PoE Blight Unique Items – New PoE Blight Uniques Item Vendor Recipes

PoE Blight New Uniques

These items are introduced to the Blight leagues:

Icon Name Description
SynthesisColdGuardianMapAltered Distant Memory Synthesised Map
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 80
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
SynthesisFireGuardianMapAugmented Distant Memory Synthesised Map
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 80
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
AssassinUniqueBadge of the Brotherhood Turquoise Amulet
+(16–24) to Dexterity and Intelligence
Your Maximum Frenzy Charges is equal to your Maximum Power Charges
(7–10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills per Frenzy Charge
(7–10)% increased Effect of Elusive on you per Power Charge
(20–25)% chance to lose a Frenzy Charge when you use a Travel Skill
(20–25)% chance to lose a Power Charge when you gain Elusive
(Elusive initially grants 15% chance to Avoid All Damage from Hits, and 30% increased Movement Speed. The buff reduces its effect over time, removing itself at 0% effect. If you already have an Elusive buff, you cannot gain Elusive)
Supporter1gloveABreathstealer Hydrascale Gauntlets
(100–150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(30–50) to maximum Mana
+(10–16)% to all Elemental Resistances
(5–10)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Create a Blighted Spore when your Skills or Minions Kill a Rare Monster
(Blighted Spores last for 10 seconds and have a random Aura)
ColdIronPointCold Iron Point Ezomyte Dagger
30% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+3 to Level of all Physical Spell Skill Gems
Deal no Elemental Damage
SynthesisBossGuardianMapCortex Relic Chambers Map
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 83
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
Supporter1helmetCCowl of the Ceraunophile Solaris Circlet
Can have a second Enchantment Modifier
+(20–30) to all Attributes
(60–80)% increased Energy Shield
(50–55)% reduced Fire Resistance
(50–55)% reduced Cold Resistance
Lightning Resistance is 75%
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
Supporter1helmetACowl of the Cryophile Silken Hood
Can have a second Enchantment Modifier
+(20–30) to all Attributes
(60–80)% increased Evasion Rating
(50–55)% reduced Fire Resistance
Cold Resistance is 75%
(50–55)% reduced Lightning Resistance
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
Supporter1helmetBCowl of the Thermophile Ezomyte Burgonet
Can have a second Enchantment Modifier
+(20–30) to all Attributes
(60–80)% increased Armour
Fire Resistance is 75%
(50–55)% reduced Cold Resistance
(50–55)% reduced Lightning Resistance
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
BlueJewel4Fortress Covenant Cobalt Jewel
Minions deal (35–45)% increased Damage
Minions have +(10–12)% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Minions have +(10–12)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
Notable Passive Skills in Radius are Transformed to
instead grant: Minions take 20% increased Damage
IcefangOrbitIcefang Orbit Iron Ring
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(20–30) to Dexterity
25% chance to Poison on Hit
(40–60)% increased Damage with Poison
You are Chilled when you are Poisoned
Non-Chilled Enemies you Poison are Chilled
Poisoned Enemies you Kill with Hits Shatter
(Poison deals Chaos Damage over time, based on the base Physical and Chaos Damage of the Skill. Multiple instances of Poison stack)
(Chill reduces Enemy Action Speed by 10% for 2 seconds)
85479Machina Mitts Murder Mitts
(200–250)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
1% of Damage dealt by your Mines is Leeched to you as Life
(20–30)% reduced Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield
5% increased Recovery rate of Life and Energy Shield per Power Charge
Lose a Power Charge each second if you have not Detonated Mines Recently
(Leeched Life is recovered over time. Multiple Leeches can occur simultaneously, up to a maximum rate)
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
unique10Quickening Covenant Viridian Jewel
Minions have (12–16)% increased Attack Speed
Minions have (12–16)% increased Cast Speed
Minions have +(20–24)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Notable Passive Skills in Radius are Transformed to
instead grant: Minions have 25% reduced Movement Speed
(50% of Damage from Suppressed Hits and Ailments they inflict is prevented)
SynthesisGolemGuardianMapRewritten Distant Memory Synthesised Map
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 80
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
ZombieBodyArmourRotting Legion Loricated Ringmail
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Meat Shield
(100–140)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(50–80) to maximum Life
(5–8)% increased Damage per Raised Zombie
1% less Elemental Damage taken per Raised Zombie
85482Siegebreaker Heavy Belt
+(25–35) to Strength
(6–10)% increased maximum Energy Shield
(6–10)% increased maximum Life
+(17–23)% to Chaos Resistance
Minions have 5% chance to Taunt on Hit with Attacks
Your Minions spread Caustic Ground on Death, dealing 20% of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage per second
(Enemies you Taunt can only target you, and deal 10% less damage to anyone else. Taunt lasts for 3 seconds)
Supporter1bodyASporeguard Saint's Hauberk
Trigger Level 10 Contaminate when you Kill an Enemy
(200–250)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
(7–10)% increased maximum Life
+(17–23)% to Chaos Resistance
Enemies on Fungal Ground you Kill Explode, dealing 5% of their Life as Chaos Damage
You have Fungal Ground around you while stationary
(Allies on your Fungal Ground gain 10% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage. Enemies on your Fungal Ground deal 10% less Damage.)
JujusSoulThe Jinxed Juju Citrine Amulet
+(16–24) to Strength and Dexterity
+(30–40) to Intelligence
+(23–31)% to Chaos Resistance
(5–10)% increased Effect of your Curses
(5–10)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
10% of Damage from Hits is taken from your Spectres' Life before you
(The damage they take will be divided evenly between them)
Supporter1bootAThe Stampede Assassin's Boots
(100–150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
(30–40)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
(50–80)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills
(30–40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while moving
Your Movement Speed is 150% of its base value
85483Torchoak Step Antique Greaves
(80–120)% increased Armour
(20–30)% increased Totem Life
25% increased Movement Speed
(30–50)% increased Totem Placement speed
Totems Reflect 100% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage to nearby Enemies when Hit
MinionConversionGlovesTriad Grip Mesh Gloves
(80–120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage per Red Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage per Green Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage per Blue Socket
Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Chaos Damage per White Socket
Minions have (5–10)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite
(Freeze lowers Enemy Action Speed to zero, preventing them from acting. Duration is based on the Cold Damage of the Hit)
(Shock increases Damage taken by up to 50%, depending on the amount of Lightning Damage in the hit, for 2 seconds)
(Ignite deals Fire Damage over time, based on the base Fire Damage of the Skill, for 4 seconds)
SynthesisLightningGuardianMapTwisted Distant Memory Synthesised Map
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 80
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
BloodfreezeVenopuncture Iron Ring
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(20–30) to Strength
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
(40–60)% increased Damage with Bleeding
You are Chilled while you are Bleeding
Non-Chilled Enemies you inflict Bleeding on are Chilled
Bleeding Enemies you Kill with Hits Shatter
(Bleeding deals Physical Damage over time, based on the base Physical Damage of the Skill. Damage is higher while moving)
(Chill reduces Enemy Action Speed by 10% for 2 seconds)

