PoE Breach Scarab of Lordship: Breachlord Scarab

Breach Scarab of Lordship

Stack Size: 1/20. Limit: 1.

  • Breaches in Area each contain a Breachlord

Flavour Text: Their kingdoms always seek expansion.

How to use Breach Scarab of Lordship?

Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.

How to get it?

  • It is now world drops. If you want to target specific Scarabs, Betrayal has been updated to include most of them!
  • Scarabs Atlas Passives can increase Scarabs drop chances. For example, Significant Troves grants “Unique Monsters in your Maps have 200% increased chance to drop Scarabs”.
  • Veiled Scarab currency reveals a random Scarab when clicked.
  • Divination cards. For example, a set of two Cameria's Cut cards can be exchanged for a random scarab.

PoE Breach Scarab of Lordship

Breaches in Area each contain a Breachlord

The Breachlords are five endgame bosses, located inside the five types of Breaches. Each Breachlord can be battled in its own domain, a map area only accessible by activating the corresponding Breachstone in the map device. Breachlords drop exclusive unique items. Killing them is the only way to acquire Blessings. When inside the Breachlord’s domain, the player must fight their way through a breach while a timer counts down. Killing enemies will expand the timer. If the timer reaches zero, the stage ends and the player will be unable to encounter the Breachlord. The list of Breachlords:

  • Xoph, Dark Embers (level 81)
  • Esh, Forked Thought (level 81)
  • Tul, Creeping Avalanche (level 81)
  • Uul-Netol, Unburdened Flesh (level 82)
  • Chayula, Who Dreamt (level 83)

PoE Breach Scarab of Lordship Vendor Recipes

Recipe: Trade three same Scarabs for a single Scarab of type different from those vendored.

Vendor Recipe Outcome
  • 3x Breach Scarab of Lordship
1x random Breach Scarab: Breach Scarab, Breach Scarab of the Dreamer, Breach Scarab of Splintering, Breach Scarab of Snares

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List of PoE Breach Scarabs

Name Description Limit
Breach Scarab
  • Area contains 2 additional Breaches
Limit: 4
Breach Scarab of the Dreamer
  • Breaches in Area will always belong to Chayula
Limit: 1
Breach Scarab of Lordship
  • Breaches in Area each contain a Breachlord
Limit: 1
Breach Scarab of Splintering
  • Breach Monsters in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters
  • Clasped Hands in Area drop 50% more Breach Splinters
Limit: 2
Breach Scarab of Snares
  • Breaches in Area have 5 to 10 additional Clasped Hands
  • Clasped Hands in Area are guarded by a rare Breach Monster
Limit: 1

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