Strike, Persistent
Attacks enemy units ahead in the Sweep Slash form and has a chance to turn the strikes into Steep Strike . Sweep Slash provides additional skill Radius bonus. When in the Steep Strike form, the skill Radius bonus also applies to Steep Strike Damage.
Each enemy killed or Elite enemy units hit by the skill grants 1 stack of buff.
Has a chance to gain 1 additional stack of buff when Steep Strike hits Elite enemies.
Charged Pummel
Attack, Melee, Area, Channeled, Lightning, Demolisher, Persistent
Channel to build up stacks. Each channeled stack increases the skill Damage on cast. At the end of channeling, slams the ground violently.
If the skill has Demolisher Charge , it will be consumed to create a lightning field at the point of impact. Every channeled stack increases the Duration of the lightning field.
Chain Lightning
Spell, Lightning, Chain
Hurls a bolt of lightning that leaps through enemy units with 5 Jumps . Each jump deals less Damage. The overall Jumps increase additional Lightning Damage.
Double Thrust
Attack, Melee, Shadow Strike, Area
Dash forward twice. If the first dash inflicts Bleed , the second dash is guaranteed to inflict Bleed with additional Damage.
If the first dash of Phantom inflicts Bleed , the second Bleed spreads to enemies nearby .
Life Siphon
Spell, Erosion, Channeled, Persistent
While channeling, links to enemies in a radius and deals DoT to them. Restores a portion of Maximum Life for each enemy linked. If your current links don’t reach the maximum links, your Life Siphon will increase damage based on the difference of your current links and the maximum links.
Icy Ring
Spell, Cold, Area
Creates an icy ring around you. Each enemy killed by the skill grants a chance to trigger another ice ring, limited to once per cast.
The skill has a higher chance to Frostbite enemies.
Split Arrow
Attack, Projectile, Ranged, Horizontal
Shoots multiple arrows forward.
Flame Slash
Attack, Melee, Area, Fire, Slash-Strike
Attacks enemy units ahead in the Sweep Slash form and has a chance to turn the strikes into Steep Strike .
Sweep Slash: Gains 1 stack of buff for each enemy hit, increasing the Radius of the next skill cast. The buff stacks up to 8 times.
Steep Strike : The skill Radius bonus also applies to Steep Strike directions. Steep Strike Damage from multiple directions can stack.
Icy Blade
Attack, Melee, Area, Cold, Slash-Strike
Attacks enemy units ahead in the Sweep Slash form and has a chance to turn the strikes into Steep Strike .
Sweep Slash: Increase the Frostbite of hit enemies.
Steep Strike : Hitting a Frozen enemy or an enemy with maximum Frostbite will remove their Frozen status and Frostbites to create an explosion at the enemy’s location. Damage from Steep Strike and explosions can be stacked.
Frost Spike
Attack, Melee, Projectile, Shadow Strike, Cold, Area, Horizontal
Dash forward, causing a cone-shaped explosion behind Frostbitten enemy units on hit and launches multiple Projectiles behind Frozen enemies.
Shadow Projectiles always Pierce enemies.
Wilt Spike
Attack, Melee, Shadow Strike, Erosion, Area, Persistent
Dash forward. This skill has a higher chance to Wilt enemies.
Gain 1 stack of buff when causing Wilt , increasing the Erosion Damage from the skill. Stacks up to 5 times. The skill’s Phantom increases when the buff reaches maximum.
When Shadows cause Wilt , inflicts 1 stack of debuff on enemies, reducing their Erosion Resistance. Stacks up to 5 times. Reduces the chance for Shadows to cause Wilt .
Lightning Shot
Attack, Ranged, Projectile, Lightning, Chain, Horizontal
Launches a Projectile that travels forward, hurling 3 bolts of lightning on the target hit and dealing damage to enemies in a radius of the target.
Corrosive Shot