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The Blight league and Hardcore Blight league are upcoming challenge leagues. They will launch on September 6, 2019.

In this league, the world is infested with Blight, and Sister Cassia tasks the player to defend her Purification Pump as it destroys the Blight’s fungal growths. Once agitated, the growth spawns roots that summon waves of monsters to defend it. These monster slowly follow a path along the roots and only stop to attack whatever is in its path, but are unusually tough. To assist with defending the pump, the player can summon Towers near the paths to attack and hinder the monsters. The Blight drops loot when the monsters are defeated, including including special Oils which are used to Anoint items, adding an implicit Enchantment to the item to create Blighted maps, improve your towers, or even allocate a notable passive skill from the skill tree, including special skills that can’t be allocated normally.

All characters and stashes will be moved to Standard league and Hardcore league respectively when the leagues end. Characters that die in the Hardcore Blight league are immediately moved to the permanent Standard league.

PoE Uniques


How to get uniques in PoE?

  • World drops. Unique items can be found as random drops just the same as any other item. Normal monsters drop items with an item level equal to the monster level, magic monsters drop items with item level at monster level +1, rare/unique monsters drop items with item level at monster level +2.
For example: If a unique item has a base level of 50 that means it can be dropped by normal/magic/rare/unique monsters in level 50+ zones, dropped by magic/rare/unique monsters in level 49 zones, and dropped by Rare/Unique monsters in level 48 zones.
The actual drop rates of unique items are unpublished and can change. The only official public comment regarding drop rates was:

Chris — “[We have] stratified the drop rates of Unique items so that some of them are more common (especially build-enabling ones), and powerful ones are still extremely rare. The drop rates of unique items are no longer proportional to their item type. A common unique ring is now as likely to drop as a common Unique weapon.”

