PoE Scarab Recipe Vendor 3.25 & List of All Scarabs

PoE Scarab Recipe 3.24

Trade three Scarabs for a single Scarab of type different from those vendored.

Outcome Vendor Recipe Notes
1x Scarab of type different from those vendored 3x the same Scarab 3 to 1 vendor recipe

List of All PoE Scarabs

NameIcon Description Limit Tag Flavour Text
Reliquary Scarab 100% increased Unique Items found in Area Limit: 2 Reliquary Build for yourself a hoard a Dragon would envy. If they were real.
Reliquary Scarab of Overlords Unique Monsters in Area drop an additional Unique Item Limit: 1 Reliquary Pry it from their cold dead hands.
Reliquary Scarab of Vision Area contains The Nameless Seer Limit: 1 Reliquary He foresees great wealth in your future.
Sulphite Scarab Area contains Niko Limit: 1 Sulphite Delve into darkness in search of the truth...
Sulphite Scarab of Greed Map owner gains 150% more Sulphite Limit: 1 Sulphite There is no such thing as 'enough'.
Sulphite Scarab of Fumes Sulphite found in Map Area releases Enraging Fumes
Monsters affected by Enraging Fumes have 500% increased Item Quantity
Sulphite in your maps is guarded by Monsters from the Azurite Mine
Limit: 1 Sulphite When the land itself is sick, even the very ground rots and spills forth.
Divination Scarab 150% increased Divination Cards found in Area Limit: 2 Divination Fate can be... encouraged.
Divination Scarab of Curation 10% more Divination Cards found in Area per different Favoured Map
Divination card drops in Area are replaced by those of your Favoured Maps
Limit: 1 Divination Discernment is the key to attaining true control.
Divination Scarab of Completion Divination cards which drop in Area have a 20% chance to drop as a full stack instead Limit: 1 Divination Pursue thy fate with grit, for it may arrive sooner than you think.
Torment Scarab Area is haunted by 5 additional Tormented Spirits Limit: 4 Torment Their crimes in life haunt you in death.
Torment Scarab of Peculiarity Tormented Spirits in Area are replaced with unusual variants Limit: 1 Torment Now there's a blood-curdling wail I haven't heard before!
Torment Scarab of Release Tormented Spirits in Area have a 25% chance to
be set free when Possessed Monsters are slain
Limit: 1 Torment If it could end, it wouldn't really be damnation.
Torment Scarab of Possession Rare Monsters in Area have a quarter chance to be Possessed by up to 1 Tormented Spirit Limit: 1 Torment The strong are never truly alone.
Anarchy Scarab Area contains 4 additional Rogue Exiles Limit: 4 Anarchy On Wraeclast, it's kill or be killed.
Anarchy Scarab of Gigantification Rogue Exiles in Area have a 30% chance to be replaced with a Rogue Giant Limit: 2 Anarchy The consumption of sulphite can cause strange growth.
Anarchy Scarab of Partnership Rogue Exiles in Area have a 50% chance to appear in pairs Limit: 1 Anarchy Among exiles, alliances shift and change constantly.
Ritual Scarab of Selectiveness Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in Area has no cost the first 2 times
Ritual Altars in Area allow rerolling Favours 1 additional time
Limit: 2 Ritual Pick and choose which sacred tenets you prefer...
Ritual Scarab of Recognition Unique enemies slain at Ritual Altars in Area grant 200% more Tribute Limit: 1 Ritual Names carry meaning. Meaning carries power.
Ritual Scarab of Abundance Rituals in Area offer 100% increased Favours Limit: 2 Ritual He draws ever closer...
Harvest Scarab Area contains the Sacred Grove Limit: 1 Harvest Hidden routes lead to vales of shadow and light...
Harvest Scarab of Doubling Lifeforce dropped by Harvest Monsters in Area is duplicated
Harvest Monsters in Area have 100% more Life
Limit: 1 Harvest A good season brings bounty.
Harvest Scarab of Cornucopia If Area contains the Sacred Grove, it will contain up to 1 additional Tier 4 seed of each type, if possible Limit: 1 Harvest The taller the tree, the better the fruit.
Bestiary Scarab Area contains Einhar Limit: 1 Bestiary The Beastmaster answers the call.
Bestiary Scarab of the Herd Area contains 5 additional Red Beasts if it contains Einhar Limit: 2 Bestiary The First Ones ran rampant and free in the forests of old.
Bestiary Scarab of Duplicating Create a copy of Beasts captured in Area Limit: 1 Bestiary "What's better than one captured beast, exile?"
Bestiary Scarab of the Shadowed Crow Area contains The Black Mórrigan if it contains Einhar Limit: 1 Bestiary The Nameless begin to slip their bonds of nonexistence...
Influencing Scarab of the Shaper Adds Shaper Influence outcome to Area Limit: 1 Influencing A sea of stars awaits those who dare imagine.
Influencing Scarab of the Elder Adds Elder Influence outcome to Area Limit: 1 Influencing Beyond the light lies only the void.
Influencing Scarab of Hordes Influenced Monster Packs in Area have 40% increased Pack Size Limit: 1 Influencing Ideas cannot be contained.