Attack, Erosion, Area, Persistent, Ranged, Projectile, Parabolic, Terra
Launches a Projectile that travels forward, generating an Erosion Terra when the Projectile lands or hits an enemy. If Terra Charge is present when using the skill, it will be consumed to increase the number of times the Projectile Splits .
Burning Shot
Attack, Ranged, Projectile, Fire, Horizontal
Launches a Projectile that travels forward and has a higher chance to Ignite enemies and dealing increased Ignite Damage.
Electrifying Shot
Attack, Ranged, Projectile, Lightning, Horizontal
Fires a Projectile that travels forward. It has a higher chance to Shock enemies and always Pierces enemies.
Corrosive Throw
Attack, Ranged, Projectile, Erosion, Horizontal
Launches several Projectiles that travel forward and has a higher chance to Wilt enemies. This skill has an increased chance to deal Multistrike to Wilt enemies. Multistrike grants increased Projectiles.
Lethal Barrage
Attack, Projectile, Channeled, Area, Persistent, Vertical, Ranged, Barrage
Get channeled stacks when channeling. Calls down waves of barrage after channeling ends to attack random enemies within the attack range.
The waves of barrage increase with the channeled stacks. Critical Strike Damage and Projectiles of barrage increase with the waves of barrage.
Rain of Arrows
Attack, Ranged, Area, Projectile, Vertical
Launches massive Projectiles in the air. The Projectiles fall down to strike random enemies within the attack range.
Savage Rush
Attack, Melee, Demolisher, Channeled, Area
Charges forward when channeling, dealing damage to nearby enemies and knocking them back. Each channeled stack increases Movement Speed while charging and this skill’s Skill Radius
If maximum channeled stack is reached when channeling ends, launches an additional attack with great damage to the enemies ahead and knocks them back. Consumes Demolisher Charge if there are any, gives additional damage to the extra attack when channeling ends. You can pass through enemies while channeling this skill.
Ice Lances
Spell, Projectile, Cold, Horizontal
Fires a Projectile that travels through enemies with 2 Jumps . Deals extra damage against enemies in a Frost Terra .
Spell, Projectile, Lightning, Area, Horizontal
Fires a Projectile that travels forward with a constantly reducing speed, dealing damage to enemies on contact.
Ring of Blades
Spell, Channeled, Physical, Area, Persistent, Projectile
Generates ring blades that will fly around you while channeling. The ring blades deal damage to enemies passing by. After channeling, ring blades will remain for some time.
Flame Pillar
Spell, Area, Fire, Persistent, Sentry
Places a Fire Sentry at the target position, dealing damage to enemies within a radius at regular intervals.
Lightning Storm
Spell, Lightning, Area, Persistent
Summons a lightning storm at the target location that tracks enemies, dealing damage to the location under the storm at regular intervals.
Flame Jet
Spell, Fire, Area, Persistent, Projectile, Parabolic, Terra
Conjures a flame pool at the target location at regular intervals. Eruptions lock onto enemy units in a radius hurl a Projectile at the targets. The Projectile that falls on the ground forms a small flame pool on the spot.
If Terra Charge is present when using the skill, it will be consumed. Each Terra Charge allows the lava eruptions to lock onto one more enemy.
Frost Pool
Spell, Cold, Area, Persistent, Terra
Conjures a Frost Terra at the target location, inflicting Slow on affected enemies at regular intervals. If Terra Charge is present when using the skill, it will be consumed to increase the Skill Radius.
Scorching Beam
Spell, Fire, Channeled, Area, Laser Beam
