Place a Fossil into a Resonator. Then use it to craft an item.
Fossils are a special type of currency introduced in the delve league that can be socketed into resonators to modify the crafting behavior in specific ways. Fossils can also add special Delve modifiers.
Item | Effect(s) | Crafting Weight | As a drop from the following Biomes: | Drop Level |
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More Chaos modifiers No Lightning modifiers |
Fungal Caverns, Abyssal Depths | 1 |
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More Caster modifiers Fewer Attack modifiers |
Sulphur Vents | 1 |
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Has a Vaal modifier | it does not add a corruption mod | As a drop from a room that Contains Fossils:
1 |
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1 | |
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1 | |
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More Minion or Aura modifiers |
Petrified Forest, Abyssal Depths | 1 |
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More ![]() No Elemental modifiers |
Fungal Caverns, Petrified Forest | 1 |
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More Armour, Energy Shield or Evasion modifiers No Life Modifiers |
Fungal Cavern, Petrified Forest | 1 |
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Has a Labyrinth Enchantment | Enchantments have their own mod slot on items and they no longer use the implicit mod slot. | Magma Fissure | 1 |
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More sockets Can have white sockets |
Acts on 6L like a Chromatic Orb, rerolls the socket colours. | Magma Fissure (Only behind a Fractured Wall) | 1 |
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More Socketed Gem Level modifiers |
As a drop from a room that Contains Fossils:
1 |
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Creates a mirrored copy | Craft a random item and copies it afterward and the result is unpredictable | As a drop from a room that Contains Fossils:
1 |
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More Cold modifiers No Fire modifiers |
Frozen Hollow | 1 |
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Item is overvalued by vendors | The result is overvalued and RNG depends on its weight. | Fungal Cavern (Only behind a Fractured Wall) | 1 |
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Has a Corrupt Essence modifier | Act like one of them: Essence of Delirium, Essence of Horror, Essence of Hysteria, Essence of Insanity | As a drop from a room that Contains Fossils:
1 |
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Has an Abyssal socket | Abyss jewels can be put into normal jewel sockets on your passive skill tree or into an Abyssal Socket on an item. | As a drop from a room that Contains Fossils:
1 |
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More Physical modifiers No Chaos modifiers |
Petrified Forest | 1 |
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More Mana modifiers No Speed modifiers |
1 |
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More Lightning modifiers No Physical modifiers |
Sulphur Vents | 1 |
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Improved Quality | Sets quality randomly range from 15% to 30% | Sulphur Vents, Fungal Caverns | 1 |
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More Elemental modifiers No ![]() |
Magma Fissure, Frozen Hollow | 1 |
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More Life modifiers No Armour, Energy Shield or Evasion modifiers |
Magma Fissure, Frozen Hollow | 1 |
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Numeric modifier values are lucky High Level modifiers are more common |
Lucky means the usual: Rolling twice and picking the higher result. | Petrified Forest (Only behind a Fractured Wall), Frozen Hollow (Only behind a Fractured Wall) | 1 |
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More Fire modifiers No Cold modifiers |
Magma Fissure | 1 |
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More Attack modifiers Fewer Caster modifiers |
Frozen Hollow | 1 |
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More Speed modifiers No Mana modifiers |
1 |
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Can have any Fossil modifiers | One of any fossil mods |
1 |
Quality is normally capped at 20%. However, there are certain crafting methods that can increase quality beyond that, including:
A resonator with Perfect Fossil socketed, increasing quality up to 30%. Perfect Fossil is a fossil type. Sets quality randomly from 15 to 30%.
Beastcrafting is a method of crafting by sacrificing beasts to the blood altar in the Menagerie. Each beastcrafing recipe requires four beasts to be sacrificed, with most of them requiring one specific Red Beast and three Rare Beasts. The four chosen beasts are released into the arena surrounding the blood altar and must be killed to complete the recipe. If the player dies during the attempt, the recipe fails and the beasts are lost.