Influencing Scarab of Conversion Tier 14+ Maps found in Area have a chance to drop as Shaper Guardian, Elder Guardian, Conqueror or Unique Synthesised Maps instead Limit: 1 Influencing Memories resound in the Atlas, echoing forever.
Harbinger Scarab Area contains 3 additional Harbingers Limit: 4 Harbinger Their troops came in numbers uncountable and from lands unknown.
Harbinger Scarab of Discernment Harbingers in Area drop rarer currency shards
Harbingers in Area drop a single type of currency shard
Limit: 1 Harbinger There's no accounting for what some will hoard.
Harbinger Scarab of Regency Harbingers in Area have a 50% chance to be replaced by a powerful Harbinger Boss Limit: 1 Harbinger The truly noble wage war from the front.
Harbinger Scarab of Warhoards Currency shards dropped by Harbingers in Area are duplicated Limit: 1 Harbinger For those who can leverage it, war can be as much a machine of profit as it is death.
Abyss Scarab Area contains an additional Abyss Limit: 2 Abyss They search forever for more souls to drag to the dark.
Abyss Scarab of Multitudes Abysses in Area spawn 75% increased Monsters Limit: 2 Abyss They ceaselessly sprout from the murderous earth.
Abyss Scarab of Emptiness Rare Abyss Monsters in Area have a 50% chance to drop
an additional Rare item with an Abyssal socket
Limit: 1 Abyss They stare back, with hollow hypnotising eyes.
Abyss Scarab of Edifice Abysses in Area that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths lead to a Stygian Spire
Abysses in Area spawn Hoards as they travel
Limit: 1 Abyss Their empires ghastly and gaunt glitter with gold.
Abyss Scarab of Profound Depth Monsters from Abysses in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for each prior Pit in that Abyss Limit: 1 Abyss The deeper we dig, the more we find, be it fortune or foe.
Essence Scarab Area contains 2 additional Essences Limit: 4 Essence It is perfectly safe, the creatures trapped inside couldn't possibly still be living.
Essence Scarab of Ascent Essences found in Area are a tier higher Limit: 1 Essence A more perfect facet cannot be achieved.
Essence Scarab of Stability Using a Remnant of Corruption in Area can only result in
upgrading or transforming Essences
Limit: 1 Essence With the right tools and a precise hand, the manipulation of the crystals can be made predictable.
Essence Scarab of Calcification All Rare monsters in Area are imprisoned by Essences Limit: 1 Essence The crystals... can spread?
Essence Scarab of Adaptation Imprisoned Monsters released in Areas grant a random Essence Modifier to another Imprisoned Monster in the Area
Imprisoned Monsters in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for each Essence Modifier
Limit: 1 Essence The crystalline lattice expands in directions alien to the mortal mind.
Domination Scarab Area contains 2 additional Shrines Limit: 4 Domination A simple exchange. Blood for power.
Domination Scarab of Abnormality Area contains an additional Unusual Shrine Limit: 2 Domination What could possibly have been sacrificed to achieve... this?
Domination Scarab of Teachings Shrine buffs in Area also grant 30% increased Experience gained Limit: 1 Domination Whatever the prize, learn from it.
Domination Scarab of Terrors Shrines in Area are guarded by an additional Map Boss
Modifiers to the Final Map Boss also apply to these guardians
Limit: 1 Domination Whatever the prize, fight for it.
Incursion Scarab Area contains Alva Limit: 1 Incursion Uncover the secrets of the Vaal one incursion at a time.
Incursion Scarab of Invasion Area contains 12-16 additional packs of Incursion Monsters Limit: 2 Incursion A gate, once opened, may swing in either direction.
Incursion Scarab of Champions Incursions in Area have a 35% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic
Incursions in Area have 15% increased Pack Size
Limit: 2 Incursion Only the best served in Atzoatl.
Incursion Scarab of Timelines Final Architect slain in Area will drop an Itemised Temple
Itemised Temples dropped in Area are generated based on current Temple layout, but with randomised room tiers
Limit: 1 Incursion They say if you go far enough, you will meet yourself...
Betrayal Scarab Area contains Jun Limit: 1 Betrayal The Syndicate must pay for what they have done.
Betrayal Scarab of Intelligence 150% Increased Intelligence gained from
Immortal Syndicate targets encountered in Area
Limit: 1 Betrayal Those that can never die fear only pain.
Betrayal Scarab of Reinforcements Immortal Syndicate Members in Area have 50% increased chance to be accompanied by reinforcements Limit: 1 Betrayal Move and countermove.
Betrayal Scarab of Perpetuation Defeated Immortal Syndicate targets in Area have a 50% chance
to drop an additional Scarab