Channel to create launch a fire beam that travels forward and stops at the first enemy on contact. Channeling builds up channeled stacks. At the maximum channeled stacks, the fire beam explodes at its end pf path and consumes all channeled stacks.
Wilting Beam
Spell, Channeled, Erosion, Persistent, Area, Laser Beam
Channel to launch a Wilting Beam that deals DoT to enemies on contact. When the maximum channeled stacks are reached, Reaps all enemies within beam radius and consumes all channeled stacks.
Frigid Transmission
Spell, Cold, Area, Mobility
Blinks a distance to the target location, inflicting 1 stack of Slow on enemy units at the blink starting point and target location. Refreshes cooldown when causing Freeze .
Compound Potion
Restores Life and Mana in the skill duration. The restoration stops once your life and Mana are full.
Forced Start
Spell, Persistent, Defensive
Immediately start charging Energy Shield. Increases shield charging speed in the skill duration
Aegis of Fire
Spell, Persistent, Fire, Defensive
Increases Attack and Spell Block Chance when holding a shield in the skill duration. Successful blocks counter damage to the attacker.
Delayed Pain
Spell, Persistent, Defensive
Increases a portion of injury buffer in the skill duration. Shares cooldown with a part of Defensive skills.
Defensive Buffer
Spell, Persistent, Defensive
Reduces additional Physical and Elemental Damage taken in the skill duration. If the caster has Tenacity Blessing , the all Tenacity Blessing stacks are consumed to further reduce the caster’s Physical Damage taken, and the skill duration is extended based the stacks of Tenacity Blessing consumed. Shares cooldown with some Defensive skills.
Brisk Wind
Spell, Persistent, Defensive
Increases Evasion in the skill duration. Each successful Evasion grants 1 stack of buff that increases Movement Speed. The buff stacks up to 8 times. Shares cooldown with a part of defensive skills.
Frost Touch
Spell, Area, Cold, Erosion
Deals damage once to enemies nearby and inflicts 1 stack of state. Records the next several times of damage taken within a certain time. Explodes as the recording effect ends and deals damage to the enemy based on the recorded damage.
Spell, Persistent, Activation
Increases Attack Speed and Movement Speed, and gains Enlarged Physique at the cost of taking DoT during the skill’s Duration. Killing or hitting an elite enemy has a chance to refresh the skill’s Duration
Scorching Pulse
Spell, Area, Fire
Gather a sheet of flame to damage enemy units in a radius. Has a extremely high chance to reap enemies.
Spell, Area, Persistent, Activation
Marks enemies in the target area and gains an increased chance to deal Double Damage based on each enemy marked.
Secret Origin Unleash
Spell, Persistent, Activation
Additionally increases Cast Speed in the skill duration and further increases Cast Speed based on the stacks of Focus Blessing . When the skill duration draws to an end, 1 stack of Focus Blessing will be consumed to extend the duration.
Spell, Persistent, Activation
Addtionally reduce Movement Speed when the skill is active, but gain 1 stack of buff at regular intervals. Additionally increase Ranged Skill Damage Dealt, stacks up to 5. This effect ends when a Mobility Skill is used.
Blurry Steps
Spell, Persistent, Activation
Gains Blur and an additional buff that increases your Movement Speed and a Critical Strike Rating boost to your next skill. Using an attack skill removes the Blur and the buff.
Attack, Melee, Area, Demolisher
Pummels the ground in front of you.
Consume Demolisher Charge the skill has when casting it, making the fissures caused by Pummeling spread for a period of time. The fissures will explode again when they reach the maximum range, dealing damage to the enemies within. Whenever causing Maimed , the skill immediately gains Demolisher Charge . The effect has a cooldown.