  • Orb of Chance. There is a very small chance of upgrading a normal item into a unique of the same base type when using an Orb of Chance Orb of Chance. For example if you want the Andvarius Andvarius unique ring then you should use an Orb of Chance Orb of Chance on a Gold Ring of normal rarity. Certain uniques are league-specific and will require being on a map with mods from Zana’s map device for this method to work.
  • Vaal Orb. Certain jewels (click here for a list) and some equipment (like Blood of Corruption Blood of Corruption) can only be created by corrupting another item. The original item will be lost in the process.
  • Prophecies. Many prophecies exist that reward uniques, many of them a specific unique item which requires you to hunt down a certain monster and kill it. Others reward you with a random unique, such as The Mysterious Gift, which requires you to trade in five uniques to a vendor.
  • Vendor recipes. Some unique items can only be produced by using a certain vendor recipe. Orb of Chance Orb of Chance does not work, and they can’t be dropped. The item levelof the produced unique will be equal to the lowest ilvl of the components of the recipe. See here for a list of such items.
  • Upgrading. Some unique items can be upgraded to a superior version. See fated items and blessed items for more information.
  • Divination cards. Sets of divination cards may have a unique item as their reward. These can be drop-restricted items that are otherwise not available.
  • Event prizes. Occasionally, unique items are offered as top tier prizes in special event competitions. Please note that not all events offer unique items as prizes.

PoE Vendor Recipes Uniques

The following unique items can only be created by using a vendor recipe. Using an Orb of Chance Orb of Chance on its base item has no use.

Result Recipes Notes
The Anima Stone The Anima Stone
  • 1x Primordial Might Primordial Might
  • 1x Primordial Harmony Primordial Harmony
  • 1x Primordial Eminence Primordial Eminence
Arborix Arborix
Duskdawn Duskdawn
  • 1× Shade of Solaris Shade of Solaris
  • 1× Light of Lunaris Light of Lunaris
  • 1× Orb of Fusing Orb of Fusing
Corrupted items cannot be used.
The Goddess Scorned The Goddess Scorned
  • 1× The Goddess Bound The Goddess Bound with 20% quality
  • 1× Elegant Sword with 20% quality
  • 1× Combustion Combustion Support with at least 1% quality
  • 1× Orb of Fusing Orb of Fusing
The sockets of The Goddess Bound The Goddess Bound and the Elegant Sword must also match exactly in number, color, and links.

Can no longer be crafted.

The Goddess Unleashed
  • 1× 20% quality, uncorrupted 3S The Goddess Scorned The Goddess Scorned
  • 1× 20% quality, uncorrupted 3S Graceful Sword
  • 1× 20% quality, uncorrupted 6S Lithe Blade with matching socket colours
  • 3× Divine Orb Divine Orb
  • 3× Blessed Orb Blessed Orb
  • 3× Orb of Fusing Orb of Fusing
  • 1× Added Fire Damage Added Fire Damage Support, whose level and quality sum to 33
  • 1× Increased Critical Strikes Increased Critical Strikes Support, whose level and quality sum to 33
  • 1× Blind Blind Support, whose level and quality sum to 33
The Graceful Sword and Lithe Blade must not be Unique.

Can no longer be crafted.

Hyrri’s Bite Hyrri’s Bite
  • 1× white Sharktooth Arrow Quiver
  • 1× rare Onyx Amulet
  • 1× Rain of Arrows Rain of Arrows gem with at least 1% quality
  • 1× Orb of Chance Orb of Chance
Kingmaker Kingmaker
  • 1× Soul Taker Soul Taker
  • 1× Heartbreaker Heartbreaker
  • 1× Orb of Fusing Orb of Fusing
Corrupted items cannot be used.
Loreweave Loreweave Corrupted items may be used.
Magna Eclipsis Magna Eclipsis
  • 1× Invictus Solaris Invictus Solaris
  • 1× Vix Lunaris Vix Lunaris
  • 1× Orb of Fusing Orb of Fusing
5x Orb of Chance Orb of Chance
  • 1x Normal item
  • 1x Magic item
  • 1x Rare item
  • 1x Unique item
All four items need to have the same base type.
The Retch The Retch
Star of Wraeclast Star of Wraeclast
  • 1× unique Ruby Ring
  • 1× any rarity Onyx Amulet
  • 1× level 20 corrupted Lightning Warp Lightning Warp
Vaal Lightning Warp Lightning Warp will not work
Star of Wraeclast Star of Wraeclast
  • 1× any rarity Ruby Ring
  • 1× any rarity Crimson Jewel with the You cannot be Cursed with Silence corrupted implicit
  • 1× unique Gold Amulet
The Taming The Taming
  • 1× Berek’s Respite Berek’s Respite
  • 1× Berek’s Pass Berek’s Pass
  • 1× Berek’s Grip Berek’s Grip
Using three alternate art Berek rings will create an alternate art The Taming The Taming.
The Vinktar Square The Vinktar Square
  • 1× Agnerod North Agnerod North
  • 1× Agnerod South Agnerod South
  • 1× Agnerod East Agnerod East
  • 1× Agnerod West Agnerod West

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