Limit: 2 Betrayal The Syndicate has learned how to make their own scarabs...
Blight Scarab Area contains a Blight Encounter Limit: 1 Blight The tendrils creep and grow...
Blight Scarab of Bounty Blight Chests in Area have a 20% chance to be openable again Limit: 2 Blight A ghastly fruit, but twice as sweet.
Blight Scarab of Oils Blight Oils found in Area are 1 tier higher Limit: 1 Blight Strike deep into the pulse of the fungus.
Blight Scarab of Blooming Blight Encounters in Area have up to 3 additional Unique Bosses
Unique enemies in Blight Encounters have 100% increased life
Tier 14+ Blighted Maps found in Area drop as Blight-Ravaged Maps instead
Limit: 1 Blight Once a century, the Blight spills forth...
Blight Scarab of Invigoration Each Empowering Tower in Areas grants Blighted Monsters in range increased Difficulty and Reward Limit: 1 Blight Reversing the polarity of the compression modulator seems to have intriguing effects...
Breach Scarab Area contains 2 additional Breaches Limit: 4 Breach They are never far.
Breach Scarab of the Dreamer Breaches in Area will always belong to Chayula Limit: 1 Breach Dreams quickly sour into Nightmare.
Breach Scarab of Lordship Breaches in Area each contain a Breachlord Limit: 1 Breach Their kingdoms always seek expansion.
Breach Scarab of Splintering Breach Monsters in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters
Clasped Hands in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters
Limit: 2 Breach Bit by bit.
Breach Scarab of Snares Breaches in Area have 5 to 10 additional Clasped Hands
Clasped Hands in Area are guarded by a rare Breach Monster
Limit: 1 Breach Care where you step.
Breach Scarab of Resonant Cascade Breaches in Areas open and close 10% faster for each Breach already opened
Monsters from Breaches in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for each Breach already opened
Limit: 1 Breach Reality weakens with each new wound.
Cartography Scarab 50% increased Maps found in Area Limit: 2 Cartography The Atlas holds endless secrets...
Cartography Scarab of Ascension Maps found in Area are a tier higher, up to Tier 16 Limit: 1 Cartography Climb ever higher in the search for truth.
Cartography Scarab of Singularity A Unique Map will drop from the Final Map Boss Limit: 1 Cartography Some regions of the Atlas never change.
Cartography Scarab of Corruption Non-Unique Maps found in Area are Corrupted with 8 Modifiers Limit: 1 Cartography Corruption bleeds between realities.
Cartography Scarab of Duplication Maps found in Area have a 30% chance to be Duplicated Limit: 2 Cartography Where you have been, there shall you be again.
Ambush Scarab Area contains 5 additional Strongboxes Limit: 4 Ambush Is it still an ambush if you're expecting it?
Ambush Scarab of Hidden Compartments 15% Chance for Strongboxes in Area to be openable again Limit: 1 Ambush Beneath the obvious lies the real treasure...
Ambush Scarab of Potency 75% Increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes in Area Limit: 1 Ambush The locksmith dreams of building a better box.
Ambush Scarab of Containment Area contains many additional Strongboxes
Area's inhabitants are lying in ambush
Limit: 1 Ambush The silence belies lurking doom.
Ambush Scarab of Discernment Strongboxes in Area are more likely to be rarer varieties Limit: 1 Ambush A keen eye sorts the worthy from the chaff.
Expedition Scarab Area contains an Expedition Encounter Limit: 1 Expedition They come from across the sea in search of ancient truth.
Expedition Scarab of Runefinding Expedition Encounters in Area have 100% increased
number of Runic Monster Markers
Limit: 2 Expedition That which came from the stars longs to return.
Expedition Scarab of Verisium Powder Expedition Encounters in Area have 20% increased number of Explosives
80% increased Explosive Radius
Limit: 1 Expedition A properly refined pinch makes all the difference.
Expedition Scarab of the Skald Expedition Encounters in Area are lead by Dannig Limit: 1 Expedition Lead from the front, and your men will follow you anywhere.
Expedition Scarab of Archaeology Remnants in Expedition Encounters in Area have 2 additional Suffixes and Prefixes Limit: 1 Expedition Curiosity leads to wisdom. Wisdom leads to power.
Legion Scarab Area contains an additional Legion Encounter Limit: 4 Legion What good is peace to a warrior?
Legion Scarab of Officers Legion Factions in Area have 5 additional Sergeants Limit: 1 Legion Even a battlefield has middle management.
Legion Scarab of Command Legion Factions in Area are accompanied by a General Limit: 1 Legion Cut off the head and the snake will perish.
Legion Scarab of The Sekhema Legion Encounters in Area always contain the Maraketh Faction Limit: 1 Legion Storms of blood-stained sand will drown the enemies of the Maraketh.