Focused Shot
Attack, Ranged, Projectile, Horizontal
Launch a Projectile forward. Gains 1 stack of Focus when the Projectile hits an enemy. Each stack of Focus additionally increases damage dealt against distant enemies. Every 2 stacks of Focus owned increases the Projectile’s Pierce Frequency. The effect of Focus on the skill is enhanced if there’s no enemy nearby
Fire Burst
Spell, Area, Fire
Deals Damage to enemies in the target area. Deals extra Damage to enemies at the center of the area.
Thunderbolt Overload
Spell, Area, Lightning, Projectile, Parabolic, Physical
Hurls a Projectile forward that explodes at enemy units hit or upon landing. The Projectile jumps to random enemies in a radius of the target location.
Fearless Warcry
Warcry, Area, Persistent
Lets out a warcry to Taunt Nearby enemies. Increases the chance to use Steep Strike and increases Steep Strike Damage for each enemy affected in the skill duration. Replenish the Steep Strike chances of Slash-Strike to the maximum.
Raging Warcry
Warcry, Area, Persistent
Lets out a warcry to Taunt Nearby enemies. Increases Melee Skill Radius for every enemy affected. Increases Demolisher Charge restoration speed of Demolisher skills.
Charging Warcry
Warcry, Area, Persistent
Lets out a warcry to Taunt Nearby enemies. Increases Melee skill Attack Speed for every enemy affected. Increases Shadow Strike’s Shadows .
Black Hole
Spell, Area, Persistent, Erosion
Forms a Black Hole at the target location, dealing DoT to enemies in a radius and knocks back enemies at regular intervals.
Focused Impact
Attack, Melee, Area, Demolisher, Persistent
Pummels the ground with a very high chance to knock back enemies. Using the skill consumes all stacks of Focus . Each stack of Focus increases the Skill Radius and Damage. If Demolisher Charge is present, it is consumed to gain a buff that increases the maximum stacks of Focus .
Summon Machine Guard
Spell, Summon, Persistent, Synthetic Troop
Summons a Machine Guard at the target location. Machine guards deal Melee Attack Damage and have Overpower and Onslaught Punch as their skills.
Summon Spider Tank
Spell, Summon, Persistent, Synthetic Troop
Summons a Spider Tank at the target locations. Spider tanks deal Ranged Attack Damage and have Aimed Shot as their skill.
Elemental Destruction
Spell, Area, Persistent, Curse, Cold, Fire, Lightning
In the skill duration, reduces enemy Elemental Resistance in the target radius.
Spell, Area, Persistent, Lightning, Curse
In the skill duration, enemies in the target area suffer increased Lightning Damage, and are more likely to be shocked .
Spell, Area, Persistent, Physical, Curse
In the skill duration, enemies in the target area suffer increased Physical Damage, and are more likely to Bleed .
Spell, Area, Persistent, Fire, Curse
In the skill duration, enemies in the target area suffer increased Fire Damage, and are more likely to suffer Ignite .
Spell, Area, Persistent, Curse
Blind enemies in the target area. Affected enemies deal less Damage in the skill duration.
Entangled Pain
Spell, Area, Persistent, Curse
In the skill duration, enemies in the target area suffer increased DoT.
Biting Cold
Spell, Area, Persistent, Cold, Curse
In the skill duration, enemies in the target area suffer reduced Cold Resistance, and are likely to be Frostbitten .
Spell, Area, Persistent, Erosion, Curse
In the skill duration, enemies in the target area suffer reduced Erosion Resistance, and are likely to suffer Wilt .
Life Source
Restores Life over time in the skill duration. The restoration stops once your Life is full. Defeat enemies to charge.
Mana Source
Restores Mana over time in the skill duration. The restoration stops once your Mana is full. Defeat enemies to charge.
