PoE Expedition Scarab 3.25: Area contains an Expedition Encounter

List of PoE Expedition Scarabs

Name DescriptionLimit
Expedition Scarab
  • Area contains an Expedition Encounter
Limit: 1
Expedition Scarab of Runefinding
  • Expedition Encounters in Area have 100% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
Limit: 2
Expedition Scarab of Verisium Powder
  • Expedition Encounters in Area have 20% increased number of Explosives
  • 80% increased Explosive Radius
Limit: 1
Expedition Scarab of the Skald
  • Expedition Encounters in Area are lead by Dannig
Limit: 1
Expedition Scarab of Archaeology
  • Remnants in Expedition Encounters in Area have 2 additional Suffixes and Prefixes
Limit: 1

Expedition Scarab

Stack Size: 1/20. Limit: 1.

  • Area contains an Expedition Encounter

Flavour Text: They come from across the sea in search of ancient truth.

How to use Expedition Scarab?

Can be used in a personal Map Device to add modifiers to a Map.

How to get it?

  • It is now world drops. If you want to target specific Scarabs, Betrayal has been updated to include most of them!
  • Scarabs Atlas Passives can increase Scarabs drop chances. For example, Significant Troves grants "Unique Monsters in your Maps have 200% increased chance to drop Scarabs".
  • Veiled Scarab currency reveals a random Scarab when clicked.
  • Divination cards. For example, a set of two Cameria's Cut cards can be exchanged for a random scarab.

PoE Expedition Scarab

The Expedition Scarab in Path of Exile functions as a gateway to engaging in special encounters within your map runs, offering opportunities for extra rewards and challenges. Here's a breakdown of its effect:

Triggers Expedition Encounter:

  • When you use this Scarab in your Map Device before running a map, it guarantees the presence of an Expedition Encounter within the map area. Expedition Encounters are not typically part of base maps, so the Scarab essentially unlocks this special content.

Benefits of PoE Expedition Scarab:

  • Extra Content and Rewards: The Scarab injects an additional layer of content and potential rewards into your map runs. By offering access to Expedition Encounters, it provides an opportunity to acquire valuable resources and encounter challenging combat scenarios.
  • Favorable for Stacking: Expedition Scarabs can be strategically combined with other scarabs that enhance specific aspects of the Expedition Encounter. For example, you could use a scarab that increases the number of chests within the Expedition or another that grants better rewards for completing objectives.


The PoE Expedition Scarab is a versatile tool for players who want to add variety, challenge, and potential rewards to their map runs. While the difficulty scales with the map tier, it offers a unique and engaging encounter alongside the base map content. This Scarab is a solid option for both new and experienced players who want to explore the additional content and rewards offered by Expedition Encounters.

PoE Expedition Scarab Vendor Recipes

Recipe: Trade three same Scarabs for a single Scarab of type different from those vendored.

Vendor Recipe Outcome
  • 3x Expedition Scarab
1x random Expedition Scarab: Expedition Scarab of Runefinding, Expedition Scarab of Verisium Powder, Expedition Scarab of the Skald, Expedition Scarab of Archaeology

Buy PoE Currency Cheap

Expedition Guides

Expedition is the league mechanic of Expedition league, released in version 3.15.0 which the player can first encounter in Act 6. This encounter is considered Extra Content and has a baseline 8% chance to appear in any non-unique map area.

The player will encounter one of the four Expedition NPCs amidst heaps of dirt, skulls, various small flags and so-called remnants. These remnants apply certain modifiers on explosion, which come in two different varieties. The first modifier — or a set thereof — applies to the monsters the player unearths with an explosion, the last modifier describes loot bonuses or extra experience. Both, locations of chests and difficulty of monsters, are indicated with markers. Whereas the skulls show monsters and more difficult ones are marked with bigger skulls on higher stakes, the flags are coloured according to the value of chest contents. White flags yield lesser, yellow flags middling and red flags yield loot of greater value.

The player can place up to four explosives in the area marked by dirt heaps, which detonate one after the other with a short delay. Each remnant affected by explosives will apply its modifiers to the monsters and chests unearthed around it and those of each subsequent explosion. After any explosion the player can loot the chests (unearthed monsters do not have to be killed for the chests to be accessible) and will find normal loot, special Expedition currencies and occasionally Expedition Logbooks. These logbooks can be crafted and, taken to Dannig, open portals to larger Expedition areas with more remnants, flags and more placeable explosives. These areas also contain loot in caves hidden behind rock walls, that have to be affected by an explosive to become accessible. Logbook encounters can spawn one of the Expedition bosses: Medved, Vorana, Uhtred and Olroth.

After completing an encounter the player can trade their currency on site with the respective NPC or in town.


Trading currency found in unearthed chests introduces a second layer of complexity to the Expedition mechanic. The list below shows which member of the Kalguuran expedition the player can trade their currency with. Each NPC offers a different set of items and while Gwennen reveals unidentified items upon buying (item class is visible, rarity is not), Rog lets the player reroll outcomes of several crafting options. Tujen sells currency and other items like fragments and gems, and Dannig offers his associates’ currency.

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