Legion Scarab of Eternal Conflict Legion Monsters in Area can be broken out of Stasis multiple times
Legion Monsters in Area gain increased Difficulty and Reward for each time they are broken out
Limit: 1 Legion An eternity of blood. Glorious.
Beyond Scarab Slaying enemies close together in Area can attract monsters from Beyond this realm Limit: 1 Beyond The silent wall and the raging storm oppose the endless swarm.
Beyond Scarab of Haemophilia Beyond Portals in Area have 30% increased Merging Radius Limit: 2 Beyond Reality itself begins to bleed.
Beyond Scarab of Resurgence Beyond Bosses in Area area are enraged on low life
Beyond Bosses in Area drop 100% increased Tainted Currency
Beyond Portals in Area have 30% increased chance to spawn a Unique Boss
Limit: 1 Beyond They hunger.
Beyond Scarab of Corruption Items dropped by Beyond Demons in Area are Corrupted Limit: 1 Beyond Their very flesh exudes Corruption.
Beyond Scarab of the Invasion Unique Monsters slain in Area create 8 to 12 additional Beyond Portals Limit: 1 Beyond The fated hour is almost nigh.
Ultimatum Scarab Area contains an Ultimatum Encounter Limit: 1 Ultimatum A challenge may be requested at any time.
Ultimatum Scarab of Bribing Ultimatum Monsters grant 150% increased Experience
Ultimatum Encounters grant rewards as though you completed 2 additional Rounds
Limit: 2 Ultimatum A trial is only as incorruptible as its judge.
Ultimatum Scarab of Dueling Ultimatum Encounters in Area will always lead to a Unique Boss if possible Limit: 1 Ultimatum Victory is meaningless, failure will be mocked.
Ultimatum Scarab of Catalysing Ultimatum Encounters in Area will only offer Catalysts as Rewards Limit: 1 Ultimatum Most regret finding out how the powder is made.
Ultimatum Scarab of Inscription Ultimatum Encounter rewards in Area offering Catalysts
will offer Inscribed Ultimatums instead
Limit: 1 Ultimatum There is always a wager to be made... if you can afford it.
Delirium Scarab Area contains a Mirror of Delirium Limit: 1 Delirium A perfectly innocuous Scarab that does nothing at all.
Delirium Scarab of Mania Delirium Reward Meters fill 100% faster in Area Limit: 2 Delirium They're so loud! Why are they so loud?! All you can do is scream!
Delirium Scarab of Paranoia Delirium Encounters in Area generate 2 additional Reward types Limit: 2 Delirium If it seems too good to be true...
Delirium Scarab of Neuroses Delirium Encounters in Area contain all Unique Delirium Bosses
Can only be used with Tier 11+ Maps
Limit: 1 Delirium Toothy grins shine in the dark.
Delirium Scarab of Delusions Maps found in Area have layers of Delirium Limit: 1 Delirium What are you talking about? The Atlas was always like this.
Scarab of Monstrous Lineage 40% increased Magic Pack Size Limit: 1 Misc The bloodlines evolve faster than they can be culled.
Scarab of Adversaries Area contains 4 additional Packs with Mirrored Rare Monsters Limit: 2 Misc They stand against you with equal enmity.
Mysterious Scarab Area contains 40-60 additional Clusters of Mysterious Barrels Limit: 3 Misc They chitter, they crawl, they bite... and they swarm.
Scarab of Hunted Traitors Area contains Hunted Traitors Limit: 1 Misc Nothing is as unforgiveable.
Scarab of Stability Portals to Area have a 50% chance to not be consumed on use Limit: 1 Misc Astonishing! A means to sustain the connection...
Scarab of Radiant Storms Area contains a Resplendent Tempest Limit: 1 Misc The great cacophony of life roars to a crescendo.
Scarab of Wisps Monsters in Area have 25% chance to be Empowered by Wildwood Wisps Limit: 4 Misc The Draíocht connects everything that lives.
Horned Scarab of Bloodlines All Monster packs in Area are at least Magic Limit: 1 Horned Only the hardiest survive. Only survivors perpetuate.
Horned Scarab of Nemeses Rare Monsters in Area have 2 additional Modifiers Limit: 1 Horned Glory draws ever tighter its own doom.
Horned Scarab of Preservation Other Scarabs are not consumed on use Limit: 1 Horned We must not forget those who came before.
Horned Scarab of Awakening You can select one Imbued crafting option on the Map Device Limit: 1 Horned The Atlas can be anything you want... and everything you want.
Horned Scarab of Tradition All Rare Monsters in Area have at least one Reward Modifier
Player Modifiers to Item Rarity and Item Quantity do not apply in Area
Limit: 1 Horned To the strongest, prosperity be thine.
Horned Scarab of Glittering Players in Area gain increased Item Rarity and Item Quantity for each Monster slain recently, up to 200% and 100% respectively Limit: 1 Horned Wealth flows to those that shine brightest.
Horned Scarab of Pandemonium Monster packs in Area have a 15% chance to be replaced by a random Atlas Boss
Modifiers to the Final Map Boss also apply to these Atlas Bosses
Limit: 1 Horned Punctured dreams bleed into the mind.