If an item is created, the resulting item level is equal to the level of the main beast sacrificed. Recipes that create unique items can generate league-specific uniques. The table below displays the resulting crafts when sacrificing to the blood altar.
Header | Subheader | Notes | Components |
Corrupt an Armour or Weapon | To have 30% Quality | Will not work on corrupted items. | 1x level 0+ Craicic Vassal |
Create an Item | 23% Quality Corrupted Gem | 1x level 0+ Farric Magma Hound |
Immortal Syndicate safehouse with Hillock stationed. Note: corrupted items cannot be crafted; the quality can be enhanced on unidentified items.
Job type | Target | Rank/Tier | Mission |
Intervention | Hillock | Sergeant | Modify a Map's quality to 25% |
Intervention | Hillock | Lieutenant | Modify a Map's quality to 30% |
Intervention | Hillock | Captain | Modify a Map's quality to 35% |
Fortification | Hillock | Sergeant | Modify a Armour Piece's quality to 24% |
Fortification | Hillock | Lieutenant | Modify a Armour Piece's quality to 26% |
Fortification | Hillock | Captain | Modify a Armour Piece's quality to 28% |
Transportation | Hillock | Sergeant | Modify a Weapon's quality to 24% |
Transportation | Hillock | Lieutenant | Modify a Weapon's quality to 26% |
Transportation | Hillock | Captain | Modify a Weapon's quality to 28% |
Research | Hillock | Sergeant | Modify a Flask's quality to 22% |
Research | Hillock | Lieutenant | Modify a Flask's quality to 24% |
Research | Hillock | Captain | Modify a Flask's quality to 26% |
How does Perfect Fossil work? Perfect Fossil effect: Improved Quality. Sets quality randomly range from 15 to 30%. It can be used to improve the quality of a weapon, armour, flask, map, and strongbox. It cannot be applied on gems.
Quality can be applied to most equipment other than amulets, rings, belts, quivers and jewels, as well as strongboxes. Quality is normally capped at 20%. However, there are certain crafting methods that can increase quality beyond that, including:
Additionally, certain Veiled modifiers add Quality as part of explicit mods. This bonus quality does not count against the 20% quality an item is normally allowed to have, even if the veiled modifier is added before using currency to upgrade the item.
How to use Perfect Fossil? Place a Faceted Fossil in a Resonator to influence item crafting. Craft effect: Improved Quality
Get a 30 quality Unique item: If you want a unique item with 30% quality:
This will cost lots of currency and time. It is worth it if you can get the base 6l much cheaper than the unique 6l.
The drop location of Perfect Fossil is Azurite Mine. Standing on any Waypoint, click the flashing candle icon: "Click to travel to the Mine Encampment", then you will go to the Azurite Mine.
There are two ways to obtain Perfect Fossil.
Sometimes, Niko sells a Perfect Fossil for 10 000 Azurite. Niko is one of the five masters. He provides introduction to delves and appears when harvesting Voltaxic Sulphite. He also sells Fossils and Resonators for Azurite.
In addition, you can also exchange currency items for it. The price of Perfect Fossil is 5 Chaos Orbs.
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with lightning tags by 0, chaos tags by 10, and poison tags by 5.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | Suffix | CurseOnHitDespair | 1 | Curse Enemies with Level 10 Despair on Hit | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | CurseOnHitDespair | 1 | Curse Enemies with Level 10 Despair on Hit | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ChaosResistancePrefix | 1 | +(20-35)% to Chaos Resistance | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 boots 0 gloves 0 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ChaosDamageLifeLeech | 1 | 0.2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyChaosDamageResistance | 1 | Nearby Enemies have -9% to Chaos Resistance -9% to Chaos Resistance |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | IncreasedChaosDamagePrefix | 1 | (20-30)% increased Chaos Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 amulet 2000 belt 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | IncreasedChaosDamage | 1 | (13-19)% increased Chaos Damage | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | ChaosResistanceAgainstDamageOverTime | 1 | +(30-40)% Chaos Resistance against Damage Over Time | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 shield 2000 quiver 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | AddedChaosDamage | 1 | Adds (15-20) to (21-30) Chaos Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | IncreaseSpecificSocketedGemLevel | 1 | +2 to Level of Socketed Chaos Gems | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 boots 2000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with attack tags by .15 and spell tags by 10.