Elemental Shock
Spell, Persistent, Summon, Activation
In the skill duration, increases all minion Elemental Damage, reducing enemy Elemental Resistance when hit by minions.
Machine Army
Spell, Persistent, Summon, Activation
In the skill duration, increases all minions’ Attack Speed, Cast Speed, and Movement Speed. The effect increases the more the minions when using the skill.
Spell, Persistent, Summon, Defensive
While the skill is active, increases minion Life Regeneration Speed.
Protection Field
Spell, Persistent, Summon, Defensive
Command all minions to Taunt enemies Nearby . Part of Damage you take is transferred to random minions in the skill duration.
Dark Gate
Spell, Persistent, Summon
Teleport all minions to you after a delay. Minions have increased Damage dealt and Movement Speed in the skill duration.
Thunderlight Field
Spell, Persistent, Lightning, Activation, Area, Sentry
Place a Sentry. The sentry creates a Thunderlight Field on the spot. Allies’ attack triggers lucky while within the field, deals additional Lightning Damage that scales according to damage dealt to enemies.
Souleating Circle
Spell, Persistent, Area, Activation
Create a Souleating Circle that surrounds you. Gain a bonus that increases Spell Damage for each enemy that enters the circle for the first time. Bonus can stack. Gain additional bonus when defeating enemies in the circle: Spells Pierce enemy Resistance. Additional bonuses can stack. Lose the all the bonuses when the circle disappears.
Ice Bond
Spell, Persistent, Cold, Activation, Sentry, Area, Laser Beam
Places an Sentry at the target location. The Sentry continuously releases ice beams to enemy units, dealing DoT upon hitting the target. Gain a buff when near an sentry: Other skills deal additional Cold Damage to Frostbite enemies.
Bloodthirst Recovery
Cost a percentage of current Life to restore Life while the skill is active. Reduces the Life Regain interval when it has reached the cap.
Spell, Persistent, Defensive
Refreshes your owned Barrier . While this skill is active, increases Barrier absorption in the skill duration. When Barrier is present, Nearby enemies are inflicted with Weaken .
Fast Reload
Attack, Ranged, Mobility
Charge forward and gain a bonus that increases Damage of next Projectiles.
Blink Bow
Attack, Ranged, Projectile, Horizontal, Mobility
Leap backward and fire a projective forward. Projectiles from this skill always Pierce enemies.
Flurry of Slash
Attack, Area, Melee, Mobility
Dash a short distance forward and deals Damage to enemies in your path. If you have Agility Blessing when using this skill, consume 1 stack of Agility Blessing and resets skill CD.
Safeguard Ring
Spell, Area, Persistent, Sentry, Defensive
Place a Sentry at the target location to generate a Safeguard Ring. Enemies within the radius are knocked back upon its creation. The ring knocks back enemies in its radius at regular intervals. Allies receive less damage in its radius and take additional less damage from enemies outside the ring.
Icebound Laser Beam
Spell, Channeled, Cold, Projectile, Horizontal, Laser Beam
Launches a Cold Laser Beam forward while channeling. The Laser Beam deals damage to and stops at the first enemy it hits. Channeling builds up channeled stacks. At the maximum channeled stacks, launches a wave of projectiles to enemies at the Laser Beam’s end and loses all channeled stacks.
Spiral Strike
Attack, Erosion, Area, Melee, Mobility
Dash forward and deals damage multiple times to enemies. The higher Attack Speed you have, the more times you deal damage.
Compound Source
Restores Life over time in the skill duration. The restoration stops once your Life is full. Defeat enemies to charge.