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How to get more Scarabs in Necropolis league?

  • It is now world drops. If you want to target specific Scarabs, Betrayal has been updated to include most of them!
  • Hillock's Transportation Safehouse reward is now a chest of Essence Scarabs. This does not apply to Ruthless.
  • Vorici's Research Safehouse reward is now a stash of Harvest Scarabs. This does not apply to Ruthless.
  • Hillock's Research Safehouse reward is now a stash of Anarchy Scarabs. This does not apply to Ruthless.
  • Jorgin's Research Safehouse reward is now a stash of Ritual Scarabs.
  • Aisling's Research Safehouse reward is now a stash of Beyond Scarabs. This does not apply to Ruthless.
  • Hillock's Fortification Safehouse reward is now a trapped stash of Scarabs..
  • Vorici's Intervention Safehouse reward is now a stash of Delirium Scarabs.
  • Guff's Intervention Safehouse reward is now a stash of Incursion Scarabs.
  • Korrell's Intervention Safehouse reward is now a stash of Influencing Scarabs.
  • Scarabs Atlas Passives can increase Scarabs drop chances. For example, Singular Carapaces grants "Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Reliquary Scarabs".
  • Veiled Scarab currency reveals a random Scarab when clicked.
  • Divination cards. For example, A set of four The Card Sharp cards can be exchanged for a random Divination Scarab.

Scarab drops in Path of Exile: Necropolis League do have some connection to rarity, but it's not a straightforward system like common/uncommon/rare.

  • Area Level Matters: Some scarabs can only be found in higher level areas. This implies that scarab rarity is at least partially tied to the difficulty of the zone you're exploring. White maps (lowest difficulty tier) might not be the best place for all scarabs.
  • Not a Simple Rarity System: The answer mentions "to a degree," suggesting there might be more factors at play than just area level. There could be additional mechanics or conditions affecting scarab rarity.

Therefore, while farming white maps might be okay for some scarabs, it's likely not the most efficient way to get all of them. You'll probably need to venture into higher difficulty areas to find the rarer scarabs.

Reliquary Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Reliquary Scarab 100% increased Unique Items found in Area Limit: 2
Reliquary Scarab of Overlords Unique Monsters in Area drop an additional Unique Item Limit: 1
Reliquary Scarab of Vision Area contains The Nameless Seer Limit: 1

Sulphite Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Sulphite Scarab Area contains Niko Limit: 1
Sulphite Scarab of Greed Map owner gains 150% more Sulphite Limit: 1
Sulphite Scarab of Fumes Sulphite found in Map Area releases Enraging Fumes
Monsters affected by Enraging Fumes have 500% increased Item Quantity
Sulphite in your maps is guarded by Monsters from the Azurite Mine
Limit: 1

Divination Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Divination Scarab 150% increased Divination Cards found in Area Limit: 2
Divination Scarab of Curation 10% more Divination Cards found in Area per different Favoured Map
Divination card drops in Area are replaced by those of your Favoured Maps
Limit: 1
Divination Scarab of Completion Divination cards which drop in Area have a 20% chance to drop as a full stack instead Limit: 1

Torment Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Torment Scarab Area is haunted by 5 additional Tormented Spirits Limit: 4
Torment Scarab of Peculiarity Tormented Spirits in Area are replaced with unusual variants Limit: 1
Torment Scarab of Release Tormented Spirits in Area have a 25% chance to
be set free when Possessed Monsters are slain
Limit: 1
Torment Scarab of Possession Rare Monsters in Area have a quarter chance to be Possessed by up to 1 Tormented Spirit Limit: 1

Anarchy Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Anarchy Scarab Area contains 4 additional Rogue Exiles Limit: 4
Anarchy Scarab of Gigantification Rogue Exiles in Area have a 30% chance to be replaced with a Rogue Giant Limit: 2
Anarchy Scarab of Partnership Rogue Exiles in Area have a 50% chance to appear in pairs Limit: 1

