PoE Exalted Orb Divination Cards Drop Locations Farming 3.25

PoE 3.24: The following currency items now have a stack size of 20: Exalted Orb, Regal Orb, Divine Orb, Stacked Deck, Crusader's Exalted Orb, Redeemer's Exalted Orb, Hunter's Exalted Orb, Warlord's Exalted Orb, Enkindling Orb, Instilling Orb, Tainted Exalted Orb, and Eldritch Exalted Orb.

List of PoE Exalted Orb Divination Cards

Icon Name
The Hoarder

Stack Size: 1 / 12
Exalted Orb
Abandoned Wealth

Stack Size: 1 / 5
3x Exalted Orb
The Saint’s Treasure

Stack Size: 1 / 10
2x Exalted Orb
Alluring Bounty

Stack Size: 1 / 7
10x Exalted Orb
The Long Con
Stack Size: 1 / 4
Elderslayer's Exalted Orb
Brother’s Stash

5x Exalted Orb
The Scout

Stack Size: 1 / 8
7x Exalted Orb

Exalted Orb Recipe

Result Vendor Recipes Notes
2× Exalted Shard Exalted Shard
(A stack of 20 shards becomes an Exalted Orb Exalted Orb. )
Identified, full rare set of influenced items of the same influence
  • Item Rarity: Rare.
  • Same Influence type.
  • A full set is capable of filling all item slots in the inventory screen (not including flasks, the alternate weapon set, or a quiver). 
4× Exalted Shard Exalted Shard Unidentified, full rare set of influenced items of the same influence

As the following example shown, sell a full rare set of Elder influenced items to a vendor in exchange for two Exalted Shards.

Exalted Shard Recipe

How to find influenced items?

Icon Influence Type Pseudo Search
Crusader Has Crusader Influence Search from Path of Exile Trade
Hunter Has Hunter Influence Search from Path of Exile Trade
Redeemer Has Redeemer Influence Search from Path of Exile Trade
Warlord Has Warlord Influence Search from Path of Exile Trade
Shaper Has Shaper Influence Search from Path of Exile Trade
Elder Has Elder Influence Search from Path of Exile Trade

Let's take Elder influence as an example. Open Path of Exile trade website, click Add Stat Filter, input Has Elder Influence and select it, then click the Search button.

How to find influenced items

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Poe 3.19 Changes

Divine Orbs and Exalted Orbs actually have the same drop rate, but Exalted Orbs are worth so much more in trade value because there's no easy vendor recipe for them and because they're consumed when you craft certain meta-mods onto items.

Out of these two currency items, GGG would actually prefer the Divine Orb effect to be rarer, so that unique items with good rolls matter more, and so that players can exalt-craft their items more frequently.

PoE 3.19 made two changes that will impact this. Firstly, changed the cost of crafting metamods so that they cost Divine Orbs rather than Exalted Orbs. Secondly, changed the 6-link vendor recipe to grant 20 Orbs of Fusing rather than a Divine Orb.

  • The "Prefixes cannot be Changed", "Suffixes cannot be Changed", and "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers" crafts now have a cost of 2 Divine Orbs (previously 2 Exalted Orbs).
  • The "Cannot roll Attack Mods" craft now has a cost of 1 Divine Orb (previously 1 Exalted Orb).
  • The "Cannot roll Caster Mods" craft now has a cost of 1 Divine Orb (previously 5 Blessed Orbs).
  • Veiled Modifiers that had a Divine Orb cost when crafted now have an Exalted Orb or Chaos Orb cost instead.
  • Divine Orbs sold by Tujen, the Haggler or found as a Ritual Reward now have the same cost as Exalted Orbs.
  • The Heist Trinket modifiers that provide a chance for Regal Orbs to drop as Divine Orbs instead in Heists now provide up to 4% at the highest tier (previously 5%), to match Trinket modifiers that provide a chance for Regal Orbs to drop as Exalted Orbs.
  • These Heist Trinket modifiers and the Trinket modifier that provides a chance for Chaos Orbs to drop as Divine Orbs have had their levels adjusted to match similar modifiers that provide a chance for Regal Orbs or Chaos Orbs to drop as Exalted Orbs.
  • The drop rate of Forbidden Shako, Judging Voices, Ventor's Gamble and The Risk has also been increased as a result of these changes.
  • The Bestiary recipe that rerolls the numeric values of all modifiers of a Rare item has been changed. It now transforms a Gilded Scarab to a Winged Scarab of the same type.
  • Selling an item with 6 Linked Sockets to a vendor now yields 20 Orbs of Fusing, instead of a Divine Orb.

