Torchlight Infinite Divinity Slate

Divinity Slate

The Divinity Slate is a powerful and versatile item in Torchlight Infinite, offering players a unique way to customize their talents and abilities. Let's delve into its depths:

What is a Divinity Slate?

  • A special item obtained from the Cube of Rapacity and through world drops.
  • Equips to the Statue of the New God, granting access to additional talents from the New God's tree.
  • Each slate has two slots for "Divinity Affixes," which modify the equipped talents in various ways.

Benefits of Divinity Slates:

  • Unlock New Talents: Access powerful abilities not available through your character's original talent tree.
  • Customize Your Build: Enhance existing talents with beneficial affixes, tailoring your playstyle and strengths.
  • Experiment & Adapt: Try different combinations of slates and affixes to discover the perfect build for your needs.

Types of Divinity Slates:

  • Minor: Offer one affix slot and grant minor talent bonuses.
  • Medium: Offer two affix slots and grant medium talent bonuses.
  • Major: Offer two affix slots and grant powerful talent bonuses, often with unique effects.
  • Legendary: Rare and powerful slates with unique affixes and exceptional bonuses.

Divinity Affixes:

  • Modifiers that affect the equipped talent in various ways, such as increasing damage, adding effects, or altering its behavior.
  • Affixes can be specific to certain talents or offer general bonuses.
  • Obtained through "Branding," a process that consumes other slates and has a chance of adding a new affix.

Using Divinity Slates:

  • Equip the slate to the Statue of the New God in your talent menu.
  • Fill the affix slots with desired affixes obtained through branding or random drops.
  • Experiment with different combinations of slates and affixes to find the optimal setup for your character.

Tips for Using Divinity Slates:

  • Consider your build: Choose slates and affixes that complement your existing talents and playstyle.
  • Prioritize synergies: Look for affixes that work well together and amplify your desired effects.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment: Try different combinations and find what works best for you.
  • Optimize for endgame: As you progress, refine your slate and affix choices for maximum effectiveness in challenging content.

Remember, the Divinity Slate is a powerful tool for customizing your character and unlocking your full potential. Explore its possibilities, experiment with different combinations, and unleash your unique power in the world of Torchlight Infinite!

Divinity Slate and Statue of the New God

In the new season’s adventure, Hunters have the opportunity to obtain a unique item called Divinity Slate.

Each Divinity Slate is associated with a deity and can hold up to 2 random Talent Affixes from the corresponding god.

The new god offers Hunters a fresh Talent Panel, the Statue of The New God. Unlike previous Talent Panels, Hunters can combine and place multiple Divinity Slates on the Statue of The New God to gain potent buffs. This feature enables Hunters to bridge the gap between divine Talents and utilize the power of the six gods more flexibly.

Torchlight Infinite Statue of The New God

Furthermore, Hunters can enhance the Divinity Slate through a special branding process, but this will render the Divinity Slate untradeable. Each successful branding attempt will either add a new Affix or level up an existing one.

Torchlight Infinite Brand Divinity Slate

Additionally, when enhancing a Divinity Slate successfully, there is a small chance to transform a powerful, leveled-up Affix into the new god’s exclusive Talent Affix, “Divine Entropy.” Divine Entropy empowers Hunters with the ability to control “Order and Chaos.”

Torchlight Infinite Brand Divinity Slate

It is important to note that each Divinity Slate has a limit on the number of branding attempts, which significantly increases the challenge of obtaining Divine Entropy. If you manage to acquire enough Divine Entropy, you may be considered the chosen one of the new god.

Valuable rollback materials will also be provided to enable players to make multiple branding attempts on their most valuable base items.

Related currency: Unifying Wedge

Unifying Wedge: can be used on the Divinity Slated to remove all the Brands on it and restore Brand Attempts.

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

How to get Divinity Slate?

Netherrealm End Boss Exclusive Drop Adjustments: Added Legendary Divinity Slate [Pedigree of Gods].