Ritual Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Ritual Scarab of Selectiveness Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in Area has no cost the first 2 times
Ritual Altars in Area allow rerolling Favours 1 additional time
Limit: 2
Ritual Scarab of Recognition Unique enemies slain at Ritual Altars in Area grant 200% more Tribute Limit: 1
Ritual Scarab of Abundance Rituals in Area offer 100% increased Favours Limit: 2

Harvest Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Harvest Scarab Area contains the Sacred Grove Limit: 1
Harvest Scarab of Doubling Lifeforce dropped by Harvest Monsters in Area is duplicated
Harvest Monsters in Area have 100% more Life
Limit: 1
Harvest Scarab of Cornucopia If Area contains the Sacred Grove, it will contain up to 1 additional Tier 4 seed of each type, if possible Limit: 1

Bestiary Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Bestiary Scarab Area contains Einhar Limit: 1
Bestiary Scarab of the Herd Area contains 5 additional Red Beasts if it contains Einhar Limit: 2
Bestiary Scarab of Duplicating Create a copy of Beasts captured in Area Limit: 1
Bestiary Scarab of the Shadowed Crow Area contains The Black Mórrigan if it contains Einhar Limit: 1

Influencing Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Influencing Scarab of the Shaper Adds Shaper Influence outcome to Area Limit: 1
Influencing Scarab of the Elder Adds Elder Influence outcome to Area Limit: 1
Influencing Scarab of Hordes Influenced Monster Packs in Area have 40% increased Pack Size Limit: 1
Influencing Scarab of Conversion Tier 14+ Maps found in Area have a chance to drop as Shaper Guardian, Elder Guardian, Conqueror or Unique Synthesised Maps instead Limit: 1

Harbinger Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Harbinger Scarab Area contains 3 additional Harbingers Limit: 4
Harbinger Scarab of Discernment Harbingers in Area drop rarer currency shards
Harbingers in Area drop a single type of currency shard
Limit: 1
Harbinger Scarab of Regency Harbingers in Area have a 50% chance to be replaced by a powerful Harbinger Boss Limit: 1
Harbinger Scarab of Warhoards Currency shards dropped by Harbingers in Area are duplicated Limit: 1

Abyss Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Abyss Scarab Area contains an additional Abyss Limit: 2
Abyss Scarab of Multitudes Abysses in Area spawn 75% increased Monsters Limit: 2
Abyss Scarab of Emptiness Rare Abyss Monsters in Area have a 50% chance to drop
an additional Rare item with an Abyssal socket
Limit: 1
Abyss Scarab of Edifice Abysses in Area that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths lead to a Stygian Spire
Abysses in Area spawn Hoards as they travel
Limit: 1
Abyss Scarab of Profound Depth Monsters from Abysses in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for each prior Pit in that Abyss Limit: 1

Essence Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Essence Scarab Area contains 2 additional Essences Limit: 4
Essence Scarab of Ascent Essences found in Area are a tier higher Limit: 1
Essence Scarab of Stability Using a Remnant of Corruption in Area can only result in
upgrading or transforming Essences
Limit: 1
Essence Scarab of Calcification All Rare monsters in Area are imprisoned by Essences Limit: 1
Essence Scarab of Adaptation Imprisoned Monsters released in Areas grant a random Essence Modifier to another Imprisoned Monster in the Area
Imprisoned Monsters in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for each Essence Modifier
Limit: 1

Domination Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Domination Scarab Area contains 2 additional Shrines Limit: 4
Domination Scarab of Abnormality Area contains an additional Unusual Shrine Limit: 2
Domination Scarab of Teachings Shrine buffs in Area also grant 30% increased Experience gained Limit: 1
Domination Scarab of Terrors Shrines in Area are guarded by an additional Map Boss
Modifiers to the Final Map Boss also apply to these guardians
Limit: 1

Incursion Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Incursion Scarab Area contains Alva Limit: 1
Incursion Scarab of Invasion Area contains 12-16 additional packs of Incursion Monsters Limit: 2
Incursion Scarab of Champions Incursions in Area have a 35% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic
Incursions in Area have 15% increased Pack Size
Limit: 2
Incursion Scarab of Timelines Final Architect slain in Area will drop an Itemised Temple
Itemised Temples dropped in Area are generated based on current Temple layout, but with randomised room tiers
Limit: 1

Betrayal Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Betrayal Scarab Area contains Jun Limit: 1
Betrayal Scarab of Intelligence 150% Increased Intelligence gained from
Immortal Syndicate targets encountered in Area
Limit: 1
Betrayal Scarab of Reinforcements Immortal Syndicate Members in Area have 50% increased chance to be accompanied by reinforcements Limit: 1
Betrayal Scarab of Perpetuation Defeated Immortal Syndicate targets in Area have a 50% chance
to drop an additional Scarab
Limit: 2