System Optimizations

  • 【Skills】A Reset Level feature for skills has been added, allowing you to reset skill above Level 1 to Level 1 in Inventory - Skills - Function Collection.
  • 【Skills】The Tips interface for skills has been redesigned, making it easier for players to view the details of each skill's values.

Season 2 Blacksail New Skills

Icon Name Description
Thunder Slash Attack enemies in front in Slash Strike form, dealing Lightning Damage. During Multistrike, each strike of the skill will increase the skill's Attack Speed.
Blazing Bullet This attack fires a Fire Projectile that Penetrates enemies in front and creates Fire explosions when it Penetrates enemies. The skill gains damage and effective area based on the Penetrations done by the Projectiles.
Howling Gale While channeling, this Spell creates a Gale that attacks enemies within a certain area. The more channeled stacks, the faster the Gale strikes. Bonus and additional bonus to Cast Speed also applies to Strike frequency.
Moon Strike Attack enemies in front in Slash Strike form. The skill deals additional Physical Damage based on the Mana Cost. Spell Damage bonus and additional bonus also apply to the skill's damage
Haunting Abomination This Spell deals Erosion Damage to the targeted enemy and creates a Terra effect that follows this enemy, dealing Secondary Damage to enemies within a certain Terra Area for a period of time. The value of the Secondary Damage equals a certain percentage of the first damage.