This change will result in Exalted Orbs being far more available for crafting and Divine Orbs less available for rerolling mods on items.

Exalted Orb Guide

Exalted Orb Exalted Orb enchants a rare item with a new random modifier. Exalted Orbs are high-value poe orbs that play a crucial role in the in-game economy. Their primary purpose is to craft high-end rare items. Because of this, it is regarded as the “gold standard” currency for trading between players, with many trade deals listed in terms of Exalted Orbs. Since the average player does not have the means to craft high-end items, the average player typically trades Exalted Orbs for other valuable equipment instead of consuming them.

How to increase the drop rate of Exalted Orb?

The drop level of Exalted Orb is 35 and the average drop rate is about 0.055%. In other words, the average drop hour of Exalted Orb is around 100 hours. Actually, the drop chance is random. Exalted Orbs can be dropped by slain monsters, chests, and destructible containers. They also drop from Arcanist's Strongboxes and doing beastcrafting recipe(A Stack of 10 Random Currency vendor recipe), etc. It is one of the rarest currency items. You can do the following tips for increasing the drop chance of Exalted Orbs.

1. Divination Scarabs

Divination Scarabs improve the drop rate of Exalted Orb divination cards.

Name DescriptionLimit
Divination Scarab
  • 150% increased Divination Cards found in Area
Limit: 2
Divination Scarab of Curation
  • 10% more Divination Cards found in Area per different Favoured Map
  • Divination card drops in Area are replaced by those of your Favoured Maps
Limit: 1
Divination Scarab of Completion
  • Divination cards which drop in Area have a 20% chance to drop as a full stack instead
Limit: 1

2. Increase map value

Methods of increasing map value:

  • Crafting maps to increase pack size, item quantity and item quality.
  • Using prophecy to add more monsters.
  • Spending sextants to add monsters to maps.
  • Doing master missions to add monsters to maps.

Another way to get more value per hour is improving map crear time:

  • Increasing character AOE and single target damage.
  • Using movement skills.
  • Increasing movement speed.
  • Reducing time spent on collecting loot, interacting with map objects, backtracking.
  • Reducing number of teleports to hideout or town.
  • Reducing time spent in hideout or town.

3. Sell items

A lucky player can get more exalted orbs from trading than from killing monsters.

4. Leveling Gems

Some players level gems in weapon switch to sell on market. The rarest and the most valuable are awakened gems. But they are hard to find for most beginner players. Drop-only gems may be easier option to start with.

5. "Increased Item Quantity" for more chances

Players can boost their chances of getting powerful equipment and uniques with the statistics Increased Rarity of Items Found and Increased Quantity of Items Found. Rarity and quantity stats can come from player’s equipment, the support gems Item Rarity Support and Item Quantity Support, monster rarity, party bonuses, and map bonuses. The stats on the character stack additively with each other, and are subject to diminishing returns. Stats from the party bonus and monsters stack additively with each other, and are not subject to diminishing returns. The total player bonus stacks multiplicatively with the total party & monster bonus.

Drop rate Search from PoE Trade Increases
Increased Item Rarity (IIR) #% increased Rarity of Items Increases the chances of an item being magic, rare, or unique. This statistic has no effect on the number or type of currency items, scrolls, or gems that drop.
Increased Item Quantity (IIQ) #% increased Quantity of Items Increases the average number of items that drop from monsters. This includes currency, scrolls, skill gems and divination cards.

You can find Increased Item Quantity from your character(equipped items, gem skills, etc), some monsters, joined party bonuses. The easiest way is to search from PoE Trade:

increase drop rate

6. Set an Item Filter

Popular method to improve value of collecting currency from monster kills is using drop filter to highlight currency items, highlight high-value items, and completely hide low-value drops. Picking less items is spending less time to get currency. Less time per currency is more currency in a time period.