Blight Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Blight Scarab Area contains a Blight Encounter Limit: 1
Blight Scarab of Bounty Blight Chests in Area have a 20% chance to be openable again Limit: 2
Blight Scarab of Oils Blight Oils found in Area are 1 tier higher Limit: 1
Blight Scarab of Blooming Blight Encounters in Area have up to 3 additional Unique Bosses
Unique enemies in Blight Encounters have 100% increased life
Tier 14+ Blighted Maps found in Area drop as Blight-Ravaged Maps instead
Limit: 1
Blight Scarab of Invigoration Each Empowering Tower in Areas grants Blighted Monsters in range increased Difficulty and Reward Limit: 1

Breach Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Breach Scarab Area contains 2 additional Breaches Limit: 4
Breach Scarab of the Dreamer Breaches in Area will always belong to Chayula Limit: 1
Breach Scarab of Lordship Breaches in Area each contain a Breachlord Limit: 1
Breach Scarab of Splintering Breach Monsters in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters
Clasped Hands in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters
Limit: 2
Breach Scarab of Snares Breaches in Area have 5 to 10 additional Clasped Hands
Clasped Hands in Area are guarded by a rare Breach Monster
Limit: 1
Breach Scarab of Resonant Cascade Breaches in Areas open and close 10% faster for each Breach already opened
Monsters from Breaches in Areas have increased Difficulty and Reward for each Breach already opened
Limit: 1

Cartography Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Cartography Scarab 50% increased Maps found in Area Limit: 2
Cartography Scarab of Ascension Maps found in Area are a tier higher, up to Tier 16 Limit: 1
Cartography Scarab of Singularity A Unique Map will drop from the Final Map Boss Limit: 1
Cartography Scarab of Corruption Non-Unique Maps found in Area are Corrupted with 8 Modifiers Limit: 1
Cartography Scarab of Duplication Maps found in Area have a 30% chance to be Duplicated Limit: 2

Ambush Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Ambush Scarab Area contains 5 additional Strongboxes Limit: 4
Ambush Scarab of Hidden Compartments 15% Chance for Strongboxes in Area to be openable again Limit: 1
Ambush Scarab of Potency 75% Increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes in Area Limit: 1
Ambush Scarab of Containment Area contains many additional Strongboxes
Area's inhabitants are lying in ambush
Limit: 1
Ambush Scarab of Discernment Strongboxes in Area are more likely to be rarer varieties Limit: 1

Expedition Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Expedition Scarab Area contains an Expedition Encounter Limit: 1
Expedition Scarab of Runefinding Expedition Encounters in Area have 100% increased
number of Runic Monster Markers
Limit: 2
Expedition Scarab of Verisium Powder Expedition Encounters in Area have 20% increased number of Explosives
80% increased Explosive Radius
Limit: 1
Expedition Scarab of the Skald Expedition Encounters in Area are lead by Dannig Limit: 1
Expedition Scarab of Archaeology Remnants in Expedition Encounters in Area have 2 additional Suffixes and Prefixes Limit: 1

Legion Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Legion Scarab Area contains an additional Legion Encounter Limit: 4
Legion Scarab of Officers Legion Factions in Area have 5 additional Sergeants Limit: 1
Legion Scarab of Command Legion Factions in Area are accompanied by a General Limit: 1
Legion Scarab of The Sekhema Legion Encounters in Area always contain the Maraketh Faction Limit: 1
Legion Scarab of Eternal Conflict Legion Monsters in Area can be broken out of Stasis multiple times
Legion Monsters in Area gain increased Difficulty and Reward for each time they are broken out
Limit: 1

Beyond Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Beyond Scarab Slaying enemies close together in Area can attract monsters from Beyond this realm Limit: 1
Beyond Scarab of Haemophilia Beyond Portals in Area have 30% increased Merging Radius Limit: 2
Beyond Scarab of Resurgence Beyond Bosses in Area area are enraged on low life
Beyond Bosses in Area drop 100% increased Tainted Currency
Beyond Portals in Area have 30% increased chance to spawn a Unique Boss
Limit: 1
Beyond Scarab of Corruption Items dropped by Beyond Demons in Area are Corrupted Limit: 1
Beyond Scarab of the Invasion Unique Monsters slain in Area create 8 to 12 additional Beyond Portals Limit: 1