Added Mods; The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Subterranean | Prefix | SocketedSpellsDamageFinal | 1 | Socketed Skills deal 40% more Spell Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | SocketedSpellsDamageFinal | 1 | Socketed Skills deal 20% more Spell Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | SupportedByArcaneSurge | 1 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Arcane Surge | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | SocketedSkillsCastSpeed | 1 | Socketed Skills have 18% increased Cast Speed | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | SocketedSpellsManaCost | 1 | Socketed Spells have 20% reduced Mana Cost | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 2000 boots 2000 helmet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | AvoidInterruptionWhileCasting | 1 | (15-20)% chance to Avoid interruption from Stuns while Casting | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
Forced Mods: Using this fossil guarantee's the spawn of one of the following mods:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Vaal | Prefix | MapMonsterPacks | 1 | 20% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 20% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area +10% Monster pack size Found Items have a 10% chance to drop Corrupted in Area Area is inhabited by the Vaal |
default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | VaalSoulCost | 1 | 20% reduced Soul Cost of Vaal Skills | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | VaalSoulCost | 1 | 40% reduced Soul Cost of Vaal Skills | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | AdditionalVaalSoulOnKill | 1 | (5-8)% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 body_armour 2000 boots 2000 shield 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | AdditionalVaalSoulOnKill | 1 | (3-5)% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill | abyss_jewel 2000 jewel 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | VaalSkillCriticalStrikeChance | 1 | (80-120)% increased Vaal Skill Critical Strike Chance | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 2000 gloves 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | VaalSkillDuration | 1 | (15-25)% increased Vaal Skill Effect Duration | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 amulet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | VaalSkillDamage | 1 | Vaal Skills deal (20-40)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 belt 2000 ring 2000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with minion tags by 10 and aura tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | Suffix | IncreasedDamageFromAuras | 1 | Auras from your Skills grant 2% increased Damage to you and Allies | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | IncreasedDamageFromAuras | 1 | Auras from your Skills grant 4% increased Damage to you and Allies | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | WeaponCasterDamagePrefix | 1 | Minions deal (30-44)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | WeaponCasterDamagePrefix | 25 | Minions deal (45-59)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | WeaponCasterDamagePrefix | 50 | Minions deal (60-74)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | WeaponCasterDamagePrefix | 75 | Minions deal (75-80)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 500 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | WeaponCasterDamagePrefix | 1 | Minions deal (51-70)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | WeaponCasterDamagePrefix | 25 | Minions deal (71-90)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | WeaponCasterDamagePrefix | 50 | Minions deal (91-110)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | WeaponCasterDamagePrefix | 75 | Minions deal (111-130)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 500 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | MinionDamage | 1 | Minions deal (20-30)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | MinionRunSpeed | 74 | Minions have (15-30)% increased Movement Speed | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 2000 ring 2000 amulet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | MinionLife | 74 | Minions have (20-30)% increased maximum Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 shield 2000 belt 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | MinionGlobalSkillLevel | 1 | +1 to Level of all Raise Spectre Gems | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 boots 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | AuraEffect | 1 | (20-25)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | ReducedManaReservationsCost | 1 | (5-4)% reduced Mana Reserved | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | MinionDamage | 1 | Minions deal (14-16)% increased Damage | abyss_jewel 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | MinionAttackSpeedAndCastSpeed | 1 | Minions have (4-6)% increased Attack Speed Minions have (4-6)% increased Cast Speed |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 2000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with elemental tags by 0, cold tags by 0, fire tags by 0, lightning tags by 0, bleed tags by 10, and poison tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil.
