PoE Torment Scarab of Release: free Tormented Spirits

Torment Scarab of Release

Stack Size: 1/20. Limit: 1.

  • Tormented Spirits in Area have a 25% chance to be set free when Possessed Monsters are slain

Flavour Text: If it could end, it wouldn’t really be damnation.

How to use Torment Scarab of Release?

Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.

How to get it?

  • It is now world drops. If you want to target specific Scarabs, Betrayal has been updated to include most of them!
  • Scarabs Atlas Passives can increase Scarabs drop chances. For example, Possessed Carapaces grants “Scarabs dropped in your Maps are 100% more likely to be Torment Scarabs”.
  • Veiled Scarab currency reveals a random Scarab when clicked.
  • Divination cards. For example, a set of two Cameria’s Cut cards can be exchanged for a random scarab.

PoE Torment Scarab of Release

The Torment Scarab of Release in Path of Exile offers a strategic way to potentially increase the number of Tormented Spirits you encounter during a map run. Here’s a breakdown:

Boosting Tormented Spirits:

  • Conditional Release: When you slay a possessed monster (a monster with a Tormented Spirit attached to it), there’s a 25% chance that the Tormented Spirit will be set free. This can significantly increase the number of these special enemies in the area.

More Spirits, More Options:

  • Increased Threat and Reward: More Tormented Spirits translate to a potentially more challenging encounter, but also a higher chance of acquiring their valuable drops, including Torment blessings and currency.
  • Strategic Targeting: By focusing on eliminating possessed monsters, you can actively trigger the release effect and potentially manipulate the number of Tormented Spirits you face.

Things to Consider:

  • Balance is Key: While more Spirits can be beneficial, a large swarm might become overwhelming. Consider your build’s strengths and weaknesses before using this scarab.
  • Focus on Possessed: Remember, only possessed monsters trigger the release effect. Prioritize eliminating them to maximize the chance of freeing Tormented Spirits.


  • Torment Scarab: This scarab simply increases the base number of Tormented Spirits that spawn in the map, offering a more straightforward approach.
  • Other Scarabs: Consider using scarabs focused on different mechanics depending on your needs. For example, Breach or Legion scarabs offer encounters with alternative content and loot pools.

Who should use it?

The Torment Scarab of Release is ideal for players who:

  • Want to strategically manipulate the number of Tormented Spirits encountered.
  • Enjoy the challenge of facing a potentially larger horde of these enemies.
  • Are confident in their build’s ability to handle a more intense encounter.


The Scarab of Release adds an element of strategic control to your Torment experience. However, be prepared to adapt your tactics if you unleash a larger-than-expected swarm of Tormented Spirits.

PoE Torment Scarab of Release Vendor Recipes

Recipe: Trade three same Scarabs for a single Scarab of type different from those vendored.

Vendor Recipe Outcome
  • 3x Torment Scarab of Release
1x random Torment Scarab: Torment Scarab, Torment Scarab of Peculiarity

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List of PoE Torment Scarabs

Name Description Limit
Torment Scarab
  • Area is haunted by 5 additional Tormented Spirits
Limit: 4
Torment Scarab of Peculiarity
  • Tormented Spirits in Area are replaced with unusual variants
Limit: 1
Torment Scarab of Release
  • Tormented Spirits in Area have a 25% chance to be set free when Possessed Monsters are slain
Limit: 1

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