Ultimatum Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Ultimatum Scarab Area contains an Ultimatum Encounter Limit: 1
Ultimatum Scarab of Bribing Ultimatum Monsters grant 150% increased Experience
Ultimatum Encounters grant rewards as though you completed 2 additional Rounds
Limit: 2
Ultimatum Scarab of Dueling Ultimatum Encounters in Area will always lead to a Unique Boss if possible Limit: 1
Ultimatum Scarab of Catalysing Ultimatum Encounters in Area will only offer Catalysts as Rewards Limit: 1
Ultimatum Scarab of Inscription Ultimatum Encounter rewards in Area offering Catalysts
will offer Inscribed Ultimatums instead
Limit: 1

Delirium Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Delirium Scarab Area contains a Mirror of Delirium Limit: 1
Delirium Scarab of Mania Delirium Reward Meters fill 100% faster in Area Limit: 2
Delirium Scarab of Paranoia Delirium Encounters in Area generate 2 additional Reward types Limit: 2
Delirium Scarab of Neuroses Delirium Encounters in Area contain all Unique Delirium Bosses
Can only be used with Tier 11+ Maps
Limit: 1
Delirium Scarab of Delusions Maps found in Area have layers of Delirium Limit: 1

Misc Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Scarab of Monstrous Lineage 40% increased Magic Pack Size Limit: 1
Scarab of Adversaries Area contains 4 additional Packs with Mirrored Rare Monsters Limit: 2
Mysterious Scarab Area contains 40-60 additional Clusters of Mysterious Barrels Limit: 3
Scarab of Hunted Traitors Area contains Hunted Traitors Limit: 1
Scarab of Stability Portals to Area have a 50% chance to not be consumed on use Limit: 1
Scarab of Radiant Storms Area contains a Resplendent Tempest Limit: 1
Scarab of Wisps Monsters in Area have 25% chance to be Empowered by Wildwood Wisps Limit: 4

Horned Scarab

NameIcon Description Limit
Horned Scarab of Bloodlines All Monster packs in Area are at least Magic Limit: 1
Horned Scarab of Nemeses Rare Monsters in Area have 2 additional Modifiers Limit: 1
Horned Scarab of Preservation Other Scarabs are not consumed on use Limit: 1
Horned Scarab of Awakening You can select one Imbued crafting option on the Map Device Limit: 1
Horned Scarab of Tradition All Rare Monsters in Area have at least one Reward Modifier
Player Modifiers to Item Rarity and Item Quantity do not apply in Area
Limit: 1
Horned Scarab of Glittering Players in Area gain increased Item Rarity and Item Quantity for each Monster slain recently, up to 200% and 100% respectively Limit: 1
Horned Scarab of Pandemonium Monster packs in Area have a 15% chance to be replaced by a random Atlas Boss
Modifiers to the Final Map Boss also apply to these Atlas Bosses
Limit: 1

Scarab Rework Changes 3.24

  • We've completely reworked Scarabs to include many of the options that were previously covered by the Sextant and Master Mission mechanics, and more.
  • You might come across Scarabs that simply grant access to different content, and others that cause that content to grant better rewards and its monsters to yield more experience. Each type of Scarab now has multiple versions, so if you want to fully invest into a single type of content you can do so.
  • All Scarabs are now world drops, and no longer have tiers. Some might be rarer than others, but the intention is that there will be a lot more options than before, and more interesting combinations to consider. If you want to target specific Scarabs, Betrayal has been updated to include most of them!
  • In addition to reworking the currently available Scarabs, we've also introduced 20 new Scarabs.
  • While this system is allowing you to heavily invest in one type of content, it is reducing your capacity for variety. To address this, we've massively increased access to content on the Atlas Tree. You are now able to reliably access different content like Breach or Legion solely from your Atlas Passives.
  • Incursion, Delve, Betrayal and Bestiary are now accessible through Scarabs, and have more reliable investment options on the Atlas Tree. Not only this, you can now have Alva, Niko, Jun, and Einhar all appear together in the same Map!
  • The 10 Atlas Notable Passives that cause your Maps to have no chance to contain specific content now also cause Scarabs found in your Maps to not be that type of content. These Notables also now have "Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives" instead of "Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content".
  • Scarabs now have a stack size of 20 (previously 10).
  • Previous vendor recipes for Scarabs have been removed, though we have added a new vendor recipe that can be used to trade three Scarabs for a single Scarab of type different from those vendored.
  • The following Divination Cards have been temporarily disabled: More is Never Enough, and Rebirth and Renewal. Existing Divination Cards cannot be turned in currently.

How to use a Scarab?

Scarabs can be placed in the Map Device to add their modifier to a map.

Let’s take Rusted Perandus Scarab Rusted Perandus Scarab as an example. It has the following mods: Area contains 2 additional Perandus Chests, and Area has a 33% chance to contain Cadiro Perandus.

Put this Scarab along with a map into a Map Device:

Put a Scarab with a map

Activate it and enter the map.

You can press Tab to see all the mods for this map:

Map with Scarab mods

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