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Subterranean | Prefix | LocalChanceForPoisonDamage100FinalInflictedWithThisWeapon | 1 | 60% chance for Poisonsinflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LocalChanceForBleedingDamage100FinalInflictedWithThisWeapon | 1 | 60% chance for Bleeding inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | ChanceToAvoidPoison | 1 | 50% chance to Avoid being Poisoned | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 1600 helmet 1600 boots 1600 body_armour 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | ChanceToAvoidBleeding | 1 | 50% chance to avoid Bleeding | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 1600 helmet 1600 boots 1600 body_armour 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | AilmentDamage | 1 | (30-40)% increased Damage with Ailments | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 1600 ring 1600 amulet 1600 belt 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | AilmentDamage | 1 | (15-20)% increased Damage with Ailments | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | MinimumAddedPhysicalDamageVsPoisonedEnemies | 1 | Adds (7-11) to (12-18) Physical Damage against PoisonedEnemies | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 1600 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | MinimumAddedPhysicalDamageVsBleedingEnemies | 1 | Adds (7-11) to (12-18) Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 1600 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with life tags by 0 and defences tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil.
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | Suffix | PhysicalDamageReductionRatingIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | +500 to Armour if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 0 sceptre 1600 mace 1600 axe 1600 sword 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | PhysicalDamageReductionRatingIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | +1000 to Armourif you've Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 0 staff 1600 mace 1600 axe 1600 sword 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EvasionRatingIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | +500 to Evasion Rating if Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 0 axe 1600 sword 1600 dagger 1600 claw 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EvasionRatingIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | +1000 to Evasion Rating if Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 0 axe 1600 sword 1600 bow 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EnergyShieldRegenerationRatePerMinuteIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | Regenerate 0.5% of Energy Shieldper second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 dagger 1600 claw 1600 wand 1600 sceptre 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EnergyShieldRegenerationRatePerMinuteIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 staff 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | MaximumEnergyShieldFromBodyArmour | 1 | (20-30)% increased Energy Shield from Body Armour | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 1600 amulet 1600 belt 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | ChanceWhenHitForArmourToBeDoubled | 1 | 20% chance when Hit for double Armour effect | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 1600 amulet 1600 belt 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | AdditionalChanceToEvade | 1 | +(1-2)% chance to Evade Attack Hits | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 1600 ring 1600 amulet 1600 belt 1600 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | AllDefences | 1 | (4-6)% increased Global Defences | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | PhysicalDamageReductionRatingIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | +(250-300) to Armour if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | jewel 300 abyss_jewel 300 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EvasionRatingIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | +(250-300) to Evasion Rating if Hit an Enemy Recently | jewel 300 abyss_jewel 300 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EnergyShieldRegenerationRatePerMinuteIfYouHaveHitAnEnemyRecently | 1 | Regenerate 0.3% of Energy Shieldper second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | jewel 300 abyss_jewel 300 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | IncreasedQuality | 1 | +(10-20)% to Quality | local_item_quality 0 abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 2000 body_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EnergyShieldRegeneration | 1 | Regenerate 1% of Energy