Arcanist's Strongbox drops currency when opened. Some players prefer to craft it before opening, to increase item quantity.

7. Build a powerful character

A strong character guarantees your survival. In order to get more Exalted Orbs, you must win the fighting. PoE Ninja is a useful PoE Build website for building a powerful character. From them, you are able to build your character by learning professional players.

8. Choose suitable maps and increase its quality

Farming currency in areas above your level, the currency drop chance is not increased. However, the currency items' drop rate will decrease if a monster level is two levels lower than your character level(After level 68, you will not get a penalty).

High-level maps always mean more chances to drop more valuable items and currencies. Choose suitable maps for yourself, fighting in the maps, and enjoy more Exalted Orbs.

Cartographer’s Chisel Cartographer's Chisel is a currency item that is used to improve the quality of a map. As the image is shown below, the 20% quality has added a 20% item quantity.

Increase Maps Quantity

9. Play more, Get more

This is the simplest way to increase more Exalted Orb drop chance. When your character level is above 35, you have the chance to drop Exalted Orb in PoE. Killing more mobs, opening more chests, and strongboxes, you have more chances to get more Exalted Orbs.

10. Map fragments

Map fragments can be used in a map device to open portals to various high level areas. Placing any one of the fragments along with a map into the map device will increase the item quantity of that map. It increases the currency items' drop rate by 5% to 10%.

Map fragments increased Quantity of Items found Notes
Sacrifice at Dusk 5% Vaal fragments
Sacrifice at Dawn 5% Vaal fragments
Sacrifice at Noon 5% Vaal fragments
Sacrifice at Midnight 5% Vaal fragments
Mortal Grief 10% Advanced Vaal fragments
Mortal Hope 10% Advanced Vaal fragments
Mortal Ignorance 10% Advanced Vaal fragments
Mortal Rage 10% Advanced Vaal fragments
Volkuur's Key 5% Prophecy fragments
Eber's Key 5% Prophecy fragments
Yriel's Key 5% Prophecy fragments
Inya's Key 5% Prophecy fragments
Fragment of the Hydra 5% Shaper fragments
Fragment of the Phoenix 5% Shaper fragments
Fragment of the Minotaur 5% Shaper fragments
Fragment of the Chimera 5% Shaper fragments
Fragment of Purification 5% Elder fragments
Fragment of Constriction 5% Elder fragments
Fragment of Eradication 5% Elder fragments
Fragment of Enslavement 5% Elder fragments
Fragment of Knowledge 10% Uber Elder fragments
Fragment of Shape 10% Uber Elder fragments
Fragment of Emptiness 10% Uber Elder fragments
Fragment of Terror 10% Uber Elder fragments

Vaal fragments can be placed in the map device on its own to instance a random corrupted area. Adding more fragments increases the item quantity of the area, the same way it works with maps. As long as they aren't placed in the correct arrangement, a full set of fragments will open a corrupted area with a 15% increased item quantity.

11. Drop Rate related items

Some items have the mods related to IIQ. You can see the following examples. For more items, just search in the PoE Trade: input "quantity" in the Mods box and choose "#% increased Quantity of Items found" mods.

Item Category IIQ
Eyes of the Greatwolf Amulet (6-10)% Increased Quantity of Items found
The Ascetic Amulet (10-15)% increased Quantity of Items found with a Magic Item Equipped
Bisco's Collar Amulet (35-50)% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Normal Enemies
Perandus Blazon Belt (6-8)% Increased Quantity of Items found
Bisco's Leash Belt 5% Increased Quantity of Items found
Greed's Embrace Body Armour (10-15)% Increased Quantity of Items found
Goldwyrm Boots (14-20)% Increased Quantity of Items found
Greedtrap Boots (10-16)% increased Quantity of Items found when on Low Life
Divination Distillate Flask (12-18)% increased Quantity of Items found during Flask effect
Sadima's Touch Gloves (5-10)% Increased Quantity of Items found
Thief's Torment Ring (10-16)% Increased Quantity of Items found
Ventor's Gamble Ring (-10-10)% Increased Quantity of Items found
The Pariah Ring 15% increased Item Quantity per White Socket
Sentari's Answer Shield (4-8)% Increased Quantity of Items found
Windripper Weapon 15% increased Quantity of Items Dropped by Slain Frozen Enemies

12. Related Support Gems

  • Item Rarity Support: increases the rarity of items dropped by monsters killed.
  • Item Quantity Support: increases the quantity of items dropped by monsters killed. But it no longer drops in the Path of Exile anymore. It is only traded in the permanent league.