Season 2 Blacksail Skill Changes

Major Adjustments: When a Hunter is Dual Wielding, the damage calculation of the active skills, Whirlwind, Leap Attack, and Rehan's Trait skill Burst will now be calculated with the average of the Hunter's two weapons' damage as the base weapon damage.

Skill Name Changes
  • No longer has action time. Can now be cast by pressing down on the skill.
  • No longer has a cast distance. Now affects all enemies within a certain area.
Flame Pillar
  • Increased the duration of placed Sentries from 4s to 8s.
Spirit Magus Skill
  • Reduced the Sealed Mana of Spirit Magus from 35% to 25% and proportionally reduced the buff effect provided by Origin of Spirit Magus.
  • No longer deals Secondary Physical Damage. Now deals Physical DoT that doesn't benefit from the Hunter's own damage bonuses.
  • Reduced the body size amplification from +20% to +10%.
  • Provides an additional Attack Speed bonus instead of an Attack Speed bonus.
  • Now reduces the Movement Speed of affected units instead of reducing their damage dealt.
Rain of Arrows
  • Bonuses that apply to Projectile Speed will also be applied to this skill's additional damage.
  • Adjusted the damage multiplier from 106% to 60% at Lv.1 and from 146% to 81% at Lv.20.
  • Reduced the time during which the fissure spreads from 0.8s to 0.4s.
  • The speed at which the fissure spreads is no longer affected by Attack Speed bonuses. Instead, it is affected by Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed bonuses.
  • When consuming Demolisher Charge, this skill gains an additional Skill Area bonus.
  • Changed the damage multiplier for small Terra from 99% to 99% at Lv.1 and from 158% to 158% at Lv.20, and the damage multiplier for large Terra from 596% to 595% at Lv.1 and from 951% to 950% at Lv.20.
Frost Impact
  • The skill gains additional damage when it consumes Demolisher Charge.
  • Reduced the Ice Spike generation interval from 0.25s to 0.2s.
  • Reduced the Ice Spike generation distance from 2m to 1.5m.
  • Adjusted the damage multiplier from 147% to 113% at Lv.1 and from 258% to 199% at Lv.20.
Ice Shot
  • Increased the explosion radius from 4.7m to 5.4m.
  • Increased the chance of inflicting Frostbite from a set chance of 25% to 30% at Lv.1 and 50% at Lv.20.
  • Increased the duration of Frostbite inflicted.
  • Adjusted the explosion damage of the ice lances from 182% to 91% at Lv.1 and from 246% to 123% at Lv.20.
Berserking Blade
  • No longer additionally gain 1 stack of buff when killing an enemy in Sweep Slash form.
  • No longer cleaves forward in Steep Strike form. Instead the same circular slash as Sweep Slash form is used to attack enemies within a certain area.
  • Skill Area bonuses will no longer be applied to Steep Strike damage. Instead, they will be applied to Steep Strike additional damage.
  • Adjusted the Sweep Slash damage multiplier from 93% to 85% at Lv.1 and from 163% to 149% at Lv.20. Adjusted the Steep Strike damage multiplier from 157% to 104% at Lv.1 and from 321% to 183% at Lv.20.
Frost Spike
  • No longer grants a damage bonus or creates an explosion when hitting a Frostbitten enemy.
  • No longer generates a Pojectile when hitting a Frozen enemy.
  • A projectile is now generated when hitting an enemy. Additional projectiles will be generated according to their Frostbite Rating at this time.
  • Reduced the number of projectiles released by Shadows and the chance of inflicting Frostbite.
  • Adjusted the hit damage multiplier from 80% to 110% at Lv.1 and from 96% to 142% at Lv.20. Adjusted the Projectile damage multiplier from 80% to 110% at Lv.1 and from 96% to 142% at Lv.20.
Double Thrusts
  • Adjusted the damage multiplier from 40% to 54% at Lv.1 and from 53% to 73% at Lv.20.
Savage Charge
  • Increased the base area by 20%.
  • Increased the base knockback distance.
  • Charge damage has not changed. Adjusted the final damage from 240% to 238% at Lv.1 and from 421% to 417% at Lv.20.
  • The supported skill no longer deals more damage to enemies at the center. This skill's damage and area are now additionally increased when Demolisher Charge is consumed.
Whirlwind reworked
  • Changed the maximum channeled stacks to 8. After reaching max channeled stacks, a circular wind blade will be released at enemies according to the Steep Strike chance.
  • Adjusted the Sweep Slash damage multiplier from 39% to 37% at Lv.1 and from 68% to 66% at Lv.20. Adjusted the Steep Strike damage multiplier from 58% to 94% at Lv.1 and from 102% to 164% at Lv.20.
Raging Warcry reworked
  • Currently, Raging Warcry increases the Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed according to the number of enemies affected by it, and the damage and Skill Area increase the next few times the skill consumes Demolisher Charge.
  • Raging Warcry's Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed is 4% at Lv.20, and its additional damage and Skill Area is 6.9% at Lv.20.
Frost Terra reworked
  • Frost Terra now deals Cold DoT to enemies and inflicts Frostbite Rating on enemies within a certain area periodically. The skill deals additional damage to enemies who have Frostbite Rating based on how much Frostbite Rating they have. Additionally increases the damage of this skill when Terra Charge is consumed.
Corrosive Shot
  • Reduced the Terra Charge Restoration Duration from 1.5 to 1s.
Shadow Swamp
  • Shadow Swamp now creates an explosion every time it moves, with a 10% larger area.
  • Consumes 1 Terra Charge when it is cast and additionally increases the damage dealt after moving by 10%.
  • The buff obtained after moving can be obtained up to 3 times.
  • The Max Terra of this skill can't be increased. For every +1 Max Terra, the number of buffs that can be obtained after moving increases by 1.
Ring of Blades
  • This skill's cooldown is now 0.2s.
  • This skill now takes effect on Beam Skills.
  • Adjusted the per stack additional damage of Aim from 3.1% to 6.4% at Lv.1 and from 5% to 8.3% at Lv.20.

