Plateau Dragonbone Griffin Torchlight Infinite

Name Description Level boss
Dragonbone Ridge Countless dragons fell here after Ragnarok. Millions of years have passed, and their bodies are now part of this wasteland. 7 Plateau Dragonbone Griffin
affix note drop
Unlimited activation range 高原龙骨狮鹫 Brute’s Chestguard x1
Rogue Outerwear x1
Herbalist’s Robe x1
Brute Handguards x1
Rogue’s Gloves x1
Herbalist’s Gloves x1
Brute’s Helm x1
Rogue’s Hood x1
Herbalist’s Headscarf x1
Brute’s Greaves x1
Rogue’s Long Boots x1
Herbalist’s Footguards x1
Immune to Knockback, Stun, Freeze, Stagger. -9999% Frostbite effect
Unlimited activation range
Immune to Knockback, Stun, Freeze, Stagger. -9999% Frostbite effect
Unlimited activation range
Immune to Knockback, Stun, Freeze, Stagger. -9999% Frostbite effect
Unlimited activation range

Torchlight Infinite Flame Elementium

Torchlight Infinite Guide