Shield per second | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 gloves 0 helmet 0 int_armour 2000 dex_int_armour 2000 str_int_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EnergyShieldLeechPermyriad | 1 | 0.3% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 boots 0 helmet 0 int_armour 2000 dex_int_armour 2000 str_int_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | SpellBlockPercentage | 1 | (3-4)% Chance to Block Spell Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 boots 0 gloves 0 int_armour 2000 dex_int_armour 2000 str_int_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | ChanceToDodge | 1 | (3-4)% chance to Dodge AttackHits (3-4)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits |
spell_dodge_mod 0 abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 gloves 0 helmet 0 dex_armour 2000 dex_int_armour 2000 str_dex_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | BlindOnHit | 1 | (4-6)% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 boots 0 helmet 0 dex_armour 2000 dex_int_armour 2000 str_dex_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | EvasionOnFullLife | 1 | (25-50)% increased Global Evasion Ratingwhen on Full Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 gloves 0 boots 0 dex_armour 2000 dex_int_armour 2000 str_dex_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | ChanceWhenHitForArmourToBeDoubled | 1 | (10-20)% chance when Hit for double Armoureffect | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 gloves 0 helmet 0 str_armour 2000 str_int_armour 2000 str_dex_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | BlockPercent | 1 | (3-4)% Chance to Block Attack Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 boots 0 helmet 0 str_armour 2000 str_int_armour 2000 str_dex_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | FortifyEffect | 1 | (15-25)% increased Effect of Fortify on you | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 body_armour 0 gloves 0 boots 0 str_armour 2000 str_int_armour 2000 str_dex_armour 2000 default 0 |
Enchantments have their own mod slot on items and they no longer use the implicit mod slot. Apply an enchantment on an already enchanted item replace the older with the newer ones. Any level of rarity, even unique items, can be enchanted. Mirrored or corrupted items cannot receive an enchantment.
Enchanted Fossil Crafting Mods
By using this fossil the item either keeps the same amount of sockets or it gains more upto its maximum. Even though the fossil has no mod that says More Links, the aforementioned behaviour also works for the amount of links an item has. Note that the order of links on the item might change.
Rolling white sockets onto an item is not guaranteed.
Encrusted Fossil Chance, 6 Link – Crafting
From my experience, there has a 20% chance to get 1 white socket, 3% chance to get 2 white sockets.
It didn’t kill the 6 Link. It acts like a Chromatic Orb, rerolls the socket colours.
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with "gem_levels" tag by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | Suffix | DelveStrengthGemLevel | 1 | +1 to Level of Socketed Strength Gems | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 staff 1000 sceptre 1000 mace 1600 axe 1000 sword 1000 bow 750 dagger 750 claw 750 wand 750 str_armour 1600 int_armour 750 dex_armour 750 str_dex_armour 1000 str_int_armour 1000 dex_int_armour 750 str_dex_int_armour 1000 unset_ring 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | DelveDexterityGemLevel | 1 | +1 to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 staff 750 sceptre 750 mace 750 axe 1000 sword 1000 bow 1600 dagger 1000 claw 1000 wand 750 str_armour 750 int_armour 750 dex_armour 1600 str_dex_armour 1000 str_int_armour 750 dex_int_armour 1000 str_dex_int_armour 1000 unset_ring 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | DelveIntelligenceGemLevel | 1 | +1 to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 staff 1000 sceptre 1000 mace 750 axe 750 sword 750 bow 750 dagger 1000 claw 1000 wand 1600 str_armour 750 int_armour 1600 dex_armour 750 str_dex_armour 750 str_int_armour 1000 dex_int_armour 1000 str_dex_int_armour 1000 unset_ring 1000 default 0 |
Mirror of Kalandra copies an already-finished item and the result is predictable.. However,
Fractured Fossil craft a random item and copies it afterward. The result of Fractured Fossil is unpredictable.
Mirror of Kalandra can be used for any type of items. However, fossil must be socketed into Resonator to influence item crafting. It can only influence normal and rare items.
Fractured Fossil is still insanely useful. You could use it on a 6 Link body armour and at worst you have two 6L body armours. At best you have two insane 6L body armours.