Legendary Gear

Sparks of Moth Fire
  • Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate above to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.
  • Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate on the left to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.
  • Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate below this slate. Unable to copy the Main Talents.
  • Copies the last Talent on the adjacent slate on the right to this slate. Unable to copy the Core Talent.
God's Footsteps
  • +15% Talent effect of this slate for every other God's Footsteps in the same row/column. Main Talents will not be affected.
  • +35% Talent effect of this slate when there are no God's Footsteps in the same row/column. Main Talents will not be affected.
  • <Talent - New God>
Fallen Starlight
  • <Micro Talent>
  • <Micro Talent>
  • <Medium Talent>
  • <Medium Talent>
Last God's Tears
  • +20% new god Talent effect for the adjacent slates. Main Talents will not be affected.
  • <Medium Talent - New God>
A Corner of Divinity
  • <Medium Talents in the Last Column>
  • <Medium Talents in the Last Column>
Last God Has Gone Far
  • Devours Six Gods Talents of the adjacent slates
  • <Talent - New God>
  • <Medium Talent - New God>
  • <Core Talent>
Last God's Revelation
  • Devours the Medium Talents on the adjacent slate above. +30% new god Talent effect for the adjacent slate below for each one devoured. The Core Talent will not be affected.
  • Devours the Medium Talents on the adjacent slate below. +30% new god Talent effect for the adjacent slate above for each one devoured. The Core Talent will not be affected.
Space Rift
  • Copies the Medium Talents on the adjacent slate on the left to this slate
  • Copies the Medium Talents on the adjacent slate on the right of this slate
Pedigree of Gods
  • <Micro Talent or Medium Talent>
  • <Micro Talent or Medium Talent>
  • <Medium Talent or Lv.1 Main Talent>
  • <Lv.2 Main Talent>
Residence of Stars
  • Copies the Micro Talents on the adjacent slate on the right of this slate

Obtained when recycling a Divinity Slate

Season Character Build

A new god has been born, but the statue of the new gold has yet to be cast. We shall continue our adventures to collect souls in this world and offer them to cast a statue for the new gold. Only then will our faith be validated, and the god's will be carried out.

The 7th GodTalent Tangram
A new talent panel, statue of the new god, will be added in the new season. The birth of the new god has disrupted the existing system of the six gods, causing the powers of the six gods tot merge.

torchlight infinite The 7th God

"This is not the first time she has bid me farewell. The same farewell has taken place countless times."

We will introduce a new item called the divinity slate in the new season. The powers of different gods are recorded on this slate. Hunters can combine and place multiple divinity slates on the statue of the new god to gain powerful buffs.

torchlight infinite Talent Tangram

"It seems that in a past we shouldn't remember, we also activated the clockwork core and traveled across thousands of planes to find that girl."

Divinity Slate Itemization

  • Divinity Slates can drop with up to two unmodifiable Fixed Talent Nodes, with modifiers representative of the Small and Medium Talent Nodes from that God's main and subsidiary trees.
  • Divinity Slates can be branded a finite amount of times by consuming an unknown new currency, and making the Divinity Slate untradeable. Successful brandings either add a Brand Talent Node, or upgrades the tier of an existing one. Up to 3 Brand Talent Nodes can exist.
  • Brand Talent Nodes have a slim chance to be converted into a Talent Node representative of The New God - this mechanic is called Divine Entropy. These special Talent Nodes interact with the new Order and Chaos mechanic - more on that later.
  • Divinity Slates can be recycled into Divinity Fragments, a tradeable currency that can be used to create brand new randomized Divinity Slates.

Q:You didn't enable the option to select the mods when price checking Divinity Slates. When price checking other items you can click a button and select which mods are to be included, there is no such button when price checking divinity slates.

A:We have already implemented this feature, and it will be effective after the update.

Torchlight Infinite Guide