How to use PoE Exalted Orb?

Exalted Orb enchants a rare item with a new random modifier. Right-click an Exalted Orb then left click a rare item to apply it. Rare items can have up to six random modifiers. The item's Catalyst quality increases the chance of applying a modifier which matches the quality type. Removes 20% Quality applied by Catalysts on use.

For powerful or wealthy players looking to use PoE Exalted Orbs on powerful rare items, there are two primary methods to consume them. The first is through direct use of the orb, adding a random affix to a rare item that does not already have six affixes. The other is to add high-end affixes through mastercrafting by paying a fixed amount of Exalted Orbs. The latter method grants crafters access to the special meta-crafting mods which cannot be rolled naturally.

A rare will not always have 6 properties, in those cases, an exalted orb adds one more. So if you have an INSANELY good rare that is already amazing with 4 or 5 properties, you can exalt it to make it even more godlike. But really, you're better off using it as currency to buy items that are already good, as it should only be used as crafting material if you are already in the elite tier in terms of gear and wealth.

exalted orb

PoE Currency Farming – How to get hundreds of Exalted Orbs

1. Slain more monsters

Since the drop rate or Exalted Orb is low, you have to kill more enemies to get it.

2. Farming Exalted Orb Divination Card

Looting Divination cards is one of the best way to farm Exalted Orbs.

  • 5x Abandoned Wealth = 3x Exalted Orb Exalted Orb. Drop Areas: Arsenal Map • Precinct Map • Mao Kun Mao Kun
  • 1x Brother’s Stash = 5xExalted Orb Exalted Orb.
  • 7x Alluring Bounty = 10x Exalted Orb Exalted Orb. Drop Areas: The Apex of Sacrifice • The Alluring Abyss. The Apex of Sacrifice is an end-game area where the battle with Atziri, Queen of the Vaal takes place. The Alluring Abyss is an end-game area where the battle with Atziri, Queen of the Vaal takes place.
  • 12x The Hoarder = 1x Exalted Orb Exalted Orb. Drop Areas: The Belly of the Beast Level 1(Act 4)• The Belly of the Beast Level 2(Act 4) • The Harvest (Act 4) • The Rotting Core(Act 9) • Vault Map
  • 10x The Saint’s Treasure = 2x Exalted Orb Exalted Orb. Drop Areas: The Slums(Act 3) • The Marketplace(Act 3) • The Imperial Fields(Act 8) • The Grain Gate(Act 8) • Alleyways Map • Arcade Map • Arsenal Map • Bazaar Map • Ghetto Map • Port Map • Precinct Map
  • 8x The Scout = 7x  Exalted Orb Exalted Orb. Drop Level: 68.

Exalted Orb Divination Card

Not guaranteed divination card

  • 5x Emperor’s Luck = 5x currency (random) Drop Areas: The Imperial Gardens • The High Gardens • Courtyard Map • Orchard Map • Terrace Map

This divination card can be exchanged for any random PoE currency. However, the most cases are the common currency items, such as Orb of Alteration Orb of Alteration, Orb of Fusing Orb of Fusing, Orb of Alchemy Orb of Alchemy, etc.

3. Trade high-value Skill Gems for Exalted Orbs

My favorite way is to sell valuable skill gems for Exalted Orbs. When building a character, one may need a level 21 skill gem with 23% quality. It is worth several Exalted Orbs.

exalted orb farming

(1) Find a profitable Skill Gem at https://poe.ninja/challenge/skill-gems. For example, Molten Strike Molten Strike of level 21 can sell 7 Exalted Orbs and Ice Nova Ice Nova of the maximum level for 5 Exalted Orbs. This page has listed many valuable skill gems that can trade for Exalted Orbs.
(2) Buy the gem with a low level from https://poe.trade/. As you can see, a level 1 Molten Strike Molten Strike costs an Orb of Alteration Orb of Alteration.
(3) Using Gemcutter’s Prism Gemcutter’s Prism to increase the Gem to Quality 20.
(4) Equip the Gem and upgrade it automatically while playing the game.
(5) When leveling up to maximum, use Vaal Orb Vaal Orb to corrupt it.
(6) Sell the gem for Exalted Orbs.