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with fire tags by 0 and cold tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Subterranean | Prefix | ColdResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (5-7)% Cold Resistance | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ColdResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (12-15)% Cold Resistance | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ColdResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates 1% Cold Resistance | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ColdDamageLifeLeech | 1 | 0.2% of Cold Damage Leeched as Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyColdDamageResistance | 1 | Nearby Enemies have -9% to Cold Resistance -9% to Cold Resistance |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ColdDamagePercentagePrefix | 1 | (20-30)% increased Cold Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 amulet 2000 belt 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ColdDamageAvoidance | 1 | (6-10)% chance to Avoid Cold Damagefrom Hits | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 shield 2000 quiver 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | AddedColdDamage | 1 | Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Cold Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | IncreaseSpecificSocketedGemLevel | 1 | +2 to Level of Socketed Cold Gems | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 boots 2000 default 0 |
This fossil adds an implicit mod with the description Item sells for much more to vendors, which does not overwrite the item’s current implicit. The actual mod is chosen from a selection of random implicit mods that adds various currency items to the vendor price.
The result is RNG. The actual mods rolled on your item have no effect whatsoever. You could have a level 1 Driftwood Wand with "10 spell damage/mana on kill" or other normal items that sells for 2 Mirror Shards. However, the chance depends on the Spawn Weight, just like a gamble.
Glyphic Fossil counts as if you would use one of the following Essences (note that it chooses one of them at random):
You can see the details of Glyphic Fossil Mods.
Abyss jewels can be put into normal jewel sockets on your passive skill tree or into an Abyssal Socket on an item. Abyss jewels are always potentially extremely powerful. Therefore, an item with the mod "Has 1 Abyssal Socket" is always expensive.
Name | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | 1 | Has 1 Abyssal Socket | abyss_jewel 0, jewel 0, weapon 2000, helmet 2000, boots 2000, gloves 2000, body_armour 2000, default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with chaos tags by 0, poison tags by 0, bleed tags by 5, and physical tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | Suffix | ChanceToIntimidateOnHit | 1 | 15% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ReducedPhysicalDamageTaken | 1 | (3-5)% additional Physical DamageReduction | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 2000 quiver 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | AdditionalPhysicalDamageReductionWhileMoving | 1 | (3-5)% additional Physical DamageReduction while moving | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 boots 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | AddedPhysicalDamage | 1 | Adds (6-8) to (9-11) Physical Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | PhysicalDamageLifeLeech | 1 | 0.2% of Physical Damage Leeched as Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyPhysicalDamageTaken | 1 | Nearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage 9% increased Physical Damage taken |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | PhysicalDamagePercent | 1 | (20-30)% increased Global Physical Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 amulet 2000 belt 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | PhysicalDamageOverTimeTaken | 1 | (2-1)% reduced Physical Damage taken over time | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | FlatPhysicalDamageTaken | 1 | -(34-20) Physical Damage taken from Hits | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | FlatPhysicalDamageTaken | 30 | -(49-35) Physical Damage taken from Hits | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | FlatPhysicalDamageTaken | 60 | -(75-50) Physical Damage taken from Hits | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with speed tags by 0 and mana tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Socketed Spells have 20% reduced Mana Cost | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 2000 boots 2000 helmet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Socketed Attacks have -15 to Total Mana Cost | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 shield 2000 boots 2000 helmet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Regenerate 0.4% of Mana per second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 shield 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Regenerate 0.8% of Mana per second if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (50-70)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while moving | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 boots 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | +(2-4) Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Regenerate 0.5% of Mana per second | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (8-12)% increased Mana Recovery rate | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 belt 2000 amulet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (4-6)% reduced Mana Cost of Skills | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (20-30)% increased maximum Mana | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (2-3)% of Damage taken gained as Mana over 4 seconds when Hit | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (5-4)% reduced Mana Reserved | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | 1 | (5-10)% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with physical tags by 0, bleed tags by 0, and lightning tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Subterranean | Prefix | LightningResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (5-7)% Lightning Resistance | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LightningResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (12-15)% Lightning Resistance | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LightningResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates 1% Lightning Resistance | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LightningDamageLifeLeech | 1 | 0.2% of Lightning DamageLeeched as Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyLightningDamageResistance | 1 | Nearby Enemies have -9% to Lightning Resistance -9% to Lightning Resistance |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LightningDamagePercentagePrefix | 1 | (20-30)% increased Lightning Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 amulet 2000 belt 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LightningDamageAvoidance | 1 | (6-10)% chance to Avoid Lightning Damage from Hits | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 shield 2000 quiver 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | AddedLightningDamage | 1 | Adds 1 to (48-60) Lightning Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | IncreaseSpecificSocketedGemLevel | 1 | +2 to Level of SocketedLightning Gems | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 boots 2000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with bleed tags by 0, poison tags by 0, elemental tags by 10, fire tags by 5, cold tags by 5, and lightning tags by 5.