Other Skill Value Adjustments

Wilt Spike Damage Multiplier. Lv.1: 65%→90%. Lv.20: 80%→111%
Leap Attack Damage coefficient. Lv.1: 121%→140%. Lv.20: 212%→246%
Spiral Strike Damage coefficient. Lv.1: 63%→65%. Lv.20: 84%→88%
Blink Bow Damage coefficient. Lv.1: 155%→186%. Lv.20: 209%→251%
Rocket Jump Damage coefficient. Lv.1: 142%→165%. Lv.20: 192%→223%
Flurry of Slash Damage coefficient. Lv.1: 172%→200%. Lv.20: 302%→351%
Electrifying Shot Damage coefficient. Lv.1: 200%→148%. Lv.20: 270%→199%
Corrosive Throw Damage coefficient. Lv.1: 72%→95%. Lv.20: 116%→128%
Flame Imbue per second Fire DoT. Lv.1: 2→2. Lv.20: 112→160
Precise Flame Imbue per second Fire DoT. Lv.1: 2→3. Lv.20: 132→189
Multistrike Chance. Lv.1: 100%→60%. Lv.20: 195%→155%. Increasing Damage. Lv.1: 20%→17.5%. Lv.20: 20%→27%. Additional Damage. Lv.1: -20%→2%. Lv.20: -10.5%→2%
Quick Mobility Attack Speed. Lv.1: 20%→10.5%. Lv.20: 40%→20.5%
Fearless Warcry Steep Strike Damage. Lv.1: 5→5. Lv.20: 11.65%→10.7%
Soul Focus Cooldown: 0.5→0.6
Cataclysm per second Affliction. Lv.1: 22→8. Lv.20: 31.5→8. Additional Affliction Effect. Lv.1: 20.5%→44.5%. Lv.20: 30%→54%
Added Fire Damage to Base Ignite Damage. Lv.1: 20→20. Lv.20: 64→151
Added Fire Damage to Base Wilt Damage. Lv.1: 4→20. Lv.20: 50→76
Flame Imbue Base Ignite Damage. Lv.1: 7→16. Lv.20: 31→73
Precise Flame Imbue Base Ignite Damage. Lv.1: 12→16. Lv.20: 37→86
Corrosion Imbue Base Wilt Damage. Lv.1: 2→2. Lv.20: 17→26
Precise Corrosion Imbue Base Wilt Damage. Lv.1: 4→6. Lv.20: 21→32
Shadow Will Additional Damage. Lv.1: 10%→15.5%. Lv.20: 29%→25%
Souleating Field per stack Spell Damage. Lv.1: 1%→1.4%. Lv.20: 2%→2.35%
Precise Projectiles Projectile Speed. Lv.1: 10%→25.5%. Lv.20: 29%→35%
Precise Projectiles Projectile Speed. Lv.1: 10%→25.5%. Lv.20: 29%→35%
Quick Return Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed. Lv.1: 57%→112%. Lv.20: 114%→150%
Wind Projectiles Projectile Speed: 30%→35%
Precise: Cast on Critical Strike Skill Link Additional Damage. Lv.1: 205%→505%. Lv.20: 300%→600%
Precise: Cast while Channeling Skill Link Additional Damage. Lv.1: 21%→56%. Lv.20: 40%→75%
Magical Source Mana Restoration. Lv.1: 3→5. Lv.20: 174→196. Intermediate progress corresponds with Sealed Mana
Precise Magical Source Mana Restoration. Lv.1: 3→5. Lv.20: 174→196. Intermediate progress corresponds with Sealed Mana
Changed the Attack Speed of Bloodthirst to additional Attack Speed. Lv.1: 7%→5.5%. Lv.20: 45%→15%. Movement Speed. Lv.1: 10%→8%. Lv.20: 19.5%→8%
Summon Frost Spirit Sealed Mana: 35%→25%. Per second Max Mana Restoration. Lv.1: 2%→0.4%. Lv.20: 5.8%→4.2%
Summon Flame Spirit Sealed Mana: 35%→25%. Critical Strike Rating. Lv.1: 95→45. Lv.20: 190→140
Summon Thunder Spirit Sealed Mana: 35%→25%. Attack and Cast Speed. Lv.1: 35%→16%. Lv.20: 54%→35%
Changed the additional damage reduction of Blind to Movement Speed reduction. Lv.1: -7%→-1%. Lv.20: -16.5%→-20%

How to unlock Skill Slots

1. Skill slots require energy to unlock, including active and passive unlocking.
2. The first slot of each skill tab passively unlocks when energy reaches the cap.
3. Players need to allocate energy to unlock other skill slots.
4. Energy can be gained by leveling up characters and equipping gears (excluding trinkets).

Skills Guide

1. Skills are divided into Active skills, Support skills, Passive skills and Triggered skills.
2. Active and Passive skills can be linked to Support skills.
3. Triggered skills can be linked to Active skills and Support skills.
4. Available Support skills that can be linked are identified by their skill tags.
5. Only one skill is active when identical skills are equipped.
6. The availability of Active skills depends on the weapons equipped by characters.

Q: How do I learn more skills?

A: Some skills are earned throughout the main quest. Other skills may be purchased from the Skill Merchant in your hideout.

Q:Ranged characters have movement skills that go backwards - these are very frustrating to use to move forward/use between skills.  Is there any thoughts about changing these to be more natural and moving forward/adding other movement skills for bows/cannons?

A:Choosing between Mobility Skills and Main Skills is also part of the strategy.

Q: Why does my Mana bar appear grey, and why does "Low Mana" show on the screen when I try to use a skill?

A: Aura, Imbue, and Triggered skills require that a certain amount of Mana be sealed and reserved. The Mana requirements of such skills also increases as they are upgraded. If you find that too much of your Mana is sealed by these skills, consider connecting Support skills such as "Cost Conversion" and "Restrain" to affect Mana costs.


Torchlight Infinite Guide