Torchlight Infinite PTR – public test server

Q: Some items are really expensive and with the current drop rate if you try to drop by yourself you probably gonna spend the full season trying.   My point is, with a PTR server we can try new things / builds without the eternal farm.   We have a discord group here in Brazil and 95% of the players play the same build for this reason.   Trying some new stuff costs too much time, if you guys didn’t pretend to make a PTR server change these drop rates.

A: We currently do not have plans for a public test server.  If you want to try out new builds, you can find inspiration on YouTube and guide websites that we collaborate with, where many talented hunters share their builds.  You can also check out other players’ builds in the in-game leaderboard.  We are also working on addressing the issue of extremely rare legendary item drop rates, and hope to provide more positive feedback to players.

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