4. Buy Exalted Orbs from a seller

While farming Exalted Orbs takes lots of time, there are times when you wish to find a safe and legit site to buy exalted orbs. You can buy Exalted Orbs PC, PS4, Xbox One with the cheapest prices from below:

5. Exalted Orb Vendor Recipe

Exalted Orbs can be obtained by combining 20 Exalted Shards. A full set of rare Shaper items or a full set of rare Elder items can be vendored for 2 Exalted Shards, or 4 Exalted Shards if all of the items are unidentified.  However, this vendor recipe may be not profitable, since the ingredients were Influenced item, which may worth more than the value of Exalted Shards in trade leagues.

  • 1x Exalted Orb Exalted Orb = 20x Exalted Shards
Result Requirement
2× Exalted Shard Exalted Shard Identified, full set of either Shaper items or Elder items
4× Exalted Shard Exalted Shard Unidentified, full set of either Shaper items or Elder items

These recipes require a full set of rare items. A full set is capable of filling all item slots in the inventory screen (not including flasks, the alternate weapon set, or a quiver). Specifically, it consists of:

  • One of the following:
    • Two-Handed Weapon (including bows, quiver not required) ×1
    • One-Handed Weapon ×1 and Shield ×1
    • One-Handed Weapon ×2
    • Shield ×2
  • Helmet ×1
  • Body Armour ×1
  • Gloves ×1
  • Boots ×1
  • Belt ×1
  • Amulet ×1
  • Ring ×2

Exalted Orb Recipe

This is one of my Exalted Orb recipe list:

Name Type(Rare, Elder Item) Item Level
Thicket Bow Two Handed Weapon 81
Pandemonium Horn Mind Cage Helmet 76
Wrath Jack Saintly Chainmail Body Armour 73
Glyph Grasp Hydrascale Gauntlets Gloves 86
Pandemonium Sole Conjurer Boots Boots 77
Rift Bond Studded Belt Belt 76
Damnation Beads Coral Amulet Amulet 75
Miracle Grasp Gold Ring Ring 80
Carrion Hold Gold Ring Ring 83

Downgrade vendor recipes for Exaltd Orbs(not recommend)

Meanwhile, these is a downgrade recipe for Exalted Orbs which is not worth to make.

Result Vendor Recipe
2× Exalted Orb Exalted Orb
5× Regal Orb Regal Orb
1× Divine Orb Divine Orb
1× Mirror of Kalandra Mirror of Kalandra

6. Farming Exalted Shard from Harbinger Map

Exalted Shards can be obtained from Harbingers from the Harbinger league. Currently, Harbingers can be found as part of Zana missions, Harbinger nodes in the Azurite Mine, or maps using the Harbinger league modifier from Zana’s map device.

7. Beastcrafting recipe(chance is very low)

Components: 1x level 0+ Saqawine Chimeral. Rewards: A Stack of 10 Random Currency.

8. Exchange currency items for Exalted Orbs

You can trade PoE Currency with other players for it as well. The price of Exalted Orb Exalted Orb is equal to 150 Chaos Orbs Chaos Orbs, or 372 Orbs of Alchemy Orbs of Alchemy. The follwing is the price list in Path of Exile.

Exalted Orb to Chaos

The ratio of Exalted Orb Exalted Orb to Chaos Orb Chaos Orb is about 1:150. The price is different every day in vary league. Exalted Orb Exalted Orb is regarded as the “gold standard” currency for trading between players. Chaos Orb Chaos Orb is regarded as the “silver standard” currency.

How to get more Exalted Orbs in Crucible League?

  • Crucible Passive: Item sells for an additional Exalted Orb (Tier 1). (Search)
  • Crucible Passive: Item sells for 3 additional Exalted Orbs (Tier 2). (Search)

Item sells for an additional Exalted Orb

Path of Exile Guides & Tips