Cartographer's Chisel

Cartographer’s Chisel Cartographer’s Chisel improves the quality of a map: normal map by 5%, magic map by 2%, rare and unique map by 1%. The maximum quality of a map is 20%.

Cartographer's Chisel Recipe

Result Vendor Recipes Notes
1x Cartographer’s Chisel Cartographer's Chisel
  • any normal (not magic, rare, or unique) map with 20% quality
Rarity: normal
1x Cartographer’s Chisel Cartographer's Chisel
  • any number of maps whose total quality is at least 40%

Rarity: any.

When done for multiple instances of the recipe at once, each individual combination must add up to 40%. For example: 6 items of 19%, 13%, 15%, 9%, 17% and 7% quality would add up to 80%, but would not actually grant 2 of the resulting quality items, only 1. This is because the 2 individual combinations do not add up to 40 each.

1x Cartographer’s Chisel Cartographer's Chisel
  • 1x Stone Hammer with 20% quality
  • 1x Any Map
Rarity: any
1x Cartographer’s Chisel Cartographer's Chisel
  • 1x Rock Breaker with 20% quality
  • 1x Any Map
Rarity: any
1x Cartographer’s Chisel Cartographer's Chisel
  • 1x Gavel with 20% quality
  • 1x Any Map
Rarity: any

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20% Quality Cartographer's Chisel recipe example

  • Item Category: Map
  • Item Rarity: Normal
  • Quality: 20%

Vendor item: Superior Wasteland Map. Item Class: Maps. Rarity: Normal. Quality: +20% (augmented).

Recipe result: 1x Cartographer's Chisel.

Cartographer's Chisel Recipe

40% Quality Blacksmith's Whetstone recipe example

  • Item Category: Map
  • Item Rarity: any
  • Total Quality >= 40%

Vendor List:

Superior Tower Map
Item Class: Maps
Rarity: Normal
Quality: +10% (augmented)
Superior Toxic Sewer Map
Item Class: Maps
Rarity: Normal
Quality: +7% (augmented)
Temple Map of Power
Item Class: Maps
Rarity: Magic
Quality: +16% (augmented)
Hate Secrets Underground Sea Map
Item Class: Maps
Rarity: Rare
Quality: +10% (augmented)

Total quality is 43%. The vendor recipe result is a Cartographer's Chisel.

Cartographer's Chisel 40% quality Recipe

Cartographer's Chisel Stone Hammer recipe example

  • 1x Stone Hammer / Rock Breaker / Gavel with 20% quality
  • 1x Any Map

Can both be normal, magic, rare, or unique.

Vendor example list:

  • Cameria's Maul Gavel. Quality: +20% (augmented). Rarity: Unique.
  • Peninsula Map. Rarity: Normal.

Recipe result: 1x Cartographer's Chisel.

Cartographer's Chisel Stone Hammer recipe

How to improve the quality of Maps?

Cartographer’s Chisel Cartographer’s Chisel improves the quality of a map. Maps are the main type of endgame content in Path of Exile. By placing them in a map device, maps can be consumed to create a randomized instance in which monsters can be fought.

The Item Quantity values of the map are improved by the percentage quality, additive with any local item quantity modifiers on the item.

Right-click Cartographer's Chisel then left click a map to apply it. Each Cartographer's Chisel applied to map will increase its quality by up to 5% depending on its rarity: improves the quality of normal items by 5%, magic items by 2%, and rare and unique items by 1%. The maximum quality is 20%.

Cartographer's Chisel

Increase Item Quantity by increasing quality

By adding more quality to a map, it adds more Item Quantity bonuses. As the image is shown below, the 20% quality has added a 20% item quantity.

Increase Maps Quantity

It is advisable to only spend Cartographer's Chisels on higher level maps, as the more item quantity on a low level map translates to negligible gains. Furthermore, since Chisels are relatively uncommon, it is usually recommended to only spend them on normal maps rather than magic or rare maps. Also, once a map is 20% it stays 20% even when scoured or changed in any other way.

Cartographer’s Chisel Farming Guide

1. Slain monsters

The drop level of Cartographer’s Chisel is 52 and its drop rate is around 2.754%. You can farm it by slain enemies.

2. Purchase from Vendor

Zana, Master Cartographer sells 20 Cartographer's Chisels in exchange for 12 Chaos Orbs once daily. Zana will appear in the Epilogue after discovering your first Citadel. Once she is found, she will replace Officer Kirac's functions as a map vendor. Zana can only be encountered in the wild in maps.

Buy Cartographer's Chisel

3. Cartographer’s Chisel Divination Card

Amount Divination Card General
Drop Areas
1The Cartographer10x Cartographer's ChiselCan drop from Cartographer's Strongboxes.
5The Master Artisan20x quality currency (random)Can drop from Artisan's Strongboxes.
5Emperor's Luck5x currency (random)The Imperial Gardens • The High Gardens • Courtyard Map • Orchard Map • Terrace Map

Quality currency includes Glassblower's Bauble, Blacksmith's Whetstone, Armourer's Scrap, Cartographer's Chisel, and Gemcutter's Prism.

4. PoE Chisel Prophecy

The Beautiful Guide is a sealed prophecy.

Objective: use Cartographer's Chisel on any map.

Reward: Increases the map's quality to 20% with a single Cartographer's Chisel.

5. Do Chisel Recipe

You can get it by doing the above 20% quality map vendor recipes.

6. Exchange Currency Items for it

You can get it by exchanging currency items. The ratio of Chaos Orb to Cartographer’s Chisel is about 1: 4.

Path of Exile Guides & Tips