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Subterranean | Prefix | LocalAttackReduceEnemyElementalResistance | 1 | Attacks with this Weapon Penetrate (9-12)% Elemental Resistances | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 weapon 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | SelfStatusAilmentDuration | 1 | (20-30)% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 2000 body_armour 2000 helmet 2000 gloves 2000 boots 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalPenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (3-5)% Elemental Resistances | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 1600 amulet 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | ElementalDamagePercent | 1 | (25-30)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 belt 1600 ring 1600 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalPenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates 1% Elemental Resistances | abyss_jewel 1600 jewel 1600 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalDamagePercent | 1 | (19-25)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalDamagePercent | 25 | (26-32)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalDamagePercent | 50 | (33-39)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalDamagePercent | 75 | (40-49)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalDamagePercent | 1 | (37-50)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalDamagePercent | 25 | (51-65)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalDamagePercent | 50 | (66-79)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | ElementalDamagePercent | 75 | (80-94)% increased Elemental Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 1000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with defences tags by 0, "flat_life_regen" tags by .1, and life tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | Suffix | DamageOnFullLife | 1 | (50-60)% increased Damage when on Full Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LifeAndPercentLife | 1 | +(25-40) to maximum Life (3-5)% increased maximum Life |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 0 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LifeAndPercentLife | 1 | +(15-25) to maximum Life (2-3)% increased maximum Life |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 0 boots 0 helmet 0 gloves 0 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | LifeRegenerationRatePercentage | 1 | Regenerate 1% of Life per second | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 2000 shield 2000 body_armour 2000 helmet 2000 gloves 2000 boots 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | FlaskLifeRecovery | 1 | (20-30)% increased Life Recovery from Flasks | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 2000 amulet 2000 belt 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | LifeRegenerationRatePercentage | 1 | Regenerate 0.3% of Life per second | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
Lucky means the usual: Rolling twice and picking the higher result.
With percentage rolls, such as critical strike chance, lucky/unlucky rolls will be up to a 100% more/less modifier, changing linearly towards 0% as critical chance increases. As for damage rolls, the average damage from the roll will be at up to 33% more or less, when the minimum damage is close to zero, but will have a much weaker effect when the minimum damage is closer to the maximum.
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with cold tags by 0 and fire tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Subterranean | Prefix | FireResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (5-7)% Fire Resistance | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | FireResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates (12-15)% Fire Resistance | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | FireResistancePenetration | 1 | Damage Penetrates 1% Fire Resistance | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | FireDamageLifeLeech | 1 | 0.2% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 600 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | LocalDisplayNearbyEnemyFireDamageResistance | 1 | Nearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance -9% to Fire Resistance |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | FireDamagePercentagePrefix | 1 | (20-30)% increased Fire Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 amulet 2000 belt 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | FireDamageAvoidance | 1 | (8-10)% chance to Avoid Fire Damagefrom Hits | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 shield 2000 quiver 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | AddedFireDamage | 1 | Adds (20-25) to (26-35) Fire Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | IncreaseSpecificSocketedGemLevel | 1 | +2 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 boots 2000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers: Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with caster tags by .15 and attack tags by 10.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Group | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
Subterranean | Prefix | SocketedAttacksDamageFinal | 1 | Socketed Skills deal 40% more Attack Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
Subterranean | Prefix | SocketedAttacksDamageFinal | 1 | Socketed Skills deal 20% more Attack Damage | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | SupportedByMaim | 1 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Maim | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 0 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | SocketedSkillsAttackSpeed | 1 | Socketed Skills have 18% increased Attack Speed | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | SocketedAttacksManaCost | 1 | Socketed Attacks have -15 to Total Mana Cost | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 shield 2000 boots 2000 helmet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | LifeLeech | 1 | 0.3% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
Spawn Weight Multipliers Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with mana tags by 0 and speed tags by 10. The function of this fossil is the opposite of Lucent Fossil. Using both Shuddering and Lucent Fossils will block mods that have speed or mana tags.
Added Mods: The following mods are added to the crafting pool when using this fossil:
Name | Generation Type | Level | Stats | Spawn Weighting |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Socketed Skills have 18% increased Cast Speed | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Socketed Skills have 18% increased Attack Speed | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | 10% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 one_hand_weapon 2000 shield 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | 20% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 two_hand_weapon 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (15-20)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when Hit | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 body_armour 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (4-6)% increased Movement Speed if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 boots 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (5-10)% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Hit an Enemy Recently | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 gloves 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Ignore all Movement Penalties from Armour | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 helmet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Cannot be Chilled or Frozen while moving | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 amulet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (15-20)% chance to gain Onslaught when you use a Flask | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 belt 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Cannot be Shocked or Ignited while moving | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 ring 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (3-5)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | (5-10)% chance to gain Onslaught when you use a Flask | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 74 | Minions have (15-30)% increased Movement Speed | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 2000 ring 2000 amulet 2000 default 0 |
of the Underground | Suffix | 1 | Minions have (4-6)% increased Attack Speed Minions have (4-6)% increased Cast Speed |
abyss_jewel 0 jewel 2000 default 0 |
Tangled Fossil is a general fossil currency item. Use this fossil to craft an item, you get a fossil modifier randomly.
You can use Fossils crafting special Delve modifiers. By socketing PoE fossils into resonators to modify the crafting behavior in specific ways.
Delve Stackable Socketable Currency or resonators is a new item class introduced in the delve league. They are currency items that allow crafting rare items similar to Orb of Alchemy or
Chaos Orb, but can be socketed with Fossils in order to change their crafting behavior. Fossils cannot be unsocketed once all the resonator sockets are filled.
WARNING: Despite the similar wording to chaos orbs, using a fossil + resonator on an item with a meta-crafting mod (such as “prefixes cannot be changed” or “cannot roll caster mods”) will ignore that mod and overwrite existing prefixes and suffixes ignoring any restrictions.
There is an older variant of this item class available Delve Socketable Currency which will be converted to the new item class upon pickup. The old variant is no longer obtainable.
For PoE 3.8, Resonators can now stack. They have a stack size of 10 in normal Stash Tabs and the inventory, and the Primitive Resonators can stack to 5000 in the Currency Tab.
Item | Drop Level |
Effect(s) | Price |
![]() |
1 | Upgrades a normal item to a rare item | 1x ![]() |
![]() |
34 | Reforges a rare item with new random modifiers | 1x ![]() |
![]() |
34 | Upgrades a normal item to a rare item | 1x ![]() |
![]() |
34 | Reforges a rare item with new random modifiers | 2x ![]() |
![]() |
68 | Upgrades a normal item to a rare item | 10x ![]() |
![]() |
68 | Reforges a rare item with new random modifiers | 20x ![]() |
![]() |
1 | Upgrades a normal item to a rare item | 1x ![]() |
![]() |
34 | Reforges a rare item with new random modifiers | 2x ![]() |
I love fossil crafting and the delve mechanics completely. I really hope it stays in some form. I don't even think it's overpowered at the current rarity levels of fossils.